This Really Annoys Me Pet Peeve Thread

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people, especially older women in their 50's-60's that wear so much perfume you can taste it in your mouth when they walk past/sit near you on the bus.

A few years ago, I disturbingly discovered that the reason so many old ladies douse themselves in so much perfume is to mask the smells of BO and urine. Many elderly have deplorable hygiene, due to age-related factors such as incontinence, difficulty getting into/out of the shower/tub, inability to reach certain areas of their bodies, refusal to accept home care assistance, and degradation of mental faculties (dementia, Alzheimer's, etc.).

So.... which would you rather smell?
Never being able to find a charger for my work phone. I have a wife and three kids that all have the same phone I have tried to hide a charger but some how they always disappear. Com on man this is for my work phone the boss gets pissed if the plant goes down and he can't get ahold of me because my phone is dead.

You need a mophie (large portable battery, about the size of your phone.) and keep it with your work stuff. Out law it as yours. If anybody uses it, start confiscating stuff.

Somewhat devious, start with crap they leave around. Like just one shoe. Take it and hide one really good. See how they like it as they panic looking for the thing. Let them look then ask for your charger in trade.


You set the expectation upfront if it happens again, I would confiscate things they value for a few days too send the message. Starting with hand me your cell phones. Maybe the car keys, the Wii remote or console, anything they value. Next infraction turns into weeks.

That's how I'd do it. A mophie is good to have though. Mine can change my Samsug G5 about 8 times before I have to recharge it again.

people, especially older women in their 50's-60's that wear so much perfume you can taste it in your mouth when they walk past/sit near you on the bus.
Used to be a gal working here that was a smoker. For some reason, she'd go out for a smoke break and come back smelling like she hung out in a smokers lounge for three days (Dave would go out for the same break, and you couldn't smell it on him unless you were RIGHT next to him. You could smell her down the hall).

She started wearing perfume. Except her sense of smell was so off-balance that I swear she put half a bottle on every day - you could honestly smell it 20' away, and if you had to work at her desk with her, it would honestly water your eyes.

She quit smoking cold-turkey one weekend, and that was one of the most glorious things that's happened in the office.
Wait till you get the smelly street urchin on a bus or train who decides to sit next to you. The one who not only smokes but also has minimal hygiene standards. There's one creepy guy who rides my line who smells like he took a dump in an ashtray.

By 50 and 60 those folks are actually masking the smell of death - rotting flesh. 50 is probably the age to start euthanizing humans.
Or the worst, knowing we need to be out the door for something at a certain time and choosing to do dishes or some chore rather then getting ready earlier.

Rant over! If I had a mic I would drop it.

I want to piggy back and add on to this. Who else has the problem when driving with your significant other and when you get to the takes her FOREVER to get out of the car. I told my wife last week, you are going to wait until we are stopped to get whatever you need out of your couldn't do that while we were finding a parking spot! Of if she is driving....(sometimes not as often) They take forever to get the car started b/c again they are rummaging through their things.
Ugggh. It's not even a getting things out of the purse issue, just can not figure it out. Keys off, seatbelt off, door open and out in one motion. She's still realizing we actually arrived at our destination.

Thank god I am not the only one!
Wow, I have the exact opposite issue. I don't even have the car in park and the ignition off and my wife it trying to open the door. But she can't because the doors are locked because I don't have the car in park and the ignition off.
Looks like a new roller coaster idea
Canada's Wonderland used to have a stand-up coaster called the Skyrider. Dismantled it a couple of years ago after almost three decades of operation. Sold it to another amusement park in Italy (I think).

I rarely shop with my wife. When I'm shopping, I'm on a mission. I know what I'm looking for, I want to get in, get it, pay for it, and get out. My wife, on the other hand, wants to go up and down every aisle, "in case they have some new things," or something good is on sale. I'm impatient, and see it as a chore to be completed as quickly as possible. I grocery shop with a list, and if it's not on the list, I don't need it. Also, I generally walk pretty quickly, whereas my wife's pace is more casual (normal?). Thus I frequently find myself several steps ahead of her. I'll stop, wait for her to catch up, then continue on. We long ago learned these are incompatible methods of shopping, so we generally shop separately. I do all the shopping for essentials on my own (groceries, household items, etc.), and when she shops, she's shopping for clothing or whatever, so I stay home. It minimizes aggravation for both of us.
By 50 and 60 those folks are actually masking the smell of death - rotting flesh. 50 is probably the age to start euthanizing humans.

Where can I sign up? I'm not too keen on making it much past 30...
I want to piggy back and add on to this. Who else has the problem when driving with your significant other and when you get to the takes her FOREVER to get out of the car. I told my wife last week, you are going to wait until we are stopped to get whatever you need out of your couldn't do that while we were finding a parking spot! Of if she is driving....(sometimes not as often) They take forever to get the car started b/c again they are rummaging through their things.

Quoted for truth.

One more in the same vein: when she's driving, finds a parking spot, and leaves the car running while rummaging. I didn't realize gas was free now. TURN OFF THE CAR IF YOU'RE NOT USING IT FOR CAR THINGS!
The BigHair is always asking me why I took the particular route I took to get wherever we were going

"Because that's the way we're going. If you want to take the route you want, you drive."

She never wants to drive and never wants to stfu about my going the wrong way
I want to piggy back and add on to this. Who else has the problem when driving with your significant other and when you get to the takes her FOREVER to get out of the car. I told my wife last week, you are going to wait until we are stopped to get whatever you need out of your couldn't do that while we were finding a parking spot! Of if she is driving....(sometimes not as often) They take forever to get the car started b/c again they are rummaging through their things.

My wife spends all afternoon getting ready to go out. Hair, makeup, 3 changes of clothes, the usual...

We get in the car. We get to our destination. And she has to reapply makeup for 5 more minutes. Grr.

"You look great, dear. Now get the f#&k outta the car!"
I rarely shop with my wife. When I'm shopping, I'm on a mission. I know what I'm looking for, I want to get in, get it, pay for it, and get out. My wife, on the other hand, wants to go up and down every aisle, "in case they have some new things," or something good is on sale. I'm impatient, and see it as a chore to be completed as quickly as possible. I grocery shop with a list, and if it's not on the list, I don't need it. Also, I generally walk pretty quickly, whereas my wife's pace is more casual (normal?). Thus I frequently find myself several steps ahead of her. I'll stop, wait for her to catch up, then continue on. We long ago learned these are incompatible methods of shopping, so we generally shop separately. I do all the shopping for essentials on my own (groceries, household items, etc.), and when she shops, she's shopping for clothing or whatever, so I stay home. It minimizes aggravation for both of us.

Yes, I often get hell for going through the store "to fast". I feel your pain.
Wow, I have the exact opposite issue. I don't even have the car in park and the ignition off and my wife it trying to open the door. But she can't because the doors are locked because I don't have the car in park and the ignition off.

And how many demolition derbies did you say you won?
Wait till you get the smelly street urchin on a bus or train who decides to sit next to you. The one who not only smokes but also has minimal hygiene standards. There's one creepy guy who rides my line who smells like he took a dump in an ashtray.

Not that it makes it any less unpleasant, but I try to be a little more understanding with long-term homeless folks who don't have regular access to showers or laundry. But smoking, alcoholism, drugs and mental illness don't help.

I have far less patience for people who are just gross by choice for whatever reason. Massive BO, halitosis, hippies reeking of patchouli oil and rank dreads, people you can tell by smell haven't wiped properly, you name it.

Here's my anthem on the topic.

Wow, I have the exact opposite issue. I don't even have the car in park and the ignition off and my wife it trying to open the door. But she can't because the doors are locked because I don't have the car in park and the ignition off.

My wife only does that if I let one rip. I pretend I can't find the lock and of course the child locks are on.... :D
Ugggh. It's not even a getting things out of the purse issue, just can not figure it out. Keys off, seatbelt off, door open and out in one motion. She's still realizing we actually arrived at our destination.

I thought my wife was the only one. We can pull into the driveway and I can get out of the car, walk 75 feet to the door, unlock the door and get all the way to the kitchen before she gets out of the car. DUH. We have a long driveway, so it is not like a surprise that we are home.
My wife went through a phase where every time we were getting ready to leave (door locked, in the car, started up the driveway) she had to go back into the house for something. So I'd have to shut off the car and go unlock the door for her. After a few times I began just waiting at the front door for a minute or two after she got into the car for her to make up her mind if she was ready to actually leave. She eventually asked what I was doing so I told her. She's getting the idea and doesn't go through this as often these days. Also helps to ask her if she has the usual suspects (phone, glasses, etc.) before we walk out the door.
I really hate shopping with my wife. She frequently plays what I call "Retail Hide-and-Seek". We can be going through any kind of store, grocery, home depot, department store, whatever. If I turn my head to look at something and turn around to look back at her, she's gone. Drives me insane. I really want to get a Lo-jack installed on her so I don't have to hunt for her for anywhere from 5-30 minutes. I swear she can see a post-it sized "Clearance" sign on a rack of anything from at least 300 yards. It's like she has ESP for teeny tiny clearance signs.
People that think I want to breathe their stanky-ass cigarette smoke.

That would be me. I love to smoke, and I smoke as often as I can wherever I go.

What really annoys me are the idiots who got the anti-smoking laws passed on airplanes, restaurants, hotels, etc.

Greece is one of the last refuges in Europe where smokers aren't treated like criminals.
I am not a fan of inconsiderate smokers, especially when they smoke in my house. As a heavy smoker who always goes outside, it pisses me off when my fiancee's brother would smoke in my house when house/dog sitting. I smoke more than he does, and he knows that we don't smoke in the house. He and another brother will also light up right next to nonsmokers or next to open doors during family parties all the time.
Looking back, it's incredible that smokers used to be allowed to smoke on airplanes and in other tight quarters, especially at work where the only options a nonsmoker had was to either breath large amounts of second hand smoke or quit.

There is no safe level of exposure. It goes far beyond annoyance.
Home brewers worried about second hand smokes health effects that's funny you do know your liver will kill you way before a inhaling second hand smoke will right? LOL
Home brewers worried about second hand smokes health effects that's funny you do know your liver will kill you way before a inhaling second hand smoke will right? LOL

A quick check with CDC suggests this is not true. More like 2:1 deaths linked to secondhand smoke vs alcohol related liver failure.

Edit: Unless by "way before" you're talking about how long the disease lasts before one dies. You may be right on that point. Didn't check it out.
Home brewers worried about second hand smokes health effects that's funny you do know your liver will kill you way before a inhaling second hand smoke will right? LOL

I choose to possibly punish my liver. No one forces beer down my throat.

Inconsiderate smokers make me breathe their stanky-ass cigarettes.
I'm kind of amazed that smoking etiquette is even still a debate. That's pretty archaic. Then again, all the smoking bans in Illinois went into place when I was a kid so I only vaguely recall the "smoking or non-smoking" question from the hostess at a restaurant or the attendant at the hotel.

I'm also amazed that there are still a$$holes out there that proudly want to blow smoke in people's faces and then defend those actions on a public forum. I guess I'm just naive
New pet peeve: beer sites that make you "prove" you are 21 by either asking "yes or no" or just ask you to enter a birth-date. They all say "we do this to help convey the message of responsible drinking", but they aren't keeping anyone out.

"Are you 21 or older? Yes or no?" That really stops a 15YO kid! Because honesty on the web is so prevalent, right? Same with "enter your birth-date".

New pet peeve: beer sites that make you "prove" you are 21 by either asking "yes or no" or just ask you to enter a birth-date. They all say "we do this to help convey the message of responsible drinking", but they aren't keeping anyone out.

"Are you 21 or older? Yes or no?" That really stops a 15YO kid! Because honesty on the web is so prevalent, right? Same with "enter your birth-date".


I never give my birth date anywhere on the internet unless it is an official government site that requires identification. Your birthdate is Personal Identifying Information. There's bad people out there that collect PII. When they collect enough PII on you, your house may have a huge mortgage.

Facebook. Put all your personal information out there for everyone to grab.
whiney little beeches especially about smoking

Home brewers worried about second hand smokes health effects that's funny you do know your liver will kill you way before a inhaling second hand smoke will right? LOL

1993 called. It wants its smokers' rights crusaders back. :D

I haven't even thought about that old smoker/nonsmoker thing in ages. It's no longer an issue in the civilized world.
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