c.n.budz said:are you looking for stove top mini mash without using a mash tun?
For winter brewing I do a stovetop mini mash using a big nylon grainbag and my boil kettle for a mash tun.
Mash at 150-155* with about 1.5 quarts of water per pound of grain for 60min (all the grain goes in the giant nylon bag during the mash) Sparge in the boil kettle with 1 quart per pound of grain at about 170* for around 15 min. Then just continue brewing as if you are doing extract w/ steeping grains
Revvy said:
paranode said:If you are serious about going to all-grain in the future it would probably be worth buying a cooler and doing the conversion to a mash tun to keep the temps right. I've done the stove-top method myself and it can be a hassle.