Favorite Brewing Music

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Gotta disagree, no doubt listen to what you like, but there is oodles of thought provoking music out there, my friend.

Oh, that is absolutely true, the first few times you hear said thought-provoking music. But after that, the music is just kinda there, in the background, keeping your mind busy.

I like music, a lot, don't get me wrong, that's why I post so much in the music match forum. I was just sayin', that's all.
Just my 50 pence worth about the whole skinhead thing. Being a skinhead has bugger all to do with racism ... sure there are a bunch of A$$hats that are out there who hijacked the genre ... the so called 'white supremists' ...

However being a Brit myself ... and being that I was a skinhead back in the day ... and being that most of us listened to reggae and later to ska ... I have to say that anyone who thinks that a real skinhead is a racist ... is talking bollox.
I think I said this in the other thread, but my next brewday I'll listen to the entirety of Neverender by Coheed & Cambria (all four of their albums played live, in succession). Seeing them tomorrow at the Starland Ballroom and it's kinda hard to be more excited than I am now.

Then there are my old mainstays, The Who, The Clash and some good ol' fashioned Hendrix.

I like your style. Although I have never listened to them while brewing, I love Coheed. I tend to crank Zeppelin or Bob Marley when I brew.
I usually crank a mix of Dropkick Murphys, Dubliners, Flogging Molly, and Tommy Makem.

Anyone brew in complete silence? If so, why?

WHAT no Pogues? Gotta rock The Pogues if you have Flogging Molly and the Dubliners going. Those are the treo that I usually brew to. If I have friends over helping me we usually just chat and keep the tunes down. So often my music is the sound of talking mixed in with gulp, gulp, gulp... the "Kssssst" of a bottle opening and the splash of beer pouring out of my tap, with the slight roar of a burner going on in the background.
WHAT no Pogues? Gotta rock The Pogues if you have Flogging Molly and the Dubliners going. Those are the treo that I usually brew to. If I have friends over helping me we usually just chat and keep the tunes down. So often my music is the sound of talking mixed in with gulp, gulp, gulp... the "Kssssst" of a bottle opening and the splash of beer pouring out of my tap, with the slight roar of a burner going on in the background.
Oops, forgot to include the Pogues, and the Wolf Tones, Tossers, etc.
I brew starting at 7:00 am. I love brewing to the early birds. However, if it's late then I would usually just cycle through my library at Last.fm. Honestly, if there is silence then I like to listen to silence.
I always put on zydeco music when I brew beer. This is what I mostly heard when I lived in Louisiana for two years at every party and festival I went to. It has premium relaxation qualities and even makes the yeast in your wort dance about. Does anyone familiar with zydeco know what I'm talking about here? haha Nothing like enormous amounts of amazing food, plenty of beer, and excellent company. Not like here in Michigan that's for sure.
Nah, I like to play Pink Floyd when I brew. Makes me feel very creative and sets the mode for a chill brewing session. Nothing can go wrong when Floyd is on (I say that half in jest).
Its gotta be Polka. Every time I brew I put it on and my wife gets pissed.

"in heaven there is no beer, thats why we drink it here....."
I live in Louisiana and love some good Cajun and Zydeco music playing while I brew. It definitely puts the beer in a good mood. Good call and cheers to dancing yeasties!
There have been a few posts about this in the past, and I always respond by saying that I listen to roots Reggae while brewing. Love the easy vibes!
I'm all over the place. Last time I brewed I listened to Les Claypool, Coheed and Cambria, Blood Simple, and Dethklok. Variety, in music as in beer, is the spice of life!
I think I've posted on a few of these types of threads as well. My tastes go anywhere from traditional Irish music to Hank III to Dropkick Murphys and Welch Boys to extreme metal. Yesterday I was listening to Black Metal, namely Watain, while brewing a Belgian Golden Strong. Seems fitting since so many BGSA's are named after the devil. Mine is named "The Unhallowed" after a fine classic Black Metal song.
yeah my bad I didn't search for music threads, just making conversation. I don't think most know about the plethra of amazing music in Louisiana though.
I just throw the non-ipod on shuffle. It has a ton of Rush, Dream Theater, Genesis, Black Crowes and Primus...amongst a ton of other stuff.
I think I've posted on a few of these types of threads as well. My tastes go anywhere from traditional Irish music to Hank III to Dropkick Murphys and Welch Boys to extreme metal. Yesterday I was listening to Black Metal, namely Watain, while brewing a Belgian Golden Strong. Seems fitting since so many BGSA's are named after the devil. Mine is named "The Unhallowed" after a fine classic Black Metal song.

Never thought i'd seen Watain mentioned on this forum. I actually used to listem to them like 7 years back.

If going with music at all, i would be listening Classical stuff (Dvörak, Rimsky-Korsakov, Handel, Haydn, Carlos Seixas) or BM (Stuff from the new Japanese movement, the recent NSBM Russian movement or the mid 00's German movement.)
In the summer- a Grateful Dead show, one of the monsters they played in '72-'74. Brewing is a great time to listen to a whole show unfold, and it helps keep me from rushing the process.

In the winter- jazz. Brad Mehldau, Dave Holland, Medeski Martin & Wood, Coltrane, John McLaughlin, etc.

Occasionally, some bluegrass/newgrass.
I must say it is interesting how similar tastes can become.
I too listen to:

Varieties of Reggae
The Police
Pink Floyd
Peter Frampton
Surf Guitar Rock

Just as my brewing moods are diverse, so are my musical moods.
I guess everyone has their own style of brewing, so I can picture people brewing to Bach, as well as death grindcore. Pretty funny
listened to candlemass last brew and it went swimmingly. perfect brewing music. doom metal when brewing, classic rock and folk when bottling
I usually brew with a friend who would rather discuss politics, sex, religion, etc. than listen to music. Even if he did though, he would likely listen to old gospel, or old CW, or (Gasp and vomit) bagpipes!

I haven't brewed with music in a while, but while cleaning bottles, etc. I've recently busted out my old Blue Murder CD. Daym that John Sykes can write some tasty guitar rock!
I generally listen to Texas Country/Red Dirt music while I'm brewing. It seems that most of their songs are about drinking anyway, so it's appropriate music.
Is there a certain kind of music you always listen to when brewing? I seem to always listen to southern rock. Lynyrd Skynayd, Marshall Tucker, Neil Young, Hank Williams Jr. and more. Just feels right I guess.
I just finished what will be an Oaked Vanilla Bourbon Porter (D-Day).
Cheers NAZZ
I usually have on some traditional Irish music like Lunasa. Or often something more modern like flogging molly, dropkick murphys or gaelic storm. If Im doing a big beer I'll throw on some metalcore or something similar.

Good drinkin music is good brewing music!
Just put on the local classic rock station, and go with what comes across. Always a good time.
It depends on when I'm brewing. If it's a morning brew I tend to stay low key and fire up some jazz or mellow classic rock. If it's a later brew and I'm drinking as much as I'm brewing, then it's usually Tool, Pantera, Metallica, etc.

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