This Really Annoys Me Pet Peeve Thread

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I'm kind of amazed that smoking etiquette is even still a debate. That's pretty archaic. Then again, all the smoking bans in Illinois went into place when I was a kid so I only vaguely recall the "smoking or non-smoking" question from the hostess at a restaurant or the attendant at the hotel.

I'm also amazed that there are still a$$holes out there that proudly want to blow smoke in people's faces and then defend those actions on a public forum. I guess I'm just naive

Closing on the half century mark, I still have to curb the comment of saying, "Three non-smoking please." Now I just say "Three please.".
A quick check with CDC suggests this is not true. More like 2:1 deaths linked to secondhand smoke vs alcohol related liver failure.

Edit: Unless by "way before" you're talking about how long the disease lasts before one dies. You may be right on that point. Didn't check it out.

No trying to prove a point. Just trying to rile up all the liberal whiners that think they can tell people what to do because "they" don't like it. I don't even smoke just cant stand whiners. To many americans these days think the world evolves around them. Just remember there are people just as passionate about stopping our right to drink as you whiners are about stopping smoking. No one ever lit up a cigarette and went driving and killed a whole family. besides I'm sure all these suv's and trucks have more to do with those deaths than second hand smoke.
Alcohol-Related Crashes: In 2013, 10,076 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes (any fatal crash involving a driver with a blood-alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher), down 2.5 percent from 10,336 in 2012. Of the persons who were killed in traffic crashes in 2013, 31 percent died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. In 2010, drunk driving alone accounted for 18% of the total economic loss from motor vehicle crashes, costing the economy as much as $199 billion in direct and quality-of-life losses (NHTSA).

People that drink are much more dangerous to other peoples health than second smoke. Not saying that you guys would do this but I'm sure every single person on here has drivin legally drunk before. Much worse than smokers
No one ever lit up a cigarette and went driving and killed a whole family...

Eh. I wouldn't imagine this is a fact. Doing anything while driving other than driving is funking dangerous. Which leads me to my biggest pet peeves:

- People that do anything other than drive, while driving.
- People that think they are good drivers.
- Drivers that think they are traffic police.
People who think that a posted pet peeve is an invitation to start a culture wars debate. That's a whole other thread, on a different subforum.

Someone has a different opinion than you. Deal with it.
Tim, have you ever used a breathalyzer? Most jurisdictions set their "DUI" limit at 0.08 mg/L. I used to think that was pretty low, and would catch a bunch of innocent people just having a beer or two while out to dinner. A couple of years ago, I bought a home unit, more out of curiosity than anything, but also in case I ever needed to verify that someone I had served homebrew to was in fact safe to drive home (covering my butt, legally, so to speak, what with liability laws as crazy as they are nowadays. "I breathalyzed him and he blew a 0.04, Your Honour. I had no grounds to take his keys. He was sober when he left my house.").

The few times I've tried it on myself (again, just out of curiosity to see if I could guess what I'd blow), the results were shocking. After 4-5 beers, I felt perceptibly buzzed, certainly not confident enough to drive, and yet when I blew, I blew a 0.06. As off-kilter and uncoordinated as I felt, I was in fact still legally within the limit to drive a motor vehicle.

I guess what I'm saying is, the people getting DUI's aren't people who had 2 beers while watching the game at the bar, and who got unfairly picked on by a bored cop trying to make their quota. (In my city, cops actually hate catching DUIs, because it's a ton of paperwork and takes them off the road for at least 4 hours). Someone who blows 0.08 or higher is a legitimate danger to others on the road. 0.08 is a *generous* limit, in my opinion/experience, which makes it all the more crazy when I read about people getting pulled over and blowing 0.24. I'd be passed out at that level.

So to claim that everyone here has "driven legally drunk" belies a misunderstanding of just how intoxicated 0.08 really is. It's actually pretty damned drunk.
People who think that a posted pet peeve is an invitation to start a culture wars debate. That's a whole other thread, on a different subforum.

Someone has a different opinion than you. Deal with it.

Right. This thread is for like "I hate people who take my gum and wear red shoes"
Alcohol-Related Crashes: In 2013, 10,076 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes (any fatal crash involving a driver with a blood-alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher), down 2.5 percent from 10,336 in 2012. Of the persons who were killed in traffic crashes in 2013, 31 percent died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. In 2010, drunk driving alone accounted for 18% of the total economic loss from motor vehicle crashes, costing the economy as much as $199 billion in direct and quality-of-life losses (NHTSA).

People that drink are much more dangerous to other peoples health than second smoke. Not saying that you guys would do this but I'm sure every single person on here has drivin legally drunk before. Much worse than smokers

If you're going to use alcohol-related fatalities and costs as your straw man argument to defend smoking, you left out a rather important piece of information: The fatalities and costs of smoking.

Let's look at those numbers now, from the CDC:

Over 480,000 deaths in the U.S. per year, due to smoking.
Nearly 42,000 deaths in the U.S. per year, due to exposure to second-hand smoke.
Total costs related to smoking in the U.S. over $300 billion per year, including nearly $170 billion in direct medical care for adults, and more than $156 billion in lost productivity due to premature death and exposure to second-hand smoke.

If you're going to use alcohol-related fatalities and costs as your straw man argument to defend smoking, you left out a rather important piece of information: The fatalities and costs of smoking.

Wait... are we talking about smoking, or are we talking about second hand smoke?

Because one kills hundreds of thousands per year, and the other is ... bull****.

I think we all agree that smoking kills far more than drunk drivers, but there is a great deal of controversy surrounding allegations that second hand smoke is anything more than a myth.
People with dueling gloves. I couldn't even afford the Nintendo Power Glove and you have a dueling glove? Get OUT of here.
Tim, have you ever used a breathalyzer? Most jurisdictions set their "DUI" limit at 0.08 mg/L. I used to think that was pretty low, and would catch a bunch of innocent people just having a beer or two while out to dinner. A couple of years ago, I bought a home unit, more out of curiosity than anything, but also in case I ever needed to verify that someone I had served homebrew to was in fact safe to drive home (covering my butt, legally, so to speak, what with liability laws as crazy as they are nowadays).

The few times I've tried it on myself (again, just out of curiosity to see if I could guess what I'd blow), the results were shocking. After 4-5 beers, I felt perceptibly buzzed, certainly not confident enough to drive, and yet when I blew, I blew a 0.06. As off-kilter and uncoordinated as I felt, I was in fact still legally within the limit to drive a motor vehicle.

I guess what I'm saying is, the people getting DUI's aren't people who had 2 beers while watching the game at the bar, and who got unfairly picked on by a bored cop trying to make their quota. (In my city, cops actually hate catching DUIs, because it's a ton of paperwork and takes them off the road for at least 4 hours). Someone who blows 0.08 or higher is a legitimate danger to others on the road. 0.08 is a *generous* limit, in my opinion/experience, which makes it all the more crazy when I read about people getting pulled over and blowing 0.24. I'd be passed out at that level.

So to claim that everyone here as "driven legally drunk" belies an ignorance of just how intoxicated 0.08 really is. It's actually pretty damned drunk.

Its different for everyone 1 beer for my wife would definitely put her over .08 5 for me would not. Tons of variables that affect the end result. Food, meds, alcohol content of drinks, tolerance and on and on. My father which is a cop told me one drink per hour anything more and you are asking for trouble.
Its different for everyone 1 beer for my wife would definitely put her over .08 5 for me would not. Tons of variables that affect the end result. Food, meds, alcohol content of drinks, tolerance and on and on. My father which is a cop told me one drink per hour anything more and you are asking for trouble.

Sure. But the symptoms would be the same. It might take you 5 beers to get there compared to 1 for your wife, but if you're telling the truth, and that would put you both at 0.08, then you'd have comparable levels of delayed reaction time and disorientation. I would hope that at such a level, you would have the wisdom to not get behind the wheel. That's why I took exception to your claim that we've all driven legally drunk. "Legally drunk" is pretty messed up, regardless of how many drinks it took the person to get there.
People with dueling gloves. I couldn't even afford the Nintendo Power Glove and you have a dueling glove? Get OUT of here.

You can find great deals if you know where to look. I'm a member of a whole other set of forums dedicated to dueling and its accoutrements.
Wait... are we talking about smoking, or are we talking about second hand smoke?

Because one kills hundreds of thousands per year, and the other is ... bull****.

I think we all agree that smoking kills far more than drunk drivers, but there is a great deal of controversy surrounding allegations that second hand smoke is anything more than a myth.

I was saying that drunk driving kills more than second hand smoke. The correlation between second hand smoke and death can really never be proven use of outside factors as pollution, soccer moms with crazy huge suvs, diesel trucks, blah blah blah but I'm sure second hand smoke doesn't help
[Secondhand smoke] kills about 42k per year.

I don't believe it.

The next time you visit your family doctor, ask them how many patients they've ever seen suffering from illnesses the doctor would blame on their smoking (lung/mouth/throat cancers, emphysema, heart disease, whatever). Then ask them how many people that same doctor has ever come across who were suffering from similar ailments, but who weren't smokers, and who blamed their condition on exposure to second hand smoke.

Any doctor will tell you they've never met anyone in the latter category. Seems kind of odd, doesn't it? If there are 42,000 people per year DYING from second hand smoke - 4x more than are killed by drunk drivers - you'd think they could at least think of a handful they've come across during their careers, no?

Or how about even in your own circle? I can think of numerous relatives who were claimed by diseases brought on by their own smoking habits, yet none of my relatives, friends, former classmates, co-workers, celebrities, politicians, athletes, or anyone else I can think of has ever died from anything that could be credibly blamed on second hand smoke.

So who are these 42,000 people per year dying from second hand smoke? Where are they? How come none of us can think of a single person we know who died because of these illnesses?
Sure. But the symptoms would be the same. It might take you 5 beers to get there compared to 1 for your wife, but if you're telling the truth, and that would put you both at 0.08, then you'd have comparable levels of delayed reaction time and disorientation. I would hope that at such a level, you would have the wisdom to not get behind the wheel. That's why I took exception to your claim that we've all driven legally drunk. "Legally drunk" is pretty messed up, regardless of how many drinks it took the person to get there.

You might not of known you were LEGELLY drunk but felt fine and drove.
You might not of known you were LEGELLY drunk but felt fine and drove.

You missed the entire point of my post.

At 0.06, I felt totally unqualified to drive. I would never get behind the wheel feeling like I did, and yet legally, I was within the limit.

Thus, I don't believe it's possible for a normal person to be EVEN MORE drunk, and yet "feel fine."
I don't believe it.

The next time you visit your family doctor, ask them how many patients they've ever seen suffering from illnesses the doctor would blame on their smoking (lung/mouth/throat cancers, emphysema, heart disease, whatever). Then ask them how many people that same doctor has ever come across who were suffering from similar ailments, but who weren't smokers, and who blamed their condition on exposure to second hand smoke.

Any doctor will tell you they've never met anyone in the latter category. Seems kind of odd, doesn't it? If there are 42,000 people per year DYING from second hand smoke - 4x more than are killed by drunk drivers - you'd think they could at least think of a handful they've come across during their careers, no?

Or how about even if your own circle? I can think of numerous relatives who were claimed by diseases brought on by their own smoking habits, yet none of my relatives, friends, former classmates, co-workers, or anyone else I can think of has ever died from anything that could be credibly blamed on second hand smoke.

So who are these 42,000 people per year dying from second hand smoke? Where are they? How come none of us can think of a single person we know who died because of these illnesses?'s the CDC...bunch of egghead doctors and scientists. What do they know? :D

If you have some scientifically-researched, empirical data that proves otherwise, I'm all ears.
You missed the entire point of my post.

At 0.06, I felt totally unqualified to drive. I would never get behind the wheel feeling like I did, and yet legally, I was within the limit.

Thus, I don't believe it's possible for a normal person to be EVEN MORE drunk, and yet "feel fine."

People do it all the time. Im just pointing out to the smoker whiners (which I don't smoke) There is to sides to every coin and opinion from every mouth. They are complaining about smoking while someone in the world is complaining about some one home brewing. People just need to let people be free I mean we are in America right?
No trying to prove a point. Just trying to rile up all the liberal whiners that think they can tell people what to do because "they" don't like it. I don't even smoke just cant stand whiners. To many americans these days think the world evolves around them. Just remember there are people just as passionate about stopping our right to drink as you whiners are about stopping smoking. No one ever lit up a cigarette and went driving and killed a whole family. besides I'm sure all these suv's and trucks have more to do with those deaths than second hand smoke.

I definitely don't qualify as a liberal; about as far away as you can be. If you want to smoke in your own home, your own car, or other private places, go for it. And if you can come up with an invention that keeps your smoke within the bubble of air in your personal space, I'd say smoke anywhere you want. But until that time, my opinion is that you don't have the right to pollute my air or make my clothes smell like crap.
People do it all the time. Im just pointing out to the smoker whiners (which I don't smoke) There is to sides to every coin and opinion from every mouth. They are complaining about smoking while someone in the world is complaining about some one home brewing. People just need to let people be free I mean we are in America right?

I get it. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is a "whiner" and a "liberal".

This is no discussion. It's not an argument. It's your way or the highway.

I'll gladly take the highway. Later!

I definitely don't qualify as a liberal; about as far away as you can be. If you want to smoke in your own home, your own car, or other private places, go for it. And if you can come up with an invention that keeps your smoke within the bubble of air in your personal space, I'd say smoke anywhere you want. But until that time, my opinion is that you don't have the right to pollute my air or make my clothes smell like crap.

Doubt that. But until you can keep your vehicles pollution in its little bubble you don't have the right to pollute my air either.
I get it. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is a "whiner" and a "liberal".

This is no discussion. It's not an argument. It's your way or the highway.

I'll gladly take the highway. Later!


Ok have a nice day! :rockin:
Doubt that. But until you can keep your vehicles pollution in its little bubble you don't have the right to pollute my air either.

Where do you keep coming up with these wacky analogies? I read your post and almost sprayed coffee all over my keyboard. Too funny! :cross:
I get it. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is a "whiner" and a "liberal".

This is no discussion. It's not an argument. It's your way or the highway.

I'll gladly take the highway. Later!


Pet peeve. :D
Not that it makes it any less unpleasant, but I try to be a little more understanding with long-term homeless folks who don't have regular access to showers or laundry. But smoking, alcoholism, drugs and mental illness don't help.

I have far less patience for people who are just gross by choice for whatever reason. Massive BO, halitosis, hippies reeking of patchouli oil and rank dreads, people you can tell by smell haven't wiped properly, you name it.

Here's my anthem on the topic.

Haha, love Del

Brush yo teef, if ya must
Eh. I wouldn't imagine this is a fact. Doing anything while driving other than driving is funking dangerous. Which leads me to my biggest pet peeves:

- People that do anything other than drive, while driving.
- People that think they are good drivers.
- Drivers that think they are traffic police.

This is what I tell my wife and friends especially ones with motorcycles. You don't have to be a bad driver to get in a wreck, and if you think your too good of a driver to get in a wreck...even worse. People really do say things like this. "dude i can drive in this shyte weather im a great driver"
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