American IPA Dogfish Head 60 Minute Clone (AG) & Extract

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If I want it slightly less bitter than the DFH 60, do I just use slightly less Warrior? If so less at boil or dry hop?

Also, hops that I won't use, how would I store them?

First ever batch of beer tomorrow using DME!!!

You could use less warrior if you want, but this beer isn't very bitter so you may not want to reduce them by much.

For extra hops, best is to vacuum seal them and store them in the freezer.
You could use less warrior if you want, but this beer isn't very bitter so you may not want to reduce them by much.

For extra hops, best is to vacuum seal them and store them in the freezer.

Thanks Yooper!! Cant wait for tomorrow. DME is very expensive so maybe someday I'll learn the AG way
I'm not confident with yeast starters yet.
I have 2 x 11g packets of nottingham.
Will one packet pitched straight from the packet be seriously under pitching?

Thanks guys,
I'm all set to start this week.
Also, last question.
I'm going to batch prime before bottling.
Is 3oz priming sugar enough?

Many thanks

Hate to be a rebel.... But I think Nottingham can do anything! I use one pack (gently rehydrated and the temperature gradually stepped down) to do 13 gallons!

Others would say that is stressing but have seen no indication of such.

I think that's what I'll do then.
I hydrate one packet and pitch it on its own. 5 gallons of approx 1.070
Also, last question.
I'm going to batch prime before bottling.
Is 3oz priming sugar enough?

Many thanks

I like my beer with more of a 'commercially carbed' level, like in commercial bottled beer so I'd go with 4-5 ounces in 5 gallons. Since you may end up with less than 5 gallons at the end due to hops absorbing some of the wort, I'd go with 4-4.5 ounces of priming sugar.
Hey Yooper, just wanted to let you know I brewed a version of your 60 minute recipe using Ringwood and won the 'better than the original' category at the Clone Brew Wars competition for Philly Beer Week. Thanks again for the awesome recipe!
Hey Yooper, just wanted to let you know I brewed a version of your 60 minute recipe using Ringwood and won the 'better than the original' category at the Clone Brew Wars competition for Philly Beer Week. Thanks again for the awesome recipe!

Wow- that's awesome. I'm glad you like it, and so did others. It's still one of my favorite house beers.
Yoooper, This is the next recipe on my list.

1. Do you add any adjuncts to your water when making this? I know everyone has different water, but trying to get a feel for this recipe. I'm just now starting to work on adjusting water pH.

2. I've tried to read through a lot of these posts but there are so many, have you made any adjustments to the original recipe that you liked, but kept it close to DFH60?

3. It's starting to get warm here so I will probably switch to dry yeast. What dry yeast do you like for this?

Hey I've been trying to clone this beer for a while and this recipe fills in the gaps! Thanks,
But just a question in the extract recipe u do the boil with only 2.5 gallons of water and then add the remaining 2.5+ after chilling your wort, does the beer end up tasting watered down? And if I have the capability to should I try and boil all 5 gallons?
I'm still pretty new to the brewing world so thanks for this awesome recipe and the help,
Hey I've been trying to clone this beer for a while and this recipe fills in the gaps! Thanks,
But just a question in the extract recipe u do the boil with only 2.5 gallons of water and then add the remaining 2.5+ after chilling your wort, does the beer end up tasting watered down? And if I have the capability to should I try and boil all 5 gallons?
I'm still pretty new to the brewing world so thanks for this awesome recipe and the help,

The OP boils 2.5 gallons and tops up to 5 in the fermenter. You'll notice the boil volume says 2.5 and batch volume is 5. It doesn't water it down since the gravity is much higher in the smaller boil.

If you do a full boil then you'll want to go with the all grain recipe hop schedule. The extract version hops are increased to account for the partial boil volume.
Yoooper, This is the next recipe on my list.

1. Do you add any adjuncts to your water when making this? I know everyone has different water, but trying to get a feel for this recipe. I'm just now starting to work on adjusting water pH.

2. I've tried to read through a lot of these posts but there are so many, have you made any adjustments to the original recipe that you liked, but kept it close to DFH60?

3. It's starting to get warm here so I will probably switch to dry yeast. What dry yeast do you like for this?


1. Yes, I target a mash pH of 5.4 and a sulfate level of about 150 ppm. That gives a ca level of about 80 ppm, and other minerals are minimal.

2. I usually no longer do "continuous" hopping, just because it's simpler to do it as a couple of additions and I noticed no difference. Sometimes I had more hops at flameout, as I love the simcoe/amarillo combo- but then it's more of my own "house IPA" and not a DFH clone.

3. For dry yeast, S05 at 68 degrees would be the one to use. I've used BRY-97 with good results as well.
I just bottled this last night and if it tastes half as good once it is conditioned and carbonated as it did when I was sampling it this will be my favorite beer I have brewed so far. Thanks for the recipe and the great discussion in this thread about this brew. It turned out great and tastes like hop heaven in a glass.
I've tried looking through the posts here but there are soooo many! What's the consensus on the mash temp? I see Yooper referring to mashing a little higher but I'm not sure how high that is.
So I brewed this on 7-3-15. Mashed at 153.3 and fly sparged at 168. My OG was 1.066 and FG was 1.013. My final volume was a little under, maybe .25 gallon. Pitched 2 packets of s05. Fermented at 71F (as cold as I can get it w/o swamp cooler) I had to up my grain bill to match my efficiency.

Dry hop on 7-23, keg conditioned on 7-24 (about 36 hours dry hop), and tapped it today (8-14-2015)

This was my first IPA and fifth AG batch. (been home-brewing about a year now).

I can say without question, this is my best batch of beer yet. The recipe was great. I have only had DFH 60 one time and it was a little old but I really enjoyed it, I would put this up against it any day of the week. I was nervous it would not turn out because I had used the 5.2 stabilizer and the pH was 5.83. (I have since moved on from that and gone to RO water and adjusting from there.) The hop flavor/aroma is perfect, bitterness is right where I want it, color/clarity is great...

Anyways, anyone on the fence about this recipe, just do it and don't look back. Thanks Yooper for posting.
Brewing a double batch of this tomorrow. One will be with Wyeast American Ale and one will be with Wyeast American II. Should be an interesting comparison! The II is supposed to be fruitier. Thanks for the recipe!!
I'm looking for a recipe for my first homebrew IPA and this recipe seems very popular. How bitter vs sweet is this beer? I LOVE hoppy (aroma and flavour) IPA's but not when they are very bitter as well. Where does this beer stand? Any comments would be appreciated :)
Stever1000, grab some IPA's at the store and find one you like. Do some research on hops too- you can sub the variety of hops or when you add them to the boil. Even if you choose the 60 min IPA, maybe make it your own by using Mosaic hops instead of another. Learning and understanding the small nuances of home brewing is what makes it such a great hobby. Have fun and report back!
I'm looking for a recipe for my first homebrew IPA and this recipe seems very popular. How bitter vs sweet is this beer? I LOVE hoppy (aroma and flavour) IPA's but not when they are very bitter as well. Where does this beer stand? Any comments would be appreciated :)

Haven't brewed this but had my fair share retail. It's not a bitter beer face beer by any means. Well balanced.
Haven't brewed this but had my fair share retail. It's not a bitter beer face beer by any means. Well balanced.

Excellent, that's what I want to hear

mariahman said:
Stever1000, grab some IPA's at the store and find one you like. Do some research on hops too- you can sub the variety of hops or when you add them to the boil. Even if you choose the 60 min IPA, maybe make it your own by using Mosaic hops instead of another. Learning and understanding the small nuances of home brewing is what makes it such a great hobby. Have fun and report back!

Unfortunately they aren't too easy to come by in around me in this part of Canada (specifically Dogfish Head). From what I understand (bittering vs aroma vs flavour hops) if I want to lower the IBU I need to focus on less bittering hops at the beginning of the boil. I will research more prior to purchasing the hops for this recipe. Thanks! :mug:
I'm looking for a recipe for my first homebrew IPA and this recipe seems very popular. How bitter vs sweet is this beer? I LOVE hoppy (aroma and flavour) IPA's but not when they are very bitter as well. Where does this beer stand? Any comments would be appreciated :)

I would not change this recipe in the slightest. I brew it "as is" and is very well balanced. I said it before, I would put this up against any store bought IPA. I had a buddy over yesterday and he tried it and he couldn't stay out of it.
2. I usually no longer do "continuous" hopping, just because it's simpler to do it as a couple of additions and I noticed no difference. Sometimes I had more hops at flameout, as I love the simcoe/amarillo combo- but then it's more of my own "house IPA" and not a DFH clone.

What are your additions/times when you don't do the "continuous" hopping?
would it benefit the head retention of this recipe adding 0.5 lb of terrified wheat or something similar?
I can't get warrior hops, and I read in this thread that people substitute Magnum instead. However, when I google "warrior hop substitute" nugget comes up instead. Which hop would be better suited to this recipe?
Made this today, following the recipe except used Magnum instead of warrior. All my hops were a bit higher AA% but I used them as is anyway instead of ordering an odd amount.
I used extract and my OG is 1.070. To make up for the higher gravity I used a yeast slurry from a recent pale ale to ensure there is enough yeast to chew through all the sugar.
Can't wait to see how this turns out!!
Just under two weeks later I am at 1.012 with an OG of 1.070... 7.6% My old slurry chewed right through all the sugar :D
Going to dry hop in a couple days for a week, then bottle and forget about it for a couple months! Very excited to try :mug:
This is a great looking recipe Yooper!

I have a question though, would mashing this in a 5 gallon cooler result in too thick a mash? Would my efficiency suffer, or would I end up with a stuck sparge or something?