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Homebrew Talk

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  1. SchwiftyGlipGlop

    Yeastie boys - mead/melomel wlp775 English cider yeast

    Hi all! First time post, and research for my first mead. I have been using wlp English style cider yeast for brewing cider and plan on collecting and reusing the cider yeast potentially for a Mead/pyment. Has anyone here had any experience using 775 for a mead? After using it for a bit I’m...
  2. W

    Homebrewing Year One: Equipment and Labels

    I started homebrewing early in 2016 with no knowledge and with what a store owner told me was "everything I needed." With every batch I brewed, I made mistakes, sought out more advice, and acquired more equipment. Now, after nine batches, I finally feel confident that when I invest time on brew...