Did not fully boil water for priming sugar

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Oct 31, 2011
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Hey guys, did some searching and couldn't find a thread related to this.. When I bottled my first batch I did not bring the water for my priming sugar to a full boil. More like almost to a boil, then added the priming sugar and mixed well. I let it cool for a while then put in my bottling bucket prior to transferring the wort from the fermenter.

After some reading around it appears that I should have boiled the water and sugar for 10 to 15 min and then let cool. So, what are the chances that my beer is going to be jacked now??
Anything over 160ish? kills anything in minutes. Very dead. Boiling for duration ensures extra deadness. Like beating a dead horse. The 10min boil simply removes dissolved oxygen. What you did will remove some dissolved oxygen, I doubt anything left would be enough to be noticable.
You'll be fine....But in the future just add the sugar and water together and then bring it to a boil. You don't have to boil long, just a couple minutes. What I do is just bring it up to a boil, let it go for a couple minutes then shut it off and move it to an off burner.

It will still boil for a little while then start cooling. It will get it's job done.

Check out my bottling tips thread for more ideas on how to make bottling smoother.
Revvy, I have read your bottling tips and thanks.

I am kind of hard headed and sometimes think that I have things more under control than I do, and not figure it out until after the fact. Bottling wasn’t a disaster, but there is room for improvement. Being that it was my first time, I will take that. As long as the beer is drinkable and my batches continually improve through experience and greater understanding through reading (both here and How to Brew) I will be happy.

Also, down at the bottom of the page similar threads are showing up now. I searched pretty much the exact same terms as my subject and nothing came up. I’m going to blame the search function because I know it can’t be user error :D
Iron_Clad - man, you got the right thinking. Most first time brewers are paranoid and they want everything to go flawlessly for their first brew. Understandable - you're so excited and you want it go great. But there's no substitute for experience, so you're absolutely right - do the best you can, it'll probably turn out great, and chalk the rest up to experience and make it better next time.

It's as much about enjoying the process as it's about the final result. If all you wanted was good beer, there's tons of awesome craft brew available. So, prost to you for having the right attitute.
Revvy, I have read your bottling tips and thanks.

I am kind of hard headed and sometimes think that I have things more under control than I do, and not figure it out until after the fact. Bottling wasn’t a disaster, but there is room for improvement. Being that it was my first time, I will take that. As long as the beer is drinkable and my batches continually improve through experience and greater understanding through reading (both here and How to Brew) I will be happy.

Also, down at the bottom of the page similar threads are showing up now. I searched pretty much the exact same terms as my subject and nothing came up. I’m going to blame the search function because I know it can’t be user error :D

Dude, we should hang out. Sounds like we do/learn the same things. :tank::mug:
I boil the water for a few minutes,then add the sugar & flavoring if I'm using one. Take it off the stove & set it on the counter or table on a pot holder to cool. Not sure if boiling the sugar solution is better,or mine isn't as good. It's worked out fine so far...:mug:
Yup, anything over 161 is pasteurization temperature- 20 seconds at 165 kills everything you need to worry about, so you should be fine.

That's not to discount boiling- when something says you should boil it, BOIL IT.
Yeah,boiling the water first is safe for sure. But even up to a good simmer short of boiling should be hot enough for our purposes.
I boil the water for a few minutes,then add the sugar & flavoring if I'm using one. Take it off the stove & set it on the counter or table on a pot holder to cool. Not sure if boiling the sugar solution is better,or mine isn't as good. It's worked out fine so far...:mug:

I use this technique as well. Oh, with the exception of using an ice bath to cool a bit quicker. Works great for me.

Just as an added tip, though, from hard learned experience... Don't forget to stir. I ended up with about a third of my sugar in a thick syrup left in the bottom of the sauce pan during my second to last batch because I didn't stir, and the sugar went in right at the end of my boil, so there wasn't enough bubbling to get it all into solution. Just a bit under carbed, but still drinkable thank goodness.