Purging is certainly possible as you will see in the thread and pictures in the threads which was quoted in text #11 of this thread, which I consider a very interesting reading for all brewers.
Regarding going away for a few hours, I don't think it would work because the bottle is opened and the diffusion will prevail. Just purge the neck of the bottle and cap immediately.
This text, from the blog of Columbia University, explains how in a confined environment the CO2 gas molecules tend to stratify over the wine, while in an open bottle diffusion will make your gases escape outside of the bottle neck
Stratification of heavy gases (gases with a high molecular weights) is a well-known concept and is the object of regulation on labour safety and other safety compulsory measures, regarding CO2, propane, butane and other heavy gases. People die because of stratification of gases!
Those who want more information can search for norms and guidelines about work into silos for grain stockage, or norms about underground parking places and LPG vehicles.