Game of Thrones

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No interest in the proposed R+L=J theory and the potential for J to contend for the iron throne if he's still around?!?!

All my mental energy is on Dany and dragons (and Tyrion) getting to Lands end and using dragon breath to shatter white walkers. And Arya doing some Kick-Ass on the bad guys.

The situation at the wall is silly. The white walkers are heading south, everything else there is a side story.
If you're a Jon Snow fan, she may be the only chance to retain this character.

Part of me thinks that the whole death scene with Jon Snow was just one of Melisandre's visions and she we do something to stop it. But who knows, I have so many theories going on right now about everything. Honestly, I'm glad I haven't read the books,it keeps me guessing and speculating.
John Snow is dead. Writers confirmed it.

But, it's a fantasy story, and some people have come back, even if they didn't make it into the TV version...
i've seen this quote in a couple of places:

“I’ve been told I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m not coming back next season. So that’s all I can tell you, really.”

from the actor who plays snow.. interesting enough though its always been referenced to "next season" .. i did see on a news site that all of the actors signed up for a seventh season, which included kit in there..

as somebody who read the books i wasn't surprised about it, but i seem to remember him not being so dead in the books, like there was a chance he would survive.. now my theory is either he will be brought back to life by the red witch, or since he did die, and everything comes back to life up there as a white walker, he would be the most badass of them all
No interest in the proposed R+L=J theory and the potential for J to contend for the iron throne if he's still around?!?!

In the books you get a lot of rumors, gossip, and whispers about Rhaegar and Lyanna, but there hasn't been much, if any at all, of that on the HBO show. I don't believe they've mentioned Rhaegar or Lyanna at all in the last few seasons and it would take some effort for the writers to somehow make it matter to the show watchers.

As for Jon Snow's fate, to quote the Drowned God, "What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger."
Meh. All they need to do is sacrifice a few people with noble blood, especially some kids, and John Snow can be good as new!

It's worked so far, right? ;)
No interest in the proposed R+L=J theory and the potential for J to contend for the iron throne if he's still around?!?!

if it turns out he's not Ned Stark's biological son, but rather his nephew and is, in fact Rhaegar's illegitimate son, he is still illegitimate and not the rightful heir to the throne.

regardless of his legitimacy, after taking the oath of the Nights' Watch, he gave up any claim to the throne he may have had.

however, by dying, his Watch has ended, opening the way for His Grace Jon of Houses Stark and Targaryen, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm
It doesn't matter WHO is heir to the throne, what matters is if they can take it!

I'm betting on Dany, but only if she can train her dragons to not stand there and get spears poked into them.
Everyone is still hung up on who will take the Iron Throne but in my opinion it won't matter by the end. Everything is going to be so ****ed up after all is said and done I don't think the seven kingdoms will remain united and if anyone does sit on the Iron Throne it won't be what it was before the series started or even what it is now.

So.... in the meantime we can either speculate about John's future (I personally hope he is either reanimated and leads the army of the dead against Dany or that he is reborn by fire when they try to burn his body because he has the blood of the dragon in him) or we can get excited about about True Detective.... or both?
Everyone is still hung up on who will take the Iron Throne but in my opinion it won't matter by the end. Everything is going to be so ****ed up after all is said and done I don't think the seven kingdoms will remain united and if anyone does sit on the Iron Throne it won't be what it was before the series started or even what it is now.

So.... in the meantime we can either speculate about John's future (I personally hope he is either reanimated and leads the army of the dead against Dany or that he is reborn by fire when they try to burn his body because he has the blood of the dragon in him) or we can get excited about about True Detective.... or both?

Agreed on all parts. I think a major theme is that you get so f$@&ed up chasing power you lose everything that matters and who you are.

Nervous about true detectives. First one was so epic that I don't know how this one will do.
I'd feel so much more confident about the new season of True Detectives if Vince Vaughn wasn't part of the cast. I said the same thing about McConaughey in Season 1 and he was outstanding. I can't be the only one excited about Ballers though, right?
For the guys who have read all the books, how much more of the TV series could be created based on what's left in the books?

Will the next season require another book?

What's the scuttlebutt on the next book? Will GRMM just skip the book and help the producers go right to script for TV?

It seems to me that IF this show has an "ending", it will be with the entire kingdom unified under one leader on the iron throne. Given the number of groups going for it, that would seem to take more than one season. Though, Stannis Baratheon's situation fell apart pretty damned quickly.

Regarding Stannis, uh, like, wtf, that whole thing took at least a season or two to build up, then his entire army gone in a single episode. Though, he's not technically dead yet (did the big chick whack him?) and half is army is not defeated, they defected. And red is still around, albeit way north.
Well. There is a lot of content that has been left out and some events seem to have happened at different times. I think they could probably get another season out of what is currently out.

As for the plot, GRRM has already worked with the scriptwriters to get the plotline to them so that should he pass away or otherwise be unable to finish the books they will still get the job done.
The whole stannis army thing blew my mind, so much build up for that? That was crazy, perhaps Brienne spared him
For the guys who have read all the books, how much more of the TV series could be created based on what's left in the books?

Certain story lines (Stannis, Brienne/Jamie, and Sansa in particular) are either way past where Dance of Dragons ended or have moved in a completely different direction.

The major story lines (Bran, Jon Snow, Daenerys, Tyrion, Cersei) are either at the ends points of a Dance of Dragons or just a step beyond.

The only story lines that have not moved or have not been shown are the Iron Islands. I doubt Euron will make an appearance. In the show, I believe Balon is still alive, however he died fairly early in the books.

Will the next season require another book?

Undoubtedly, next season will cover most if not the entirety of the Winds of Winter. Winds hasn't been published yet, and who knows if GRRM is even writing. He's a legendary procrastinator. His publishers must be infuriated knowing they're going to lose a mountain of cash if HBO beats them to the punch.

What's the scuttlebutt on the next book? Will GRMM just skip the book and help the producer's go right to script for TV?

The scuttlebutt is that GRRM has had five years (2011 was when Dance was published) to get Winds of Winter done. There is ANOTHER book after Winds (Dream of Spring) that will finish the series. The pace that he is moving is glacier-like. I honestly think he's lost all desire and inspiration in the GoT world and would rather sit back and enjoy the fame and money. That's fine with me, except I wish he'd just be honest about it instead of dragging it along.

It seems to me that IF this show has an "ending", it will be with the entire kingdom unified under one leader on the iron throne. Given the number of groups going for it, that would seem to take more than one season. Though, Stannis Baratheon's situation fell apart pretty damned quickly.

I believe HBO has committed to a total of 7 seasons for GoT's. That would allow for two seasons to cover the material that will supposedly be in Winds of Winter and Dream of Spring.

Regarding Stannis, uh, like, wtf, that whole thing took at least a season or two to build up, then his entire army gone in a single episode. Though, he's not technically dead yet (did the big chick whack him?) and half is army is not defeated, they defected. And red is still around, albeit way north.

Dance of Dragons ended on cliff hangers for pretty much every character including Stannis. I'm not sure if Book-Stannis is going to end up in the same place as Show-Stannis. The HBO producers have had no problem deviating characters from the books (BRIENNE) to make the show more entertaining. I don't think GRRM particularly cares so long as the show ends up in the same general ending as the one he has in his head.
Lots of good points. I know that GRRM has already worked with the producers and writers to flesh out the entire show to the finish. He's not unaware of his health and writing pace. They could finish the show, following the major plot points of the upcoming books, without GRRM.

Frankly, I don't think the show will spoil the books for me. I find the books just as intriguing even though the show is well done and there will likely be spoilers. I think there is enough disparity between them to warrant reading and watching.

I can't really remember where each character left off. Between the two books it's been a while. I do remember where I left off with Arya, which I won't describe since it hasn't happened yet, but honestly I don't remember what happened to most all of the main characters at the end of their time in the last book. Maybe it's time to re-read them?

Or not. As I said, there is plenty of reason to watch the show and to read the books. I'll wait until the next book is coming out to re-read the last two books.
The show has enough to go off on their own for a couple more seasons easily. It's already quite different from the books. There's still a lot of stuff to cover in two seasons:

Eventual Bolton downfall. Whatever is in store for Sansa. Arya's training and eventual return to Westeros. Cercei and unGregor killin bitches, then her downfall. Dany making it to Westeros. Jon revival and whatever is in store for him. And of course the White Walkers.
Speaking of which, I thought the books made it clear that Gregor Clegane was actually killed.

Or is he actually going to come back in the books? I am confused about him.
Speaking of which, I thought the books made it clear that Gregor Clegane was actually killed.

Or is he actually going to come back in the books? I am confused about him.

In the Brienne chapter where she goes to the quiet isle with the one wandering priest dude (Guy that gives the awesome "how a man breaks" speech) there's a giant mute digging graves. The priest on the isle uses careful words to say The Hound is dead. As in Sandor is alive, but The Hound is no more.

I don't think he'll be back, no. His story is done and he's finally found some peace. There's a theory he'll come back to kill UnGregor, but that's pipedream fan fiction as far as I'm concerned.
Woops, you mentioned Gregor... not Sandor. I should learn to read before typing responses.

Gregor did die. That's a ****in Zombie. Look at his eyes in the show. In the books it is also mentioned he does not eat or drink.
In the books Gregor Clegane suffers terribly from the poison spear that Martell used to pole vault through him. His screams are heard for weeks throughout the Red Keep which ultimately irritates Cersei prompting her to give Clegane to Qyburn for his "research". Later on, Balon Swann journeys to Dorne with what he tells the Dornish court is the Mountain's skull. There's no evidence that is or isn't.
Oh, I remember now. So his fate is still up in the air.

I don't remember anything about Sandor except when Arya left him to die.

now I really kind of want to re-read the books just to remember all the good sht that's missing from the show!
i wouldn't put it past the show bringing back Sandor to fight his brother even if it is never meant to happen in the books. They have never been beyond indulging in fandom fairytails (eg. the Hound fighting Bri which was totally awesome but never even came close to happening in the books).
I wish they had cast Lady Stoneheart. That would have been pretty epic plus it would have made a better path for Jon's eventual return. Unless they do a lot of explaining it's going to be very disjointed.
This article was written for book and show viewers. If you haven't read the books there will be some character reveals, whether or not they happen in the show is debatable though. It may also not make complete sense since there is so much backstory in the books that hasn't come into the show due to obvious time constraints. In short, read at your own risk and if you're debating reading the books you should probably just devote your life and time to that.
about time Jon Snow got what he had coming...the bastard.

I never did understand why so many people like Jon Snow (in the books or the show), he makes some really dumb decisions. Of course, I'm the guy who likes Vaerys and Littlefinger know, there's that.
I never did understand why so many people like Jon Snow (in the books or the show), he makes some really dumb decisions. Of course, I'm the guy who likes Vaerys and Littlefinger know, there's that.

He makes a lot of decisions based in honor. Sometimes they aren't great decisions, but he's trying to be noble. Same thing got Ed beheaded, of course, and this IS GoT...
He makes a lot of decisions based in honor. Sometimes they aren't great decisions, but he's trying to be noble. Same thing got Ed beheaded, of course, and this IS GoT...

Let's not forget Rob Stark he made some annoyingly bad decisions, nixing the wedding deal and sending Theon away
Robb was an idiot apart from war tactics. Jon doesn't do anything quite that naive. He's your typical underdog who rises to glory from his own force of will. Hard not to like him when it's coupled with the plot line involving the big badass ice doods.
Robb was an idiot apart from war tactics. Jon doesn't do anything quite that naive. He's your typical underdog who rises to glory from his own force of will. Hard not to like him when it's coupled with the plot line involving the big badass ice doods.

I thought it was just him getting the Ginger.