Harvested yeast....save or toss?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2012
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Hey all,

I harvested some yeast from a can of Sip of Sunshine just to see if I could do it. I was planning on using it in my next Pale Ale then reusing in an IPA, but I don't need it immediately for anything. This is my first time harvesting, so I might not have stepped it up right, but more importantly I'm not sure if it's clean. It looks like I have a nice yeast cake on the bottom, but there are also some floaters. Are these normal in harvested yeast? It looks like trub...can DME produce this? Also, in addition to the floaters, there look to be some bubbles on the surface that I'm not sure are normal. These don't look like pellicles (yet), but I don't want to take any chances.

What's your advice based on the two pics? Toss it and try again, or try to separate out the yeast cake on the bottom?



I think that is floculated yeast and not trub.

If it tastes good, you can use it.
If it scares you don't use it.

I can't suggest what to do from the photos.
You could always give it a test run with a gallon batch. I would just throw together a simple 1 gallon extract brew, and see how it turns out. If it tastes like garbage than don't use it again. If it tastes good, than keep using it.
I think it looks fine. Nice amount of yeast. That's from stepping up 1 can?

The bubbles on top might mean it's still fermenting. Cold crash and decant. Bring it to room temp, then try a larger batch - like a gallon.
Judging by the pics I'd use it. But like others have suggested I would do a one gallon batch if your concerned, that one gallon would also be a really good way to get a big amount of yeast for your next brew.
Thanks for the advice. Yes, that is from one can after 3 steps...two 500mL steps at about 1.020 and a 500mL step at about 1.040 using Muntons light DME. These pics are after at least a day on the stir plate and another cold crashing, so I thought fermentation would be done, but maybe not.

I think what I'll do is make a 6 gallon batch of an IPA and set a gallon aside to test this yeast and ferment the other 5 gallons with a fresh smack pack starter.


Good idea. I tasted some, but I don't know what it should taste like. Sort of like beer? Not terrible, but maybe just a bit of funk.
Mason jar had a bit of positive pressure when I took the lid off, so there's still something going on in there
I don't know what sip of sunshine is. Should it be funky?
I'm not sure I'm tasting funk....hard to tell with just a small sip from a starter
My wyeast American ale 2 starter liquid tastes a bit tart and malty, not delicious, but not unpleasant. At least until I used Mother's Day counter cleaner to "sanitize" my mason jar instead of the star San that was also nearby. Doh!
That's encouraging...that's about what mine taste like now. I don't actually know what kind of yeast Sip of Sunshine uses, but it might be Conan.

I've been making starters for at least a couple of years but I don't think I ever actually tasted it, I always just look for the visual cues that the yeast is going strong.