Immunity Supplements

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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2014
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Anyone take them to help boost your immunity?

I've been taking zinc, c, ginseng, and I get sick a lot. I mean like, at least once a month, and I'm not a hypochondriac.

Little dude came home with a new bug from school this afternoon. They said he fell asleep in his lunch and they didn't think he was feeling to well.

What do you take and what do you think about it?
If you have Facebook, you have a Facebook friend that sells essential oils, or a friend of a friend. They're junk for a lot of stuff, but the immunity blends seem to actually work. DoTerra is my brand of choice because they got to me first.
I take D3. Seems to help me not get too sick. 5000 IUs or more is good. Hope you all get better soon.
New father here and I've now realized that what we as adults have built up immunities to doesn't stop us from getting the kid version. I take a multi, vit c and glutamine and I still got hit with the flu when my two yr old brought it home from daycare. I deal with sick adults almost everyday and I'm good but the kid stuff and our close contact with literally everything they touch doesn't help. I've realized it's just gonna happen no matter what we take to stop it.
If your kid is bringing stuff home from school you are screwed. That said, I would still take supplements. At first sign of a flu or cold try some of that stuff that's supposed to help kick it faster. I don't recall the name, but I know several people who swear by it.
My two year old is in a mother's day out program, so now I have two kids bringing home germs instead of just one.

Little dude is sitting on the couch drinking soda (ginger ale) looking drunk.

It's adorable.

Anyone ever take royal jelly?
Kids + schools = disease factories.
I take vitamin C & vitamin D tablets/capsules. I'm not sure why, but those 2 together seem to give a sort of "1,2 punch" to the common wintertime viral infections, especially when combined with washing your hands frequently, washing your desk/mou8se.keyboard at work & not shaking hands.
I've been sick 3 times in the last 10 years.
Regards, GF.
For a new parent, as others have said, you are screwed. It is actually part of the "fun" of being a new parent. Getting every cold they get. It really will not stop till they stop sucking their thumbs and know how to wash their hands properly.

While my kids were toddlers I got colds but it slowed after a while. Then they started pre-school and I started getting sick again but it slowed after a while. Then elementary again more sick days... There is a pattern. Once they got older and learned proper hygiene I no longer get sick.

Unfortunately, I am not sure there is anythign you can take to eliminate them getting you sick besides handling them in OR scrubs and gloves, but that is sooo impersonal and likely to send them to therapy as they get older.
Neti Pot!!! It's ugly but just salt water you flush through your sinuses. I had tried zinc but I found I got irritated. This was when the craze first started out and then I remember researching that zinc may cause irritation. So, I've switched to using the neti pot and I haven't had a cold in years. I use to get colds religiously once in the fall and once in the spring.

Using it just when symptoms start is a good prevention too. Sometimes I'm lazy and stop. However, if I feel I'm coming down with something the duration of it is shorter and I have no congestion. You still feel like you have a cold but you can function and there's no congestion. Plus your exhausted by the end of the day and can get a good sleep without the congestion. Just my 2c's.
+1 on teh Neti pot if you have allergies of sinus issues. I need to get back on it.

But remember to use Purified water. Tap water can contain plenty of stuff that's not good for you and can actually cause more problems with infection.

I have been meaning to upgrade to the flexible pot that allows for a bit of pressure. The ones that just run into your nose doesn't feel effective enough to me.

I want a stream of saline coming out my eyes!
I take bifidophilus every day when everyone around me is getting sick. Once spring rolls around and people stop coughing their diseases all over me I lay off the dosage. I also take D3 in the winter on a daily basis. The only thing I get sick of is work and cheap beer.

Everyone at work is currently sick. Every last one. Not sure the last time I've been ill.
+1 on teh Neti pot if you have allergies of sinus issues. I need to get back on it.

But remember to use Purified water. Tap water can contain plenty of stuff that's not good for you and can actually cause more problems with infection.

I have been meaning to upgrade to the flexible pot that allows for a bit of pressure. The ones that just run into your nose doesn't feel effective enough to me.

I want a stream of saline coming out my eyes!

Neilmed has a squeeze bottle that I use. You can find them at CVS. I don't think you want to go too crazy with the pressure. I use to rinse with my head straight up. I've recently started tilting my head to the side and I find my sinuses more relaxed due to less pressure. I agree on the distilled water. You can add moisturizer to the solution which makes a big difference. Neilmed use to make a powder mix that fizzed a little bit (some kind of bicarbonate). I can't find it anymore but that really worked well.
This is my immunity supplement:

For a new parent, as others have said, you are screwed. It is actually part of the "fun" of being a new parent. Getting every cold they get. It really will not stop till they stop sucking their thumbs and know how to wash their hands properly.

While my kids were toddlers I got colds but it slowed after a while. Then they started pre-school and I started getting sick again but it slowed after a while. Then elementary again more sick days... There is a pattern. Once they got older and learned proper hygiene I no longer get sick.

Unfortunately, I am not sure there is anythign you can take to eliminate them getting you sick besides handling them in OR scrubs and gloves, but that is sooo impersonal and likely to send them to therapy as they get older.

I have a 7 year old too. It's always been bad with the sickness since she started, but never like this with both of them going to school now.

Going after scrubs now.

Neti Pot!!! It's ugly but just salt water you flush through your sinuses. I had tried zinc but I found I got irritated. This was when the craze first started out and then I remember researching that zinc may cause irritation. So, I've switched to using the neti pot and I haven't had a cold in years. I use to get colds religiously once in the fall and once in the spring.

Using it just when symptoms start is a good prevention too. Sometimes I'm lazy and stop. However, if I feel I'm coming down with something the duration of it is shorter and I have no congestion. You still feel like you have a cold but you can function and there's no congestion. Plus your exhausted by the end of the day and can get a good sleep without the congestion. Just my 2c's.

I neti pot like I brush my teeth. Once a month...or twice a day. Yeah,twicea day.

+1 on teh Neti pot if you have allergies of sinus issues. I need to get back on it.

But remember to use Purified water. Tap water can contain plenty of stuff that's not good for you and can actually cause more problems with infection.

I have been meaning to upgrade to the flexible pot that allows for a bit of pressure. The ones that just run into your nose doesn't feel effective enough to me.

I want a stream of saline coming out my eyes!

I have the gravity model, the force model (l don't know the name, bottle, squeeze), and I keep a aerosol pump thing on hand for travel, car usage and what not.

If I don't use the thing I can't smell. Like I go all day without it, come home, use it, then all the smells of my day come rushing at me and give me a headache.

Being smell blind is horrible.
My immune system has been horrible since I got mono really bad about 17 years ago. I got every cold and flu that anyone around me had and then some. I did a little better when I was working out heavily, but still got sick pretty often.

Since I changed last year to a strict ketogenic diet (CKD), I haven't been sick once, except for seasonal allergies, but even that was milder than usual. I recently attended a week-long training class where 13 of the 23 students had full blown flu and I felt great all week. This would have been a death sentence for me prior to this diet.

The gist is that I eat few carbs and lots of fat. I've lost a lot of weight (wasn't big to begin with though) while retaining muscle, and have not increased my exercise. I feel great! Lots of energy, I think more clearly, I'm very satisfied after eating, never crave sugar, and get to eat lots of bacon! I miss drinking whole milk, but with how good I feel, it's worth the sacrifice. Since it's a cyclical diet, I load up on carbs once or twice a month, which satisfies any urges I have toward carbs and I get my whole milk fix. The few carbs I do consume regularly are incidental and generally come from cheeses or vegetables. This lets me afford to have beer regularly without knocking me out of ketosis.

I'm not saying this is for everyone, but it's certainly working in many ways and is a sustainable long term solution for me.
I caught the flu. It's terrible, and I'm done with it.

Well, not for a couple more days, but I want to be done with it.
My immunity supplement is working from home.

I swear ever since I work approximately 90% of my time from home, I haven't caught any colds. Every 3 months in the office something burns through the cubicles (I religiously wash my hands and I never touch door handles in that place anymore). Solution, dont go around people, people are sick and have children that carry horrible plagues.
I used to get knock-down colds for about a week 2x/year since as long as i can remember. 2 years ago before a trip to eastern Europe for some reason I started taking general multivitamins, as I thought this would help me fend off any crud. Wow did it work.

I kept taking multivitamins for the last 4 years and haven't been knock down sick again once in 4 years!
+1 on teh Neti pot if you have allergies of sinus issues. I need to get back on it.

But remember to use Purified water. Tap water can contain plenty of stuff that's not good for you and can actually cause more problems with infection.

I have been meaning to upgrade to the flexible pot that allows for a bit of pressure. The ones that just run into your nose doesn't feel effective enough to me.

I want a stream of saline coming out my eyes!

When I had my nose overhauled, I was given a attachment for a waterpic toothbrush with instructions flush 3x daily with warm salt water, and baking soda. I still use it if my sinuses or head gets stuffed up. Way better than the neti pot. Its like steam cleaning your sinuses, but it takes a little getting used to.
I eat raw eggs and drink unpasteurized milk.

Austin is by far the sickest person I've ever met. On the upside I feel he's going to be like Mr. Burns where all the diseases form a barrier to keep him alive.

I deal with the public on a daily basis, people always coming in sick. Kids always brought stuff from school, now it'll be the grandkids.
I get sick about once every 3-4 years, and not very bad any more.
I take vitamin b complex every day. I drink an 8 oz. glass of kombucha every morning, and if I even think I am coming down with something I use astragalus from a not so local health food store.
This seems to keep the everyday germs at bay. I am a firm believer that the kombucha has the greatest benifit on my health.
I also drink lots of unpasturized goats milk in the spring, summer and early fall.
I do drink kombucha, in fact TxBrew is my supplier now. I need to drink it everyday though.

Great advice!
No space. I have 3 half gallon fermenters on my counter right now my wife is complaining about.

Another and she would have a melt down.

One more month, then I can move my JAOM to bottles and start on kombucha.

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