Masstoberfest 09/20

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I'm in.

Bill, shoot me a PM, and we'll try and figure out how to carpool. It's just me going, so I'll take the back seats out of the Element and we'll have plenty of room for both our gear.

Looking forward to this!
O.K. I am in as well, if anyone wants a ride from Boston, please send me a message and let me know. I won't be able to stay long, but I would love to meet some Massachusetts area brewers.

Also if I bring a keg will there be a setup so everyone can partake? I don't have anything in bottles right now, well except for 9 month old apfelwine.

What do you need? I have a spare picnic tap, and you can use my CO2 charger (I can bring along my spare tank/reg as well). I might bring a couple kegs down, the Amarillo pale ale and the A.S.S.
Everything is looking good for me. My boss may have me make a delivery on Fri to Weston. Right now I am just trying to figure out how to fit everything into my vehicle, but if I do, I may be available to meet for the luncheon or dinner on friday.
Just a reminder that I'm asking everyone to bring a dish of whatever for the table. Whatever you like to eat, a salad, a side dish, whatever. I'm going to be smoking 4-5 pork butts for pulled pork. I'll have rolls also, and I'm planning to make a pot of my homemade baked beans. Basic barbeque fare.
Maybe if folks post up here what they are bringing we can avoid having 10 people show up with the same thing.

What do you need? I have a spare picnic tap, and you can use my CO2 charger (I can bring along my spare tank/reg as well). I might bring a couple kegs down, the Amarillo pale ale and the A.S.S.

I need some CO2 and a picnic tap, unfortunately my kegerator is set up in such a way that it would take me an hour to disassemble and get the hoses and other parts off to be transportable and usable on the road. And I have a wit that needs to be drunk as we are ending the season for that type of beer.
I'll have several picnic taps available and I'll lean on some of my local friends to bring gas and gas lines over. My kegerator will be outside and holds 7 kegs but will be filled with my beers. I'll have some clean barrels that we can drop the kegs in. If you are bringing a keg bring a bag or two of ice please.
Is anyone bringing equipment down for trade or swap? I'm getting ready to drop on a 15lb barley crusher and would happyly get something used that is efficient.

I'll bring some spanish style rice to go with the pulled pork.
*MAY* have spoken too soon...

Found a great deal today on some virtually brand-new kitchen cabinets on Craigslist. Pretty much perfect for what we were planning to buy, but we're going to have to get them next weekend. I *might* be able still to get to Boston and still get these taken care of, but that's definately pushing things. I've got to think this over and see whether I can pick these up just on Saturday, or whether I can get them on Sunday.
OK, heres the list of people HBT who have said they are coming. If you've waffled (Not to point out anyone in particular but the SOB has feathers) you get an astrick next to your name. If you are coming and you are not on the list let me know. I'm primarily putting the list up so that people can arrange to carpool if they want. Also if you haven't recieved directions and my phone number let me know. I think I sent them to everyone. There will also be plenty of guys from my LHBS and some of my collegues from work. You are certainly welcome to bring along SWMBO's, dates and compensated escorts. Especially those compensated escorts!

1. Paulthenurse

2. BearsGears (Has been here for every brewfest from the beginning. If I die between now and Sturday he's the host.)

3. BigJohnMilford (cameo)

4. Melana (cameo)

5. GraniteRiverBrewing (or whatever you are calling youself these days)

6. JustMrWill

7. Kaiser

8. Donasay

9. DrinksWellWithOthers

10. NoClueBrewMiester *

11. CapeBrewing *

12. KappClark

13. Diablotastic *

14. Hippie

15. The_Bird *

16. Adigeso +1

17. And a Special Guest Appearance, all the way from East ButtFork, NC, the man himself, Boston!

Did I leave anyone out?
*MAY* have spoken too soon...

Found a great deal today on some virtually brand-new kitchen cabinets on Craigslist. Pretty much perfect for what we were planning to buy, but we're going to have to get them next weekend. I *might* be able still to get to Boston and still get these taken care of, but that's definately pushing things. I've got to think this over and see whether I can pick these up just on Saturday, or whether I can get them on Sunday.

Does this mean we won't be able to taste your A.S.S.?
There will also be plenty of guys from my LHBS and some of my collegues from work. You are certainly welcome to bring along SWMBO's, dates and compensated escorts. Especially those compensated escorts!

These colleagues you speak of...are they nurses with BOOBS or nurses who are BOOBS?
Assuming I make it....

Anyone happen to have some Carafe Special malt I could beg/borrow/steal? I've got everything else to brew a schwarzbier (assuming my yeast check out as good). Probably need a pound or so. Forgot to order some when I placed my last order with Northern Brewer, and I don't think the local shop stocks it.
Assuming I make it....

Anyone happen to have some Carafe Special malt I could beg/borrow/steal? I've got everything else to brew a schwarzbier (assuming my yeast check out as good). Probably need a pound or so. Forgot to order some when I placed my last order with Northern Brewer, and I don't think the local shop stocks it.

Check with:

Modern Homebrew Emporium
Welcome to
if either have it I'll pick it up for you. I am going to both stores tomorrow.
You can PM me if prefer.
How many of the WB guys are joining us?
What about Makenzie?

Steve is coming over after he closes, Paul will be by, Smurf is coming I believe and Chris is still trying to get the balls up to tell his wife he's coming. I don't know who else is. If McKenzie shows up that would be priceless!
If it will make it easier for you guys who are planning on brewing and don't want to lug all of your gear out, here is what I have available.

I'll be using my sanke mash tun and keggle.

I have a third keggle (only 12 gallons) for hot water.

I have an insulated cooler with a pipe manifold that can hold 20 ish lbs of grain. (I did the 888 grain bill in it, and batch sparged. It worked but it was stretching it's limits.) Up for grabs

I have a 5 gallon Gott cooler with a Phalse bottom. Up for grabs

I have a 7 gallon pot from the Bayou cooker (Aluminum. Don't start.) Up for grabs

I have 2 burners and 2 bottles of propane and will beg a few more from friends. (I hope) I'll be using one and the second will be used for the hot water. We'll need more.

I'll have iodine for sterilizing. I use generic oxyclean to clean and have a fresh tub of that.

I have a racking cane and tube, but I'm old school and suck on the end of the tube to get it going. Plan accordingly if that offends your sensiblities.

I have a floating thermometer and a digital probe, and only one hydrometer. All available for group usage

Obviously you will need to bring your own carboy, bung and airlock, unless you decide to leave your wort at my house, which is OK with me.

I use tap water out of the bib and it makes fine beer. Not too soft, not too hard, it's just right. Makes great porridge, too. If you have a traveling chemistry set feel free to adjust it to your own specifications. Maybe I should have higher standards.

I should know tomorrow or the next day how many extra burners I'll have.

If you want to hosee something speak up. First come first served.

Hey Paul,

When you say come whenever and leave whenever, what time frame are you really talking about I was thinking of showing up a little later in the day more towards the evening. I have a staff meeting at 2:00 for people working the Beer Advocate Belgian Beer Fest on the 26th. It should only be a couple hours, so I was planning on making it down after that.

If you could let me know what whenever means, it would be really helpful.

OK I have one request. It's actually more of a suggestion. Everyone bring a peach to the party. I made a desert yesterday that is just so unbelieveably good that I'll make it at the party. I took two peaches and cut them in half and layed them on a plate with some brandy for a half hour. Then I dipped them in sugar and layed them in a frying pan with some butter over low heat until they were softened. The butter and sugar turned into a thick syrup. After about 15 minutes I added a half cup of brandy and torched that off and served it over ice cream. To borrow a phrase from Thedude123 Wow!


Peaches it is.

P.S. Thanks to adiesgo. I thought this thing was another week away.
My wife said to go have a good time, and enjoy yourself. The weather looks perfect for saturday. Its all systems go.. I wait for the rub and here it is... The chilli chowder fest is the same day. ARRGH!! Masstoberfest and chilli chowerfest all happening at the same time. I am weeping inside. :(

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