My brother has a pair of those. Marine corps but naval aviator. (At least that's the wings I assume he has lol).
He wanted absolutely nothing to do with fighter jets when he graduated flight school. He didn't like the idea of 2 hours of briefing and 3 hours of debriefing to fly for 90 minutes. Also he didn't like the idea of having to cram himself into that cockpit and potentially risk serious leg injury upon ejection at 6'4" lol.
He wanted to go transport (no slots available) so went helo, and then eventually reverted back to be a flight instructor for fixed-wing and parlayed that into a cushy job flying for United after he made his 20.
Of course G forces also depend on direction. I think when most of you fighter pilot types talk about high G's you're talking about pulling heavy vertical acceleration. Whereas I'm assuming the catapult is "push you back in your seat" type of acceleration.
The craziest roller coaster ride I've ever had is Goliath at Six Flags Magic Mountain. Way back when I was a young buck (age 22) there with friends we rode it several times in a row. It has this high-speed downward helix section where I was literally fighting myself to keep consciousness.
Of course, I didn't to worry about taking control afterwards