Making sales and brewing ales.
I'm planning on brewing a Dubbel tomorrow and will use a single, 200ml fresh pouch of Imperial B48 (Triple Double), no starter. The Dubbel will be an estimated 1.066 OG, and 1.25# of those fermentables will be coming from candisyrup and table sugar.
I want to reuse the slurry in a BDSA/Quad once this one wraps up.
I know repitching slurry from higher OG beers is a nono, but since this will be the first repitch since introducing the manufacturer's culture, and since there's 1.25# of highly fermentable (easy) adjuncts, I'm wondering if saving the slurry and using an appropriate amount for a 1.075 tripel and a 1.080-1.085 BDSA/Quad would be reasonable? When I back out the syrup and sugar of the dubbel, I'm looking at an OG of 1.057 of the harder-to-ferment grist.
I know the ABV of the yeast's environment is another variable to consider, and this yeast/grist combo should attenuate pretty far and take the beer up to the 7-7.5% ABV range. I also know that some abbeys and Trappist breweries repitch yeast from high OG beers into even higher OG beers... but I admittedly don't have their equipment or lab-like conditions
What do you think? Reasonable to repitch 1.066 slurry into bigger beers in this case?
I want to reuse the slurry in a BDSA/Quad once this one wraps up.
I know repitching slurry from higher OG beers is a nono, but since this will be the first repitch since introducing the manufacturer's culture, and since there's 1.25# of highly fermentable (easy) adjuncts, I'm wondering if saving the slurry and using an appropriate amount for a 1.075 tripel and a 1.080-1.085 BDSA/Quad would be reasonable? When I back out the syrup and sugar of the dubbel, I'm looking at an OG of 1.057 of the harder-to-ferment grist.
I know the ABV of the yeast's environment is another variable to consider, and this yeast/grist combo should attenuate pretty far and take the beer up to the 7-7.5% ABV range. I also know that some abbeys and Trappist breweries repitch yeast from high OG beers into even higher OG beers... but I admittedly don't have their equipment or lab-like conditions
What do you think? Reasonable to repitch 1.066 slurry into bigger beers in this case?