So who's brewing this weekend?

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Mashing in on a neipa right now
Brewed up an altbier base today that I’ll be pitching London ale yeast into shortly.
Did an oatmeal stout on Wednesday. Glad I'm a bag brewer. That would have been a nightmare of a sparge otherwise.
I did a bock yesterday morning in sub-freezing temps and everything went remarkably smoothly, thanks in part to some awesome cold weather clothing that family got for me last Christmas.
9am, Kids at daycare, no work today since it's so quiet, wife sleeping after second night shift so can't wrench on the bike... but I can always brew :D

Strike water heating up for a maris+first gold SMASH. It's sister brew with EKG should be about ripe to bottle this weekend.
Was going to brew tomorrow morning but the shed isn't heated and it is supposed to be -3 with a high of 9.
builds character. lol. Cheers to sum warmer weather. Wuz a balmy -13 F with wind chill here today. lol
Was going to brew tomorrow morning but the shed isn't heated and it is supposed to be -3 with a high of 9.

Hell, I was just sitting here thinking about brewing Sunday but it’s supposed to be low 20’s so I may punt. That’s a heat wave compared to where you are!
Our last 2 mornings the wind chill was -15 F and I think tonight it is supposed to be -15 to -20. Sadly my dryer is gas so I can't steal the power from that to brew. Could be worse though, I'm sure parts of Minnesota, the Dakotas, and our upper peninsula would be in shorts if they had my weather
Made a nice citra/cascade pale ale on the grainfather tonight. I split the batch in two, one I pitched US05 and will dry hop with galaxy, the other I added 1.5l of cold steeped carafa III which I had boiled and cooled separately, and pitched S04. Will dry hop the stout with Zythos.
Grainfather pump choked on the 220gms of hops, must get a spider.

Man I hate cleaning that thing too.
Brewed a Citra/Mosaic/Galaxy NEIPA, and this was not a good brew day! Started off early, 5am, as usual and everything was going as planned until the boil. At only 5 degrees outside, my SP10 burner was struggling to keep a boil. About half way through, I moved everything down into the garage (burner, tank, and 7 gallons of boiling wort) where it was a little warmer. The valves on the propane tank and burner were freezing over and I kept loosing the flame...not good when you're brewing indoors!

Had to keep spraying them with warm water, which works great until it freezes. Anyway, I got through the boil and am whirlpooling now. Good news is that chilling to 65 should be pretty easy!

Don't like when things don't go as planned, but you gotta roll with it. Missed my OG by quite a bit, 1.053 vs 1.060, probably due to reduced boil off. Oh well

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Brewed a Citra/Mosaic/Galaxy NEIPA, and this was not a good brew day! Started off early, 5am, as usual and everything was going as planned until the boil. At only 5 degrees outside, my SP10 burner was struggling to keep a boil. About half way through, I moved everything down into the garage (burner, tank, and 7 gallons of boiling wort) where it was a little warmer. The valves on the propane tank and burner were freezing over and I kept loosing the flame...not good when you're brewing indoors!

Had to keep spraying them with warm water, which works great until it freezes. Anyway, I got through the boil and am whirlpooling now. Good news is that chilling to 65 should be pretty easy!

Don't like when things don't go as planned, but you gotta roll with it. Missed my OG by quite a bit, 1.053 vs 1.060, probably due to reduced boil off. Oh well

You can add 1/2lbs or so of DME since its still fermenting and emitting CO2. Done it myself with success.
I thought I was probably done brewing for the year, but I started going through my inventory of odds and ends and leftovers and decided I had enough to make beer.

I plugged my ingredients into Beersmith and played with numbers for a bit and came up with a Pale Wheat Ale.

Seven lbs of German Pils, 3lbs of white wheat, Citra and Cascade hops and US-05. Beersmith predicted 1.048 post mash and 1.055 OG, 40 IBU. I ended up at 1.044 and 1.058.

The OG sample tasted really, really good. I may have to make this one again, but on purpose next time.

-15 F here this morning with windchills at -26 F. I think I'll wait at least until it get above Zero.
Brewed Thursday (28th). 13 gallons of imperial stout and 5.5 gallons of low ABV stout with the third runnings. 48 pounds of grain, 4 pounds of sugar. 1.101 on the imperial and 1.039 on the regular.





And drank this while brewing.
Mashing in on a Best Bitter right now. 9# maris otter, 1# homemade invert #2 will go in the boil along with some EKG. 1469 will be the yeast!
Discovered I was going to run out of beer before vacation in 2 weeks so mashing in an Arrogant Bastard clone today. Skimped a pound on the grain bill in order to use the pound of dextrose I forgot on the last brew. About 8 minutes left in the mash.
-12 for the high temp today! Ordered a pump so I can chill wort by recirculating instead of running the hose... will make winter brewing easier. Need to get a tank to catch the hot water from the first part of cooling and use it for cleaning... get away from garden hose in this deep cold. I can refill the cooling water barrel by carrying water from the house.
Was planning on brewing a SMaSH IPA with my son today, he's in from Minnesota and has never witnessed homebrewing in action. We both woke up sick as dogs this morning. Plans canceled. :(
Trying to work myself up for brewing this weekend. Going to be nice enough unlike the past two when I wanted to brew. Now feeling lazy but may be the only chance I get for awhile. Have to check propane and make a starter tonight.

Either brew a Christmas Stout or a Bitter.
I'm taking advantage of the above freezing temps today and brewing a Kölsch-inspired pale ale. It's been -30C for a couple weeks and this "warm" weather is very much appreciated!
-31?? -30?? Umm, we complain when it's +30..even +40.

NEIPA planned in a couple days.
I actually brewed at -28C over Christmas, and the weather was surprisingly tolerable. Clear blue skies and calm. The unforseen factor was the propane. Apparently -30 is so damn cold that it won't gassify properly! I managed a weak 30 minute boil before it gave up the ghost.
I actually brewed at -28C over Christmas, and the weather was surprisingly tolerable. Clear blue skies and calm. The unforseen factor was the propane. Apparently -30 is so damn cold that it won't gassify properly! I managed a weak 30 minute boil before it gave up the ghost.
On otherwords you were outside attempting this feat....speechless! I don't golf unless it's over 60f. Feeling wimpy right now...