Fellowship of the Homebrew X: Thou Shalt Enjoy the Homebrew and Hangover!

Homebrew Talk

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Tentatively in. I need to work out temp control on my conical first because I ferment in my unheated garage and the Colorado winter isn't cooperating but I should be able to have a solution in time to have some brews ready.

As noted, you send your offer along with descriptions to @TBC.

Review the first post for more information, and if you have not yet make sure to review the previous FotHBs to see how descriptive people are. At minimum include the style of beer and the ABV%. That's usually enough...some add more information such as hops brewed with for that particular beer (for example).

Note: You still have time.
Guys I have to apologize but I need to withdraw from this round. I was really looking forward to swapping home brews, but I just got hit with an unexpected weekend trip and I had back to back brew days planned this weekend. Not to mention my first planned brew didn’t quite meet my standards for sharing.

I will certainly keep up with this thread to participate in the next round though!
@fourfarthing and @TwistedGray i think I found the perfect shirt for you guys
Come back soon... we've all been there. Take care
Guys I have to apologize but I need to withdraw from this round. I was really looking forward to swapping home brews, but I just got hit with an unexpected weekend trip and I had back to back brew days planned this weekend. Not to mention my first planned brew didn’t quite meet my standards for sharing.

I will certainly keep up with this thread to participate in the next round though!
Started receiving some offers. They sound delicious! I just created a link on @Thorrak FOTD manager. I’ve added the participants that sent me offers so far. I just need to add their offers to the link. I plan on running this round through the link.
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As of right now the members participating are:

@TwistedGray Offer Received
@Dgallo Offer Received
@fourfarthing Offer Received
@jaymosbeershack Offer Received
@PianoMan Offer Received
@DrGMG Offer Received
@seatazzz (tentative)
@rlonardo Offer Received

There is still some time to signup for all the members who are lurking in the background of this thread!
I mentioned it earlier but it must have been missed. I'm tentatively in. Just depends on if I can have enough beers ready by the deadline. I'll keep ya posted.
I mentioned it earlier but it must have been missed. I'm tentatively in. Just depends on if I can have enough beers ready by the deadline. I'll keep ya posted.

Just added you. I must have missed your post earlier.
I’m excited for this one, I’m offering two new styles this rounds. Well one truly new and one a new variation on a style
I’m excited for this one, I’m offering two new styles this rounds. Well one truly new and one a new variation on a style
May the Random Generator God castith it's blessing upon me so thout I shall be given 1st pick. Not thout 2nd nor any larger non-negative interval but by Grace be chosen 1st. Amen
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Unfortunately I'm going to have to drop out this round - just found out today I'll be travelling for work end of January and a couple of weeks into February. I hope to get involved in a future swap though!
I'm going to have to bow out as well. I haven't had time to brew yet so there is no way I'll have anything ready in time. I will definitely be involved with the next round though.
Unfortunately I'm going to have to drop out this round - just found out today I'll be travelling for work end of January and a couple of weeks into February. I hope to get involved in a future swap though!
As a suggestion, you could PM TBC your top pic list once it's presented. As far as shipping, there's never a rush. We all understand the situations with home brew trading.
@TBC Would I be able to jump in on this round? I can get you my offer in later tonight if you'll have me. Have 3 beers carbonating in kegs right now and a few more ready for bottling/kegging. Wouldnt mind getting a little feedback before I start my 12BoC Gruit!
@TBC Would I be able to jump in on this round? I can get you my offer in later tonight if you'll have me. Have 3 beers carbonating in kegs right now and a few more ready for bottling/kegging. Wouldnt mind getting a little feedback before I start my 12BoC Gruit!

Absolutely, the more the merrier, just pm me your offer when you get time