Remember when...

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Tried explaining the term "jumped the shark" to my daughter because she asked me about Madagascar 3.

I had to put in terms of princesses for her.

"Remember when you liked Disney princesses and thought they were cool? Remember when you stopped liking them? That's when princesses jumped the shark."
Tried explaining the term "jumped the shark" to my daughter because she asked me about Madagascar 3.

I had to put in terms of princesses for her.

"Remember when you liked Disney princesses and thought they were cool? Remember when you stopped liking them? That's when princesses jumped the shark."

Do you know the show that originated from? One of the main characters literally jumped a shark and the show went down hill fast after that
Oh yeah, I remember Fonzie in his leather jacket and white speedo jumping the shark... well, at least a circle in the water that was supposed to be where the shark was.

I remember thinking, "Am I the only one who finds this **** weird?"

I also know the exact moment when princesses were no longer cool for my daughter. It was Halloween Day her kindergarten year. She went to school dressed as Princess Ariel. Her best friend dressed as Frankenstein. When I picked her up from school, she wanted to trick-or-treat as a vampire.
Speaking of princesses maybe I'm throwing my man card into the sun with this but the princess bride with Cary elwes and Andre the giant was cool
Remember when kids could walk home from school...SAFE!
And if you were out of butter it was totally OK to go ask the neighbor for some
Remember when parents knew the teachers that were teaching us?
Remember when playing in the street was accepted and people drive in neighborhoods watching for kids
Remember when the lady at the corner store would sell you cigarettes with a note from your mom that they were for her.
Remember when it was polite to say yes sir. And kids did!

Remember the fruit and vegetable truck that would come through the neighborhood? ... and over the loudspeaker, "strawwwberries ........ strawwwberries".
Remember the milk man and the little flag thing you'd put out to show what you wanted him to leave that day?
Remember the sound of the ice cream man's bells? (the memory is still music to my ears)
A bit before my time, but ...
What did it mean when you came home from school in warm weather and saw on the ground a line of water going up the street, punctuated by periodic puddles??

Remember the fruit and vegetable truck that would come through the neighborhood? ... and over the loudspeaker, "strawwwberries ........ strawwwberries".
Remember the milk man and the little flag thing you'd put out to show what you wanted him to leave that day?
Remember the sound of the ice cream man's bells? (the memory is still music to my ears)

Yeah, couple of weeks ago went to the beach and the Ice Cream Truck showed up. We never had one where i lived, but at my grandma's house one would come around all the time. I just had to relive my childhood and buy a frozen treat!
Yeah, couple of weeks ago went to the beach and the Ice Cream Truck showed up. We never had one where i lived, but at my grandma's house one would come around all the time. I just had to relive my childhood and buy a frozen treat!

Back in the day the ice cream truck rang these little bells so you could tell he was coming. I loved the sound of those bells.
Now you never hear the bells anymore but instead midi jingles and songs played over a loudspeaker.
If I hear the hip-hop version of "Hickory Dickory Dock" or "It's A Small World" one more time I just might end up on the evening news. Drives me crazy ... fitna bust ... square biz.
We still get the old Mr Softee trucks around here once in a while. boy,does that bring back memories. but we def don't see the Good Humor man anymore. Or the cotton candy clown. Sometimes change isn't always good.:( We still discuss this stuff on facebook on the "you know you're from Elyria..." page. so many memories from when it was a bustling little town. Darn malls & such killed it. And bars & banks & other less savory things.
We still get the old Mr Softee trucks around here once in a while. boy,does that bring back memories. but we def don't see the Good Humor man anymore. Or the cotton candy clown. Sometimes change isn't always good.:( We still discuss this stuff on facebook on the "you know you're from Elyria..." page. so many memories from when it was a bustling little town. Darn malls & such killed it. And bars & banks & other less savory things.

Getting rid of a cotton candy clown would be a good thing -- clowns are creepy. Especially ones riding around in trucks saying "here kiddy, here kiddy, want some candy"
Remember when you could get a burger, small fries & a small coke for $1.00?
Remember when $400 a month would cover your rent, bills, food, fuel, cigarettes & beer?
Regards, GF.
Jaybird said:
Remember when kids could walk home from school...SAFE!

A couple years ago I read that child abductions per capita are the same today as they were in the 50's. They just weren't as heavily advertised as they are now.
These. I had the rocket looking car except it was blue.

I remember growing up in our area you could tell the approximate age of the kids by what they were carrying as they were off on their adventures.

Them that was going fishing; youngest - canepools, a bit older - Zebco 303 closed face reels, older yet - spinning reels, expecially the Garcia Mitchell 300.

Those going hunting; youngest - bb/pellet guns, a bit older - .22 or a 20guage shotgun, older yet - the venerable lever action 30-30 deer rifle.

In the farm country where i did most of my growing up, you would see us walking along the road or riding our bikes carrying these things and nobody was upset or offended. In fact many of the dads driving by would usually honk and wish us luck or ask where we were off to.
Back in the '70s, McDonald's had an ad campaign touting a burger, fries & Coke for under $1, with a jingle "change back in your pocket."

Since this is a Remember When thread....

What ever happened to Grimmace and Big Mac (the cop) and Mayor McCheese?

Occasionally I'll see an image of Hamburglar here and there, but he seems the only one to have survived other than Ronald himself.
A couple years ago I read that child abductions per capita are the same today as they were in the 50's. They just weren't as heavily advertised as they are now.

Per capita..... Ok there is only like 4.5 BILLION more people on the planet now then their was in the 50's.
I can't believe I missed this thread.

Somebody said this already but when saw the title thought about TV. Our first TV was a 19" Black and White with dial tuner. Somewhere around early-mid 70's. Only reason I give that date is I remember watching Vietnam vets coming off an airplane, returning home. It made a impression.

The TV picked up three channels with the use of Rabbit Ears for an antenna. Some days when the weather was just right we got PBS, so four channels.

Mom and Dad had a strict rule on cartoon day, Saturday morning of course. No cartoons before 8 am.

I saw a phone booth today, it was on the Navy base I work at. I had never noticed it before. I told my friend, hey look a phone booth. He said look closer, no phone!
I saw a phone booth today, it was on the Navy base I work at. I had never noticed it before. I told my friend, hey look a phone booth. He said look closer, no phone!

I remember seeing the drive-up payphones bolted to light poles in just about every store parking lot. Late at night there would always be a cop or cab driver sitting there, talking on the phone. Probably out of sheer boredom. Now they just sit on the street and use their cell phones.
I remember growing up in our area you could tell the approximate age of the kids by what they were carrying as they were off on their adventures.

Them that was going fishing; youngest - canepools,

Haha, 2 adults and 2 kids in a row boat with cane poles. I remember fishing like that. Freaking dangerous I thought, especially when we were slinging that hook out there. I haven't seen anyone fish with one of those since I was a kid though.
They either had to give it up in order to start accepting political advertising ... or they couldn't go home and face their mommas.
I remember not having to tell neighborhood children not to dig in my bushes or move my rocks.

Maybe that just makes me an old man.

Used to be they'd sign off with the Star Spangled Banner under vid of the Blue Angels, and of course the obligitory "We now end our broadcast day..." yada, yada, yada; then go to color bars & tone from about 02:00-05:00, give or take an hour or so. I liked that, cuz I could use the bars & tone to set my TV to proper settings...
Of course this was dependant on the tv station's equipment being properly set. Didn't always work out for the best for me & my TV.

Don't know why, but this has reminded me of Adrian Barbeau (sigh, drool).
For those of you who don't know who she is, have a look at her in her heyday:

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