Fantasy football anyone?

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Yea, Ablrbrau! You're the champion!

You notice that if your opponent had NOT made one last move (swapping Reuben Droughns for TJ Hackett), he would have just BARELY won? Hacket would have gotten him four points, versus Droughns' one... maybe he shouldn't have started playing, eh?

As to the autopick debate; I'd prefer a live draft, but autopick wouldn't blow either. I did a modest amount of work moving players around ahead of the draft. It would have been nice to get a stud RB right away, but I was drafting last. There's a lot that changes over the course of the season.

Alright, so how do we handle the logistics of the beer-gift? Should we winners send our info to Dude, who will then convey it to the group via PM?
the_bird said:
Yea, Ablrbrau! You're the champion!

Yes, Congrats cheesehead!

the_bird said:
As to the autopick debate; I'd prefer a live draft, but autopick wouldn't blow either. I did a modest amount of work moving players around ahead of the draft. It would have been nice to get a stud RB right away, but I was drafting last. There's a lot that changes over the course of the season.

I'm almost to the point that I doubt I'll even play in any autopick leagues next year.

the_bird said:
Alright, so how do we handle the logistics of the beer-gift? Should we winners send our info to Dude, who will then convey it to the group via PM?

I guess that will really be the only way to do it--but bear with me. I'll be busy as hell in the coming weeks so if I don't answer a PM immediately--hang on. Also, I think we need to get this out there--if you don't send your beer to the winners--I think you should automatically be ineligible to play next year. This was really fun so let's pay our debts and prepare for another fun year next year!
For the winners (and the big loser), I don't plan on being able to send beer for another two weeks anyway. I just bottled my altbier, which at bottling seemed to be the best that I have done yet. It needs another two weeks of conditioning, at which point I'll sample, decide if it IS good enough to send out, then it'll be on its way. If it's NOT good enough, I'll go grab some local micros, my homebrew bottle stock has become shockingly bare.
Thanks guys........ If anyone could have seen me during that last big play by the Jets last night, you would have been laughing your a$$es off- I'm sure I was ghost-white, since my life was flashing before my eyes. Anything more than a field goal there and I would have been toast. and the prospect of overtime REALLY scared me.

I'm afraid you guys are going to have to take micros from me this year. Santa didn't come through with a beer gun (WTF am I going to do with an ipod, anyway?:confused: ) and I've got nothing in the works to bottle the old-fashioned way anytime soon. My last couple batches have been "just ok" anyway-nothing to scream about, and certainly nothing to ship off as prizes:eek: . Dude you might want to PM me with a request. Considering your Wisconsin ties, I really don't know which of our local micros you've had already, and I'd like to send you something new to try.:mug:
5th place baby!!!!! You can just smell the mediocrity! :rockin:

do we owe beer if we don't know who one the teams owner is? :confused:
the_bird said:
Remember, Todd, I think you owe me FIVE....

(Pats-Bears, remember?)

I thought 3rd place got 1 beer and I owed you 3 from the other bet?
no fantasy baseball for me, it's takes too much time during the week.
todd_k said:
I thought 3rd place got 1 beer and I owed you 3 from the other bet?

That's right, it was a 3-1 bet. I was thinking it was 4-2. Although, I *did* send you two, because I felt guilty about taking so long to get them in the mail... :rolleyes:
First- I am definitely in for Fantasy Baseball. I came perilously close to winning another league this past year.

Second- did we already give out addresses for where to send the brew? I don't want to fail to honor my half of the bargain! And how much do I send? And to whom?
Congrats Ablrbrau!

I've got a beer gun on the way, so it may take a couple of weeks for me to get my beer out - hope that's ok.

I LOVE baseball, but I've heard that fantasy baseball is a HUGE PITA as far as time investment goes. Are the leagues pretty much standard or are there versions that are less time consuming than others?
May I recommend a new thread that cuts to the chase on who gets what? This thread has so many posts its difficult to get to the meat of who the heck is getting what, when etc. Maybe dude could start that?

I'd like to make some offers to those winners on if they'd like a 22 of Apfelwein and/or a combo of some other regional/local stuff (store bought) since I don't bottle much at all anymore. I think we had others who were in the same boat as I. Addresses could then be shared PM.

Oh, and some quick instructions on best practices when shipping beer as I've never done that before!!

NO FF Bball for me either...
Fantasy Baseball can indeed be a PITA, ESP if it is set up for daily updates. It can be se up in different ways, but the more I think about it, the more I think I am going to pass, too. Six months just gets a bit long for that IMHO. I do like Bird's idea of an NCAA tourney pool, though:D
the_bird said:
That's right, it was a 3-1 bet. I was thinking it was 4-2. Although, I *did* send you two, because I felt guilty about taking so long to get them in the mail... :rolleyes:

Yeah, yeah, yeah..... I know, I'm a schmuck. :eek:

Patience young Skywalker.....
Looking at Yahoo - Head to Head Fantasy Baseball seems like the way to go!

I'm in if we can get the players to fill up a league.
2nd Street Brewery said:
Just a bump. Has anything been sent/poted as to who and where us losers need to send our beer?

I think Dude was going to send us all a PM with who owes what to whom and all the addresses, but needed a couple of weeks due to his full schedule.

I just got a beer gun, so "winners" will be sampling my first bottles ever.
Dude PM'ed me his address, but not anyone elses'

Does anyone know for certain who Drunken Sailors was? Was that Whitay? I knew at one point, but can't remember for certain.
rdwj said:
I think Dude was going to send us all a PM with who owes what to whom and all the addresses, but needed a couple of weeks due to his full schedule.

I just got a beer gun, so "winners" will be sampling my first bottles ever.

I hate to be a dick about this--but I really don't have time to compile the addresses and all that.

Bottom line, if you owe someone beer, PM them and git 'r done.

Anyone who doesn't pay up by draft day next year, isn't in the league next year. Simple.
Dude said:
I hate to be a dick about this--but I really don't have time to compile the addresses and all that.

Bottom line, if you owe someone beer, PM them and git 'r done.

Anyone who doesn't pay up by draft day next year, isn't in the league next year. Simple.

No biggie, just going by what was said earlier in the thread. If that's not the case, that's cool.
Well, everyone owes Dude and myself one beer. Everyone owes Drunken Sailors (if they can be found) two beers, and arlbrau three beers. I'll PM people with my info this weekend.
the_bird said:
Well, everyone owes Dude and myself one beer. Everyone owes Drunken Sailors (if they can be found) two beers, and arlbrau three beers. I'll PM people with my info this weekend.

Great - thanks Bird. I PMed everyone I owe except the Sailors
Since I have to send everyone my info anyway, if people can be patient for a couple of days, I can just send a PM with everyone's info. I'm waiting for ablrbrau's info and Whitay's, I have Dude's already. That should be the easiest way to do this.
I just sent everyone who participated a PM with the winners' info (and Dude's).

Never heard from Whitay, so... guess I'm not getting a beer from him, but he's not getting two from me :D
the_bird said:
I just sent everyone who participated a PM with the winners' info (and Dude's).

Never heard from Whitay, so... guess I'm not getting a beer from him, but he's not getting two from me :D

Bird, thanks for doing that PM.

My beers won't go out for a few more weeks--I want to wait til the slammer and the smoked IPA are kegged and ready to bottle. The bar has to be done to do this, because the kegerator is out of commision (it is built into the bar now!) until the cold box is up and running correctly.

I owe Brewpastor some beers too, and he has been waiting SO patiently. I want some good stuff to send for you guys.
Just got the PM bird thanks, I'll be getting mine out as soon as the IPA I bottled has a little more time to card. So I owe you 2 net from the Jets/Pats game and one from FF right
Three total; the Jets/Pats was a four beer bet (I already owed YOU two for the mash paddle, it was either I owe you six or you own me two). Maybe we can catch up at Hennessy in a couple weeks, I'll need to make a trip down at some point.