So girls like the smell of brewing

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Simply born of my profession as a writer.

That explains it all, i now am insight into you mind Sheck. I will note that down in my mind. I think this thread died... I will post to it again on thursday with what happends, of course i hope it keeps going, but it seems to have lost its novelty now.

Careful if your in an airport, i saw a news story about a guy who got attacked by a drug dog because he was smuggleing hops back in from germany... he had them in his pants... near his junk... yeah...guess where the dog hit him???


I would question that story as drug dogs are not trained to 'attack' when they sense the presence of drugs - they sit. If he may have resisted or something like that, maybe he took one to the twig and berries.
Pssst Jack

*whispers* When Shecky begins riding you too hard about something, all you need to do is do a google image search, using the key words "Porch Couch" and post a pic. It invokes some sort of short circuit in his brain that lasts for awhile.....

Sort of like if you manage to baash a terminator hard enough to do a hard reboot on takes about 30 seconds to a minute for it to start up you some breathing room...and if you are lucky it sends him off on a totally different tirade.

Like this!


Pssst Jack

*whispers* When Shecky begins riding you too hard about something, all you need to do is do a google image search, using the key words "Porch Couch" and post a pic. It invokes some sort of short circuit in his brain that lasts for awhile.....

Sort of like if you manage to baash a terminator hard enough to do a hard reboot on takes about 30 seconds to a minute for it to start up you some breathing room...and if you are lucky it sends him off on a totally different tirade.

Like this!



Wooo- that porch couch is HOT! I'd like to lay on that right now. Anybody else?
Pssst Jack

*whispers* When Shecky begins riding you too hard about something, all you need to do is do a google image search, using the key words "Porch Couch" and post a pic. It invokes some sort of short circuit in his brain that lasts for awhile.....

Sort of like if you manage to baash a terminator hard enough to do a hard reboot on takes about 30 seconds to a minute for it to start up you some breathing room...and if you are lucky it sends him off on a totally different tirade.

Like this!



Thankx Rev i needed somthing like that, you know Sheck he just doesn't no when to quit sometimes... now that i know his weakness i can take over the world... (lightening flashes, cartoon fades out and just before the black you see Brain the mouse sitting in his cage laughing insanely)

I would question that story as drug dogs are not trained to 'attack' when they sense the presence of drugs - they sit. If he may have resisted or something like that, maybe he took one to the twig and berries.

It actully turn out that the dog liked the smell and didnt believe it was drugs in the first place. The man was injured, badly bruised from getting hit full force by the body of a big happy german shepard. Knocked him down fractured his pelvis, bruised his but, and severly Poor guy all he wanted was some hops

Hey guys - We need to figure out how to get Jack and this girl together! If they start dating maybe she can post for him! Of course... if he has to explain why she may run away to a hop farmer or something.

Firefox... spell check... it dewnt hewlp yer greemer bewt it dews weunders fer yer speulen!
so where is the update? I've been watching this silently and need to know if I should brew tomorrow or monday morning before school starts!?!?
so where is the update? I've been watching this silently and need to know if I should brew tomorrow or monday morning before school starts!?!?

well boys sorry i didnt update, i would like to say i went to class on thursday smelling like brew and get a hot date and hot sex to boot... but alas nope, I went to class and sat down in my normal seat and before hop head girl could show up a friend of mine snagged the seat i was hoping shes sit in... with friends like this who need enemies. Well i did get a chance to talk to here however, i didnt get smelled just cracked a couple jokes and got a phone number and a name. (sighs)... and i think she has a boy friend... we shall see, i have called once and gotten voice mail and called once to the tune of "hey yeah i remember, can i call you back im driving, im sorry i didnt call you back yesterday I got busy"... so i am thinking that i am up **** creek... i was kept up again by nightmeres last night, and that is deffinatly a way to ruin a day... this on top of it all i am gonna get real drunk tonight... i have the bottle of everclear sitting next to my chair and my special shot glass calling to me... its one of those darker nights in my mind... im gonna see if i can lighten it by douseing my brain in liter fluid and lighting it on fire, pathetic i know but some days are diomond, and some days are rocks...

I'd c0ck punch your friend for c0ck blocking you...if she'd SAT next to you the other day...I betcha things would have been different.

thankx for the chuckel Revy my firend and i arent good enough friends for me to be able to say "dude, move your ass your interfereing with my plans and i will b much more inclined to be a better lab partner if i get laid before my testicals die from negliect"... i dont think he would get it, and i bet he wouldnt move anyway... well im hitting my first double, join me?

Don't do it man! We are here for you. Have some beers instead and hang out on here. I know about the darker nights and rocky days... But, you've got us. Okay, you can have a few shots with your beers... That'll be good for our laughs... :D

Kidding. You'll get her man. Just douse yourself in some Ruination before the next class. She'll probably jump you right there and then! ;)
thankx for the chuckel Revy my firend and i arent good enough friends for me to be able to say "dude, move your ass your interfereing with my plans and i will b much more inclined to be a better lab partner if i get laid before my testicals die from negliect"... i dont think he would get it, and i bet he wouldnt move anyway... well im hitting my first double, join me?


I'm 3 ahead of two doubles will put you ahead of me...

Actually since my first two were an ordianry bitter session beer, they only count as third is a stone IPA (happy sigh) so with your dubble we're tied...

Don't do it man! We are here for you. Have some beers instead and hang out on here. I know about the darker nights and rocky days... But, you've got us. Okay, you can have a few shots with your beers... That'll be good for our laughs... :D

Kidding. You'll get her man. Just douse yourself in some Ruination before the next class. She'll probably jump you right there and then! ;)

Zym havent see you around recently, was missing you... i cnat write druck Shecky will have a small furry animal after like one post because of my spelling, im seriouos, he will go into labor right by his keyboard, and bump his webcam... and it wont be pretty... and it will be all over youtube by morning... and ill be scared for life... that bad... (looks at bottle of Everclear) I need one just to was that image out of my mind

I know its bad to drink to brighten things Zym, but i had a math teacher in highschool who had a saying about drinking "80% of all people drink because they are sad, 75% drink cause they are happy. Thats over 100% of people drinking, and thats because people who arent 21 yet drink when they arent supposed to, so dont add to the trend... yeah he was about as good a math tracher as he wast a openent of underaged drinking... uhtooo, i am already getting a bit jumpy on the keys, i can here Sheck crying alraedy... sorry

im up one Rev

Zym havent see you around recently, was missing you... i cnat write druck Shecky will have a small furry animal after like one post because of my spelling, im seriouos, he will go into labor right by his keyboard, and bump his webcam... and it wont be pretty... and it will be all over youtube by morning... and ill be scared for life... that bad... (looks at bottle of Everclear) I need one just to was that image out of my mind

I know its bad to drink to brighten things Zym, but i had a math teacher in highschool who had a saying about drinking "80% of all people drink because they are sad, 75% drink cause they are happy. Thats over 100% of people drinking, and thats because people who arent 21 yet drink when they arent supposed to, so dont add to the trend... yeah he was about as good a math tracher as he wast a openent of underaged drinking... uhtooo, i am already getting a bit jumpy on the keys, i can here Sheck crying alraedy... sorry

im up one Rev

Jack, I love ya man, but you are killing me. I think I just birthed sextuplet pygmie marmosets. Jesus H Christ on a bike, you can't spell sober, stop attempting it drunk.
Jack, I love ya man, but you are killing me. I think I just birthed sextuplet pygmie marmosets. Jesus H Christ on a bike, you can't spell sober, stop attempting it drunk.

im staying off youtube forever now, thankx for the laugh Sheck im not that far gone i was just getting your attention. You know how i like to be a part of everybody's lives... are you gonna keep all those marmosets?

... are you gonna keep all those marmosets?
Once I clean the afterbirth (and my vomit induced by your spelling) off them, I'm sending them straight to your place. After all, you're the father when you think about it. Without you, they'd still be zygotes in some other pygmie marmoset's dream.
Once I clean the afterbirth (and my vomit induced by your spelling) off them, I'm sending them straight to your place. After all, you're the father when you think about it. Without you, they'd still be zygotes in some other pygmie marmoset's dream.

I demand a DNA test you not getting child support out of me, im too young to be a father. :drunk:
Once I clean the afterbirth (and my vomit induced by your spelling) off them, I'm sending them straight to your place. After all, you're the father when you think about it. Without you, they'd still be zygotes in some other pygmie marmoset's dream.

I don't want to know what u 2 have been doing.
Once I clean the afterbirth (and my vomit induced by your spelling) off them, I'm sending them straight to your place. After all, you're the father when you think about it. Without you, they'd still be zygotes in some other pygmie marmoset's dream.

Good lord, that was sublimely gibberishical.
Leave your cognizance behind. That's the only way to masticate true pin-sol template rabbit.
Well, when in Rome .... I have to speak at Jack's level. It's not easy writing gibberish, let me tell you. My cognizant thoughts keep getting in the way.

Sheck i wouldnt sugest trying to speak on my level youll hurt yourself, and get sruck this way... then who will correct me.

BrewinJack, I think you just need to drink more and you will be spelling superbly. Grammar will overtake even sheckles. Let go, use the force!


Or use your forehead on the keys... ;)

Yeah don't drink cause your sad or happy. Just drink! :drunk:

'scuse me I just popped the button of me trousers!
BrewinJack, I think you just need to drink more and you will be spelling superbly. Grammar will overtake even sheckles. Let go, use the force!


Or use your forehead on the keys... ;)

Yeah don't drink cause your sad or happy. Just drink! :drunk:

'scuse me I just popped the button of me trousers!
I see everybody has taken to the variations of my name.

drunken oral sex?
On himself? Good job Jack. You don't need that girl after all.:cross:
BrewinJack, I think you just need to drink more and you will be spelling superbly. Grammar will overtake even sheckles. Let go, use the force!


Or use your forehead on the keys... ;)

Yeah don't drink cause your sad or happy. Just drink! :drunk:

'scuse me I just popped the button of me trousers!

Glad i could improve your night Zym... if only i could swap place temporaily... double number four (shoots, winces) is away... i don't feel any differnt... hey wait, whats that thing above that "n" in don't... where did it come from??? I am thinking i should hold on for a bit and let the first 8 oz of everclear take effect and see if i feel like sleeping... i porbably will... sounds like a bad idea, if i dont get gone enough i will have nightmeres again, bet you ten to one odds. Oh well, i may have to proceed
