**** daylight savings time...

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Agreed... This is totally killing by buzz right now, knowing that kids will be coming into my room in about 6 hours, asking for cereal and mickey mouse.
I hate the change, but I like the spring time lighting for photography. Morning shoots start at 8:30 instead of 7:30, and I have more light in the evening.
Lose an hour, but the chickens & horses still need to be fed. Their watches don't spring forward or backward. :D
Worst part for me: I'm supposed to get to work at 7 am. I ride my motorcycle in most days. I was really liking that it was just getting to the point that I wasn't having to change out shields each morning (tinted helmet shield vs clear... anyone who reads my posts knows I'm full of a LOT of hot air so sunglasses within a helmet just don't work.)

Double brew day today: a mild and an IPA
It a waste of time for a few months since I can't get started until sunrise tomorrow at 730 as opposed to last weeks 630...
Not sure why we still have it. Completely different time than when it was put into effect and it seems like studies have shown that total energy use goes UP because of the time shift.

Frankly, I'd be happy if we'd just choose a damn time and stick with it. Hell, move the clocks forward 1/2 hour and leave em! (nevermind that other countries wouldn't but hey, we're American, we rule the world and everyone has to follow us, right? Right? This mic on?)

On a funny side note. Seems the mods are keeping a good eye on me. My title was bless daylight savings time and was NOT **** last night.
Think it'll go well if I start showing up at 8 and when asked why say bless daylight savings time!?
I think you're all missing the point guys....happy hour comes an hour sooner.

<getting on my soap box> First of all, it is officially "Daylight Saving Time" WITHOUT the "s" after Saving! <getting off my soap box>

I feel sorry for all the dairy farmers who have to s-l-o-w-l-y convince the cows to come to milking later! And then do the opposite in November! It really is a PITA for most everybody.

Arizona feels the same way. I'm just going to continue sleeping and acting as if nothing changed. :rockin:

Yep. I'll be down there this week visiting my girlfriend in Tempe and get to endure 2 hours of jet lag instead of 1. :drunk:
LOL I just took an ambien and went to bed earlier last night.

I actually welcome the extra hour of "light" even though it's a PITA to get used to. I can actually come home from work and take my dog for a nice long walk vs. trying to get up early to do that before work (not a morning person, not one bit).

Also makes it a bit easier for my job, as we have a lot of collaboration with developers in India and that means a lot of 7am meetings (yuck). With daylight savings time (which India does not observe) I can have those same meetings at 8am.
How so?? It's ALWAYS "happy hour" or "beer'o'clock" someplace... :D

I set the analog clock in my old Benz to 5:00 for a picture. Next time I got in the car I realized the clock doesn't work so now it always says 5:00.... better hurry home!! :ban: