Poll: Do you have, or plan to get, an electric car?

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Do you have an electric car or plan to get one?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I plan to

  • Over my dead body

Results are only viewable after voting.
Wow, good grief. I take a couple hours to burn my yard debris and everyone thinks they can post political content? That's not cool, folks.

Anyone coming in later, a bunch of posts were removed. If you're confused, don't worry. Unless you just eat spoonfuls of mayonnaise. But that's an entirely separate issue.
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@doug293cz fled the 48. I think there was something about the warrant squad wanting to visit his house?
I did indeed. Hiding out in a condo on the ocean in Poipu, Kauai. Drove up to Hanalei today - absolutely beautiful crescent beach there. Back at the condo now, checking into what you miscreants have been up to today.

Brew on :mug:
I did indeed. Hiding out in a condo on the ocean in Poipu, Kauai. Drove up to Hanalei today - absolutely beautiful crescent beach there. Back at the condo now, checking into what you miscreants have been up to today.

Brew on :mug:
Stay on topic, Doug.

Do you have, or plan to get, an electric rental car? 😂

Editing to add: Not sure how long you're still there, but my wife and I went in May. We were also in Poipu. Not sure if you're doing any aerial tours but we did the Cessna tour with Wings Over Kauai and it was amazing. And I found both Kauai Beer Co and Kauai Island Brewing Company to be worth it, although I preferred the latter. We did the latter before sailing on the Napali Coast dinner cruise, which was also fantastic.

We had to do the Cessna instead of a helo tour because I'm a... well... very large human being. I'm clearly not the one on the left ;)

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I was seriously looking at a trip to Olympic park last year, and I really wanted to rent an EV while we were there.

There was enough infrastructure around there that I could probably have made it work. I believe there are EVs that would be fine driving around the places we wanted to check out. I just wasn't sure we could find lodging at places close to both park entrances and charging.

Last I knew 240 plugs for EV charging wasn't a searchable amenity on VRBO.

The next big park trip we plan that requires vehicle rental, I'll be looking for a 4xe.
now that we have the new car for my wife and we expanded the driveway/parking it might be that we'll actually get a second car(electric) for me to do work trips etc if the bike gets a bit too much. there's some nice nissan e-nv200's that are decently cheap and would double nicely for bigger load stuff.
I have no plan to buy cuz not in new/used car market. The fiance is near due but she's not entirely sold on the idea.

That said, I am going to book a Turo rental for few days with a Tesla Plaid when we're in Florida this December. And, yes, it's listed as fully unlocked/unrestricted power for rentals.
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Stay on topic, Doug.

Do you have, or plan to get, an electric rental car? 😂

Editing to add: Not sure how long you're still there, but my wife and I went in May. We were also in Poipu. Not sure if you're doing any aerial tours but we did the Cessna tour with Wings Over Kauai and it was amazing. And I found both Kauai Beer Co and Kauai Island Brewing Company to be worth it, although I preferred the latter. We did the latter before sailing on the Napali Coast dinner cruise, which was also fantastic.

We had to do the Cessna instead of a helo tour because I'm a... well... very large human being. I'm clearly not the one on the left ;)

No, I didn't check into renting an electric. I usually just look for a good deal on a car that isn't a tiny box. Not sure what the charging infrastructure is like on the island - but where we are staying doesn't appear to have any level 2 or better chargers. I have seen a few electric cars and a Cybertruck on the roads, but nothing like home where Teslas seem to be the most numerous vehicles after pick-ups.

Not doing any aerial tours this trip, my wife doesn't like flying in small aircraft (I fly solo most of the time when I'm left seat.) Did take a helo tour of the island many years ago.

We took a Napali dinner cruise when we were here two years ago, and yes it was fantastic. We had a pod of dolphins escorting us for part of the trip.

Have five more days, so we'll probably check out the breweries you mentioned - thx.

Brew on :mug:
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Wish I knew about your escape earlier, I would have asked you to give my best to @Dan . Double-P explained why we don't hear from him anymore, and I respect that, but I do miss the guy.
I'm an enigma. One of those short-lived ones. One of those atomic particles the physicists capture on film. As I'm typing here, I wonder how long I hav
Life is short; have you been saving an imperial stout or something similar for a special occasion? We never know when our last hour is here….drink, be merry and be happy!
Off topic a bit, but you guys know that doesn't stop me...

@Airborneguy was at my house today. He's a damned good dude. It's a little odd meeting somebody from the forum. This place is like the movies that you can watch from your armchair - but you don't expect the actors to show up at your front door and hang out and chat. Anyway, glad he did.

Thanks for helping out in FL sonny. Hope to see you back down here again soon.
There appears to be no rhyme or reason to the reservation numbers provided by Scout Motors. Mine is in the 900 million range. My cousins initial one is 700 million even though it was placed after mine. His second one has an even lower number.

My goal is to completely forget about this in a few days so that I am totally surprised about 3 years from now. But then again forgetting raises the likelihood of me selling the Tesla prior to being called to configure, which is not ideal.
But then again forgetting raises the likelihood of me selling the Tesla prior to being called to configure, which is not ideal.

Even if you didn't actually remember, it would seem that if you were truly interested in a Scout,that you'd probably accidentally purchase a Rivian, which would seem to be a very fine choice.
Even if you didn't actually remember, it would seem that if you were truly interested in a Scout,that you'd probably accidentally purchase a Rivian, which would seem to be a very fine choice.
Good point, but I feel more comfortable with Scout because of its association with Volkswagen. I’d have bought a Rivian long ago, but for my reluctance to risk tying myself to their success or failure.

Financially, I’m very risk averse.

And… it’s a Scout! The first vehicle I remember my father owning was an International Scout. I’ve wanted one ever since!
I feel more comfortable with Scout because of its association with Volkswagen. I’d have bought a Rivian long ago, but for my reluctance to risk tying myself to their success or failure.
Didn't VW just kinda tie themselves to Rivian?
At least you didn't buy a Fisker!
But the deals you could have!
On the contrary, I have often lusted for a Tesla, however I cannot abide the Muscrat. Perhaps when the Board of Directors finally ‘grows a pair’ and puts their fiduciary duty to the shareholders ahead of a multi-billionaire’s ego…
The thing though is it's his part crazy part genius personality that makes the product so great. Without him the cars would be no better then Ford or GM electric offerings if they even existed at all.
Eventually, all the gas tax will go from per gallon on gas to per mile actually driven. California is reportedly thinking about 30 cents a mile, which is way above what they get from the gas tax. Will other states follow California’s lead? Will this have any impact on a decision to go electric or not?
This article has a chart that predicts in 20 to 25 years, state gas tax revenue will be reduced $25 to 30 billion each year because of electric cars. Obviously, a milage tax for all will be a reality very soon.
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Eventually, all the gas tax will go from per gallon on gas to per mile actually driven. California is reportedly thinking about 30 cents a mile, which is way above what they get from the gas tax.
Virginia instituted a flat additional tax ("highway use fee') on hybrids and EVs more than a decade ago (maybe two?). Then they extended it to any vehicle that gets more than 25 mpg combined. It is based on the average number of miles driven by all vehicles registered in the state. This year, they finally instituted a program that allows you to pay based on your own actual miles driven - right after I renewed the registration on one of my fuel efficient cars. But you have to get a device installed in your car and download an app for your phone. Of course, we have annual vehicle safety inspections in this state, so they already know how many miles every car is driven (that's where the data they use to compute the average comes from).
Eventually, all the gas tax will go from per gallon on gas to per mile actually driven. California is reportedly thinking about 30 cents a mile, which is way above what they get from the gas tax. Will other states follow California’s lead? Will this have any impact on a decision to go electric or not?
This article has a chart that predicts in 20 to 25 years, state gas tax revenue will be reduced $25 to 30 billion each year because of electric cars. Obviously, a milage tax for all will be a reality very soon.
Not necessarily for all. My state has a flat registration fee for EVs. Many others went this route as well.

California is California. The solution isn’t to eschew EVs as a personal choice, but it is unmentionable in this section.
Virginia instituted a flat additional tax ("highway use fee') on hybrids and EVs more than a decade ago (maybe two?). Then they extended it to any vehicle that gets more than 25 mpg combined.
The article below has more details about the scheme used in Virginia. It indicates for an EV the road tax would be about $124 a year, which seems pretty cheap. I expect that cost to go up substantially.
Eventually, all the gas tax will go from per gallon on gas to per mile actually driven. California is reportedly thinking about 30 cents a mile, which is way above what they get from the gas tax. Will other states follow California’s lead? Will this have any impact on a decision to go electric or not?
This article has a chart that predicts in 20 to 25 years, state gas tax revenue will be reduced $25 to 30 billion each year because of electric cars. Obviously, a milage tax for all will be a reality very soon.
How would the state know how many miles you drove?
Massachusetts has always had annual safety inspections, to which emissions checks were added in the '70s. Used to stick a smog probe up the tail pipe and clip an ignition timing sensor to any spark plug wire, and the tech would then have to put the engine through a few rpm curves (all that stuff is now handled by interrogating a car's OBD system via dongle connection - the car will confess its ills ;)) Along with the results of the safety and emissions check, the mileage is recorded...

How would the state know how many miles you drove?
This is voluntary at present, but could easily be made mandatory:

"The miles you drive will be tracked by the device Emovis sends you to install in your vehicle. The device communicates with Emovis to record the miles you drive. For electric vehicles, the vehicle's telematics system will track the miles driven and transmit the information to Emovis.

When you sign up for the Mileage Choice Program, you have the option to choose a mileage reporting device with or without GPS capability. A non-GPS enabled device will only track the miles you drive, not your location.

Once a year, each customer participating in the Mileage Choice Program will have to "true up" the miles driven by taking a picture of their odometer through the app."

I was seriously looking at a trip to Olympic park last year, and I really wanted to rent an EV while we were there.

There was enough infrastructure around there that I could probably have made it work. I believe there are EVs that would be fine driving around the places we wanted to check out. I just wasn't sure we could find lodging at places close to both park entrances and charging.

Last I knew 240 plugs for EV charging wasn't a searchable amenity on VRBO.

The next big park trip we plan that requires vehicle rental, I'll be looking for a 4xe.
Renting for a road trip seems like more trouble than it’s worth. Fast charging and highway driving means it’s not cheaper than gas, and you have the stress of trying to find chargers but it’s not your car that you know well.

Also hate to burst the bubble, but Musk is far from a genius. He doesn’t know how to code, Tesla and SpaceX have said they had handlers for him to keep him distracted and away from the engineers that do the work. His destroying of twitter’s value, insane hours “playing” Diablo 4, and 200 tweets a day shows he doesn’t do anything else but troll the net. Tesla would be so much better without him honestly. His cyberdumpster is on its 6th recall in a year.
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