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Very nice set up!
Thanks! This is a system a friend (Nick Barnes) built, I bought it from him and of course started modding. Swapped out the old controller for a Mega setup and BruControl from @BrunDog, which has been great, I run it in a virtual PC on a Mac.

It was originally a RIMS setup with the two 15g kettles, I like huge beers and couldn't do 10g batches in that setup, so this winter got a 20g MT, and turned the old MT into a HERMS HLT. Pros and cons there, that's a shocker, eh? I also started using BrewersFriend, which was totally worth the time investment. I use a grain bag in the MT on top of the false bottom, happy with that. Had a hops bag in the BK that experienced several containment failures, just switched to a stainless basket, so far that looks great.

Lots more to do. One of my two element circuits doesn't run at the full 220V, makes for a slower boil, need to figure out what's going on there. After that, I should add relays for pumps, and make better use of the scripting in BruControl. Maybe add some proportional valves to control the fly sparge precisely. I have the gear to measure volume, but I doubt I'll ever get there.

The latest batch is kegs 151/152. I brew Belgians, farmhouses, NEIPAs, and the occasional Russian imperial stout. Keg fridge is three faucets (Ventmatics, don't get me started!!!), all nitro. Recently I've started thinking about getting a CO2 setup in parallel for the NEIPAs and farmhouses, though I've been drinking nitro for 20+ years and might need an intervention to actually get it installed.

- Gregg

This is an 1138 dry cider from store bought apple juice no sugar added. 1047->1000. Back sweetened with grape punch concentrate (1 can per gal, no sugar). Stabilized and carbonated. Only a week after fermentation it’s not bad. Could use more age, but not bad. She’s got. Bit of pucker power. :cool:
View attachment 682446
HB wee heavy. Bottled 1-2-20, 13.1 ABV.
@PianoMan , no hibiscuses! My spellchecker swears that is a word, I guess after one of these, hibiscusi wouldn't work.
Hibiscuses IS a word! Hibiscus is singular...I guess. Wee Heavy and BarleyWine are on my list this year... speaking of.....what the hell is a Sisy-phus? A wimpy cat??