Is this a Halloween wheat?would it benefit the head retention of this recipe adding 0.5 lb of terrified wheat or something similar?
Is this a Halloween wheat?would it benefit the head retention of this recipe adding 0.5 lb of terrified wheat or something similar?
Bottled this today...tastes DELICIOUS, even without being carbonated
Yooper states to stick to the TF amber, as no replacement has been found, but maybe someone has found something. My googefu led to little hope.
Yooper, you mentioned that you now use a "15/5/0, evenly divided" hop schedule as opposed to the continuous hopping. Could you clarify this a little, are you adding 1/2 the warrior at 60 then mixing the remainder and seperating it into 3 batches for additions at 15/5/0?
Also, have you noticed any flavor difference doing it this way.
I have made this about 5 times each with the original instructions but 15/5/0 sure would be easier.
Thanks for the help!
I figured as much. I got a Yooper's DFH 60 clone kit from Homebrew Supply and realized that the recipe is nothing like Yoopers. I've got some Nottingham so I'll probably sub that but there'e nothing I can do about the Victory malt as the kit came milled. Oh well, It'll be beer.
If all the hops you have are spoken for, your options are kinnda limited. If it were me, I'd take the hop with the highest alpha acid you have and move some or all of it to the beginning of the boil.
Honestly I wouldn't sweat it too much. There are people who don't use any bittering hops in their IPAs, and instead just dump the entirety of the hop schedule in the kettle at the end of the boil. YMMV, but that's an option too.
I''m so glad you love it as much as I do! The simcoe/amarillo combination is such an awesome combo and I still reach for this beer as one of "my" classics to have on hand.
I only have 4 taps and try to keep variety to please the masses ...but..I can't help wonder how great it would be to alternate from glass to glass between this and the 2 hearted centennial IPA! I think i will slide that 2H into rotation a little early just to have some in!
Are you watching the Wings?
You're making me crave 2 Hearted now!
Not watching the Wings- we spend the worst part of the winter in S. Texas and we've been busy fishing this evening, and having a cook out, so hockey seems like a far away idea right now! We'll be back to winter in a month or so, and I'll probably feel more "hockey-ish" then, I'm sure! it's a date...SW MI is on your any home anyway. I'll have some Dogfish 60 and 2H on tap and I'll even save a couple cans of hopslam. Let me know how you like your burger.
Sounds great! Unfortunately, lower MI is not on our route home.
We come through Missouri, up through Wisconsin. While I would love to have those beers, I doubt you could talk my husband and dog into the extra miles.
Is this recipe up to date (on page 1) based on any changes, etc. Thinking about brewing it this weekend. Would be my first IPA and I love Dogfish Head 60.
Was planning to brew Biermuncher's Outerlimits IPA but I'm nervous about the attenuation so I might hold off a bit.
Also, my LHBS does not have THOMAS Fawcett but they do have Muntons Amber Malt. Will this work well in this recipe?
Kegged this a couple days ago, how long do IPA's last in the keg? I'm going away for 3 weeks and I'm worried ill lose the dry hopping aroma
Also, mine finished at 1.007 or 8.8%