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I looked at a map of what was between Omsk and Vladivostok and Irkutsk looked very similar. Here you go. For anyone who's been there, this should be pretty easy.

I've sat on that exact beach. My mom owned some property that might be in that picture, and also some behind the camera man.

Her ashes are right in that body of water there.
Si. San Felipe! Passedpawn, did you ever meet Pancho Limon in San Felipe? 6'11" 400 lb. owner of Club De Pesca. JB, you're up.

Maybe? I'm sure he knew my mom though. She was really into the expat partying scene down there. Her 3rd husband, Kurt, married one of the locals after my mom passed, then his 2nd heart finally gave out (might have been related to marrying a young mexican gal :) ), so I don't know anybody down there now. No idea whatever happened to the properties. Kurts family was part of the racing/baja scene, which is how that little expat enclave came to be I was told.
Correct! You're up.

Each summer I camped and fished in the UP. We'd take day trips to random waterfalls, and Tahq Falls was one we visited probably 12 or so years ago. Surprisingly, I recognized that immediately. It's gorgeous up there.

Here ya go:

Homebrewtalk Image.jpg
Clue time? You can see two countries here.

Bigger clue is the building. It appears that traffic from that highway can drive under it. That's not typical. It even appears to expand into multiple lanes before the road passes under it. And, based on the way the road flows, it seems as if you can only pass through this building in one direction. Assuming the pic is taken in the evening, and to the north (based on cars in lot, length and direction of shadows), it looks like you really only pass through this thing going from the north to south (unless the pic was taken in the morning). That rules out a rest area, so it's more like a toll station for just one direction, like they have on some bridges.
That's on "Moms Way", rte 313 about 4 miles southeast of Middlebro, Canada. That is the US Customs and Border Protection Bldg. Actually located as Warroad, Mn.
You got it. How'd you know?!

Several clues were used to determine this location. It was the two countries hint that was significant and led me to look on google earth. The surrounding vegetation appeared to be northern hardwoods such as one would find in MI, WI, or MN. MI nor WI have a common land border with Canada such as was depicted in the photo so that left MN as the likely state. The landscaping looked like the typical over the top Federal budget was applied. The building on closer inspection has the vertical yellow posts in the drive-thru area that signaled inspection area. That was fun!

I'll post in a little while.
How about a clue: this is at sea level, actually I could probably hit a golf ball into salt water from where the pic is taken.
Okay, for a second I thought it might by my hometown from an angle I'm not familiar with, but the buildings don't match up anything I can think of, even looking at google street view from our tideflats.

I'm going to take a guess and say Port of Oakland
Hmmm I thought someone would get it quickly.

I'll add this: this image is taken from the parking lot of a brewery on the east coast.
Hope this is reasonably recognizable. Just the city please.

Russia or nearby. I see at least 4 Lada's in that picture. I'll say St. Petersburg, which is a WAG.

[edit] Nevermind. It's not a WAG. It's the General Staff building, whatever that means. Pretty impressive. Ugh, I need to find something interesting while waiting for confirmation.