Yeastie boys - mead/melomel wlp775 English cider yeast

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Aug 9, 2020
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Hi all!

First time post, and research for my first mead. I have been using wlp English style cider yeast for brewing cider and plan on collecting and reusing the cider yeast potentially for a Mead/pyment. Has anyone here had any experience using 775 for a mead?

After using it for a bit I’m impressed with its flocculation and love the flavors in ciders but am curious how it translates to mead (how it does at high abv) and what nutrient regime people suggest, or any experience people have had for using in a mead.
I was not familiar with TOSNA, but will use it for the mead. I’m assuming wlp 775 is probably a medium nutrient yeast since it is used for cider.

Im definitely considering a wild grape pyment using this yeast as well if the mead turns out well, tbd. Collecting wild grapes this weekend to freeze.