Hello from Wisconsin

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Active Member
Jul 8, 2007
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Madison, WI
Hey all, I'm pretty new to homebrewing. I'm from Madison, WI. I had an interest in homebrewing for quite a while before I finally just dove into it. I bottled my first batch, a Bass & Co Pale Ale clone about a week ago and can't wait to crack one open. It looks a little dark. :cross: We'll see how it turns out.

I found this site looking for a recipe for my next brew, which will probably be a Belgian Wit. Introducing myself seemed to be the logical thing to do, since I've spent the last few hours perusing the forums.

The only knowledge I have about homebrewing comes from reading The Complete Joy of Homebrewing by Charlie Papazian cover to cover and from talking to the friendly owner of a local shop where I picked up all my equipment.

So, again, hello everyone, glad to meet'cha. :mug:
I really liked Papazians book. I never was really serious about brewing untilo I picked up that book. Now I'm hooked!

Welcome to the Fold!
Welcome! If you're hooked on homebrewing, you'll learn a ton from this site. As for the darker-than-desired ale, we've had that problem too. We only brew extract beers because we have a small apt. and it always turns out darken than we want...
Welcome! We sure do have lots of Cheeseheads around here.

If you haven't yet seen howtobrew.com, I highly recommend you check it out. I liked it so much I bought the "real" book. It's a great up to date resource on homebrewing.

Again, welcome (from an almost-but-not-quite Cheesehead)!
Yooper Chick, I think you could be considered an honorary cheesehead. I mean...you like beer!
Welcome aboard. Brew early...brew often.

You'll like the Belgian Wit. A freind of mine ordered a kit from Midwest and loved the flavor. Again, the color was a bit darker than you'd ge doing an all grain, but that didn't take away from the taste.
Hey there, I am ALSO in Madison. Seems like there are a few of us around, perhaps we should get together for a brew sometime. I know there is a club that meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at Wonder's Pub, been wanting to check that out since I moved to town (not that long ago). Any interest in doing a brew day, night out or anything with the Madison folk?
I would definitely be interested in something like that. As a newbie, I'm eager to learn whatever I can.

Thanks for the warm greetings. It's excellent to see there are so many from nearby me!
Hey man, can I crash your brew party? Wanna crash my brew party? I'm in madtown, eastsider. I'm gonna brew thursday. Couldn't get the wife to run to wineandhop shop for me to get ingredients for a hefeweizen so I'll have to do it myself this thursday, 7/12/07. I'm DYING to do a hefe!

Sorry to be so forward, but this is great stuff man! PM me or leave a message. Chris.
Welcome Alchemy.

I was at UW about 25 years ago making one of several unsuccessful degree attempts. Probably something to due with my membership in the Wisconsin Marching Band and LOTS of alcohol (imagine that).

Hope you enjoy many years to come in this wonderful hobby/lifestyle/obsession. Keep reading stuff here and picking up pointers.
gman said:
I'd be interested in some kind of get together. Though I've not done an AG brew yet.

gman, maybe the 3 of us(alchemy, too) could get our schedules synchronized and do a brew session at my house. I live on east side close to east towne mall. I'm doing all-grain now. I've got about 25 batches done and of those 4 are AG. An AG session for me takes about 8 hrs, with cleanup. So I'm stationary for a good portion of the day and it doesn't mean you need to hang around for the entire thing.
Let me know what you think. Cheers!:mug:
I think that would be cool. I'm over on the West Side over by Spring Harbor. I actually haven't brewed since we got into town...need to make some mods to the brewery and have been lazy and poor as hell! Anyways, I think this might be a good thing to do. Maybe we can all get together someplace and work something out over a pint. I know KornKob is in Madison area too, maybe we should invite him as well
Yeah, I'd be up for something. Unfortunately, with AG I'd be a complete noob. I understand the process, mind you, but have no gear or anything. About the best I could offer, besides labor, would be to bring some of my extract brews with me.

Yeah, we should all get together at a pub somewhere. Could do the great dane, or the ale asylum (on the near east side, right across from fedex).
I have never done AG either, but I was thinking about getting into it for my next (second!) brew... Too early? I'm still looking into it...

Meeting up at a local brewpub sounds like a great idea to me.
Alchemy said:
I have never done AG either, but I was thinking about getting into it for my next (second!) brew... Too early? I'm still looking into it...

Meeting up at a local brewpub sounds like a great idea to me.

If you got the money and time to put together an all grain setup then go for it! But, on the other hand extract is a great way to get acclimated to your equipment and the process of brewing. BREW EARLY, AND BREW OFTEN! That is truly the best way to "find yourself" in relation to what can be done. Then when you've built your confidence up then compare yourself to others to further your brewing education. For me at least, this has become a passion which feeds on itself.

Wow! sorry to be so intense, kinda drunk on a belgian trippel! I gotta get some dinner in me.:D

Ya, that be cool to meet somewhere. Only requirement is to be a brewer of any stature. I like Ale asylum, but Great Dane will work and J.T. Whitney's too!

How bout getting together this sunday, say 3pm?:mug:
sunday at 3? I'd need to talk to the wife. I think she wanted to go out on Sunday and see a movie. Not sure what time though.
I'm 95% certain I can meet Sunday at 3 pm. Lets do it! I've never heard of the Ale Asylum, but I'm sure I can find it. I know where both Great Danes are and J.T. Whitney's as well. Let me know! :mug:
Yeah, I'm not gonna be able to make it tomorrow it looks like.

You guys go ahead though. I can be there next weekend or something if you want though.
ok, so alchemy and myself can make ale asylum 3pm today. Anybody else? I'll pm clayo2day to see if they can do it. I'll see if kornkob is available, also.

Cu there if no new news!
directions to ale asylum from beltline, hwy 51 (stoughton rd) north to East washington ave (aka, hwy 151), go straight to Kinsmann blvd (2nd stoplight after E. Wash. ave), left at light, then first right into parking lot for the Asylum. It's across street from FedEx station and McDonalds.

I'll be wearing a green spotted cow shirt.
nobody made it! Oh well, try again some other time. Had a interesting conversation with bartender anyways. and drank a nutbrown and hopaliciuous!
I just got your message! I probably could have made it had I got the message sooner. OH well, keep me up to date on any other get togethers/brewdays and I will try super hard to make it!
I'm sorry I didn't make it. I'd still like to get together. Perhaps we could plan something so it's further in the future and work it into more people's schedules. Is there a better place to arrange such a meeting besides this thread on the introductions forum?
hey guys
New homebrewer here from madison. Been moving into PM's lately and finally made myself a nice 5 gal cooler MLT ala FryGuy's great design. I'd love to sit in and help on some all grain brewing though, so let me know when the next meet up will be.

Another thing is that I'd like to have some experienced brewers taste my beer. You know, give me a bit of honest feedback and pointers if possible. I got an IPA (good flavor, but I have questions) that is ready to drink and a PM Fat Squirrel clone attempt that will be bottled end of the week. Secondly, I feel it will help greatly if I do some sampling of other homebrew, as right now I have very little in the way of standards for comparison.

Or, if you want to do any more brewery tours, I'm definitely down!
Madison (and WI) breweries = :rockin: :mug: :tank: :drunk:
I'm in the same boat. I'm just finishing my MLT by the same design. I'd love to sit in on some AG brewing to learn more about it. In addition, I'll be bottling my second brew fairly shortly, and I would like some constructive criticism or feedback on my beer. I've had friends try it, but from people who rarely stray from Miller Lite, I don't know how valuable their feedback actually is. Anyone around here wanna give my beer a try? :mug:
I'll try some and share some. Ya I'd really like to get some opinions from EAC's. I use the term cautiously cuz I'm still not sure what it means.
We gotta get together some time, but I won't be doing a all grain for awhile.

Yea, alchemy, I feel a little strange squatting in your intro with this meeting stuff. Maybe someone's got an idea where we can go with it.
Private messages work for me, especially since I don't normally check these "fluff" categories of the forums.:rolleyes: Only reason I caught on was I noticed uuurang's reference to "menards in wi" in the MLT DIY thread and looked up his other posts.

@alchemy: I'll try anything once, and if there's alcohol in it I'll probably even try it twice... just to make sure. :D

Although other than being born and raised here in madison on capital munich (dad's favorite brew), I'm not gonna gaurantee any judging capabilities.

On another note: I need more carboys! I gotta brew faster than I can drink the stuff. With 1 of 2 carboys lagering in the parent's fridge, I'm craving another brew session. Only 4 more days until I can theoretically bottle my Fat Squirrel attempt, and then I can free up the ale pail for another one! Patience grasshopper.

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