At home breathalyzer....?

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I just bought one ( different model ) but also in the $50 type. I did several tests and found that you really need to wait ( as instructions say ) for 20 minutes before using to be at all consistent. I said "consistent" not accurate. prior to 20 mins no food/drink, it was +/- 0.02.

Another friend paid about $250 for hers and seemed to work better, ie consistent---I wouldn't trust for accurate. I asked a cop if I could compare results, but he said no. : ( I guess it gets you in the ball park. My thoughts are: If I have to use this device to see if I should drive....Hmmm and you probably get the quality you pay for....
I find #4 to be the odd one. Actually an instance of the growing extraterritoriality of U.S. law, whereby it's attempted to apply it to foreigners who commit acts against U.S. citizens or property abroad, or to control the behavior of U.S. citizens while on foreign soil. The concept is actually a vestige of the imperial / colonial era, where sections of foreign cities or countries would be marked off by treaty (forcible of course) and regarded as part of the colonial / imperial power. When we toured Shanghai a few months ago, on our tour around town we were shown the neighborhood where the various "treaty" areas of the foreign powers -Japanese, British, French, etc.- were located a century ago.

In the broader sense, it's all just a symptom of the general trend to pass more and more laws and statutes- control, control, control. All part of our rampant insecurity as a people.

"The worse the society, the more law there will be. In hell there will be nothing but law, and due process will be meticulously observed."

- Grant Gilmore
# A server in California can be convicted of selling to a minor if the purchaser uses a false or altered ID to buy the alcohol. 14

Thats true in a lot more states than California.
Fun Facts about state laws and alcohol.

Haha, check out number 24!
"24. In Houston, Texas, beer many not be purchased after midnight on Sunday, but can be purchased anytime on Monday...which happens to begin right after midnight on Sunday! So it's illegal to buy it when its legal to buy it?"

The person is a little confused by what 12 midnight Sunday is

Midnight Sunday is 12 am once you go from 11:59 pm Saturday to 12AM its Sunday so this is correct. My guess is that beer isn't sold on Sundays in Houston
I hope this helps you guys, I would hate for any of you to be subject to a DUI arrest. They aren't fun and are costly. I would only hope that if you were/are arrested that you actually reflect and thank whomever because it means that you are alive and didn't kill yourself. You can even thank the officer for that.

Are you serious???? You really think someone should THANK you for arresting them with a DUI???? You MUST be a cop.

In NC if you blow, just below the limit, they will take you to jail and make your wait about 45 mins and then blow you again,,, The assumption is that if you are at the limit, you problly have another beer in ya,,, so they bust you for "sitting in the police station with a beer in your belly" not for driving over the limit. Not only is this an improper serach and seizure, its a clear indication of how the troopers are just interested in getting DUI's under their belt (in NC every dui bust is compensated with comp time towards retirement).

Pardon me if I don't thank you for your ideas on DUI

Least you think I'm too bitter, I got my first DL in 1968 and have never had a DUI, I just don't agree with the laws that are in efect at this time.
I had a similar device in college. It worked off of a 12 volt battery supply you plugged into the cigarette lighter in your car.

My buddy figured out the hole you plugged it into was the same size as the cell phone charger he plugs into the wall. He grabbed the breatholizer and plugged it into the wall. Created instant smoke and that was the end of my new toy.

I told him it worked, if he makes it smoke he's drunk.
Are you serious???? You really think someone should THANK you for arresting them with a DUI???? You MUST be a cop.

In NC if you blow, just below the limit, they will take you to jail and make your wait about 45 mins and then blow you again,,, The assumption is that if you are at the limit, you problly have another beer in ya,,, so they bust you for "sitting in the police station with a beer in your belly" not for driving over the limit. Not only is this an improper serach and seizure, its a clear indication of how the troopers are just interested in getting DUI's under their belt (in NC every dui bust is compensated with comp time towards retirement).

Pardon me if I don't thank you for your ideas on DUI

Least you think I'm too bitter, I got my first DL in 1968 and have never had a DUI, I just don't agree with the laws that are in efect at this time.

I believe that the idea of compensation in any form for an arrest is probably a violation of of a Supreme Court decision (the name of which eludes me) whereby justices of the peace in some state were being compensated for every traffic conviction. I doubt that comp time toward retirement would be exempt, although this might be a different case because it's going to boil down to probable cause, and I'm not enough of a legal-beagle (nor do I care enough) to state whether being just under the limit for DUI is sufficient grounds to hold someone and see if they blow a bigger number. Strictly personally, I think it blows, but not in the same sense.
< Rant >
I hate people who drink & drive :mad:

Having experinced a drunk driver(crash) I say our laws are too soft re: DUI
Same for driving while texting & cell phones :evil:
< rant off >

European Union

* Austria: 0.05% and 0.01% for drivers who have held a licence for less than 2 years and drivers of vehicles over 7.5 tonnes
* Belgium: 0.05%
* Bulgaria: 0.05%
* Czech Republic: Zero
* Denmark: 0.05%, imprisonment if over 0.08%, zero if involved in an accident
* Estonia: 0.02%
* Finland: 0.05%
* France: 0.05%
* Germany: zero for beginners (less than 2 years' experience and drivers under the age of 21) as well as drivers making commercial transportation of passengers; 0.03% in conjunction with any other traffic offense or accident; 0.05% without evidence of alcoholic impact; penalty for 0.11% is driver licence withdrawn for about one year; for 0.16% regranting of the licence requires a successful medical-psychological driver assessment
* Greece: 0.05% (BrAC 0.25 mg/L)% and 0.02% for drivers who have held a license for less than 2 years, motor cycle and professional drivers
* Hungary: Zero
* Ireland: 0.08% to be reduced to 0.05% or 0.02% for learner and professional drivers.
* Italy: 0.05%
* Latvia: 0.02% for drivers with less than 2 years of experience and 0.05% for those with more than 2 years of experience
* Lithuania: 0.02% for drivers with less than 2 years of experience and 0.04% for those with more than 2 years of experience
* Luxembourg: 0.05% and 0.02% for professional drivers and drivers with less than 2 years of experience
* Malta: 0.08%
* Netherlands: 0.05%, 0.02% for drivers with less than 5 years' experience
* Poland: 0.02%
* Portugal: 0.05%
* Romania: Zero
* Slovakia: Zero
* Slovenia: Zero for drivers with 2 years or less experience and professional drivers, 0.24 mg/l (0.05%) for all others.
* Spain: 0.05% and 0.03% for drivers with less than 2 years experience and drivers of freight vehicles over 3.5 tonnes, and of passenger vehicles with more than 9 seats.
* Sweden: 0.02% (up to 6 months imprisonment), 0.10% (imprisonment, maximum 2 years)
* United Kingdom: 0.08%
I'm not sure about all the DUI laws in the US but I feel that 0.8% blood alcohol content is a good limit. I don't feel my reactions are slower or my driving is affected at that level. Although I'm a very non-aggresive driver even if I've had one drink. Some people become very aggresive drivers when drinking which is the exact opposite of what you want.
I agree that a blood alcohol level of .08 is low enough. As the limit is lowered it raises more issues of false positives and problems with the test equipment itself. I believe that lower limits are just designed to catch people who are not impaired in any verifiable sense. This is effectively no different than a kind of prohibition.

A lot of the push to lower limits in this country has the "New Drys" behind it. And, yes, there is a prohibition movement that is alive and well in this country, it just doesn't have any kind of real popular support. That could change; the biggest thing standing in its way is the revenues from alcohol. For now, they'll settle for pushing anything that makes it harder to consume.
As an old goat, I remember when there was no legal limit. Less drivers then, but no more wrecks by .08 drivers either. Drunks can't drive,,, no doubt,,and ought to be arrested,, but 4 light beers doesn't mean your gonna kill everybody on the road either. My take on it is this, a drunk that insists on driving, has no respect for the law or anyone else, so why the big deal about such a small blood alcohol level??? IMHO it is just a way to extract money from the straving masses:D
As an old goat, I remember when there was no legal limit. Less drivers then, but no more wrecks by .08 drivers either. Drunks can't drive,,, no doubt,,and ought to be arrested,, but 4 light beers doesn't mean your gonna kill everybody on the road either. My take on it is this, a drunk that insists on driving, has no respect for the law or anyone else, so why the big deal about such a small blood alcohol level??? IMHO it is just a way to extract money from the straving masses:D
Exactly, I kind of agree with the last guy too that there's certainly a prohibitionist movement to some degree. Look at the dumb open container laws that say its better for me to pound my drink before I leave the restaurant than take it with me. Look at the decrease from .1 to .08 The prohibitionists sell it as taking dangerous drunks about to kill families off the street. The cops I've talked to tell me the person at .09 isn't the horror story traffic accident its sold as, those drivers are usually at least twice that. Anyway I think to that end .1 to .08 probably hasn't increased safety at all. A lot of people accept it as reasonable though. Keep an eye out though because I think those new prohibitionists like MADD are going to keep pushing. Look at europe. I think its clear we're eventually going to go to .05 if they have their way
MADD was reasonable at one time but is now drunk with political power.

"Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire."
Robert Heinlein
I work in a job that requires me to enforce the laws made by the powers that be in this state. That being said, I don't agree with all laws that are written in the Penal/Vehicle code. I did however swear an oath that i would uphold these laws everytime I put my uniform on. In the end its just a job that pays my bills. When I go off duty, I go home, brew beer and throw back a few just like all you guys.
Brewpatrol, You guys do a tough and necessary job. When we need help, the first call we make is to the police.

The quote from Heinlein was in reference to big bureaucracies who feel compelled to perfect the world. I know people who would love to see a "nanny state".

I remember the old days too. The freedom to drive while quaffing beer from a brown paper bag has a kind of Wild West appeal. But the reality was a bit harder.

End of rant...
I work in a job that requires me to enforce the laws made by the powers that be in this state. That being said, I don't agree with all laws that are written in the Penal/Vehicle code. I did however swear an oath that i would uphold these laws everytime I put my uniform on. In the end its just a job that pays my bills. When I go off duty, I go home, brew beer and throw back a few just like all you guys.

Brew, sorry ifin I was a bit testy, thats kinda a quality us ole goats fall in to. I also, go home ATER my job and toss a few back (a bit mo than few,,,) But I NEVER drive after i open my 4th, (I drink light, 4.5%) because I REALLY don't want to go to jail, OR hurt anyone else. I for one am glad that there are folks like you out there doing YOUR job.

Speaking for Michigan there is no longer an "impaired" limit - its all .08, full driving while intoxicated. As far as the device is concerned as long as it stays accurate (not needing regular calibration) then might as well have one around. FAR better to plann on staying put if you have more than a couple. At least long enough to sober up.
Who would have guess this of all topics would have grown like it has....

But, since it has, here's a question. Why if so many on here preach that you need to wait 30 minutes for a breathalyzer to be accurate don't the po po ask how long it's been? I mean, if I were to leave a pub after just 1 or 2 and they stop me for a tail light, smell the beer, and ask me to blow, will they oblige my request to wait 30 minutes, or essentially force me to blow knowing full well that the results might be skewed?
Who would have guess this of all topics would have grown like it has....

But, since it has, here's a question. Why if so many on here preach that you need to wait 30 minutes for a breathalyzer to be accurate don't the po po ask how long it's been? I mean, if I were to leave a pub after just 1 or 2 and they stop me for a tail light, smell the beer, and ask me to blow, will they oblige my request to wait 30 minutes, or essentially force me to blow knowing full well that the results might be skewed?

The answer to that is simple.... their job is to protect and serve,,,, Protect the States income,, and Serve the Governments agenda !!!
Who would have guess this of all topics would have grown like it has....

But, since it has, here's a question. Why if so many on here preach that you need to wait 30 minutes for a breathalyzer to be accurate don't the po po ask how long it's been? I mean, if I were to leave a pub after just 1 or 2 and they stop me for a tail light, smell the beer, and ask me to blow, will they oblige my request to wait 30 minutes, or essentially force me to blow knowing full well that the results might be skewed?

Its not 30 minutes, its a 15 minute waiting period. We have to observe the subject for a period of no less than 15 minutes. That 15 minutes starts at the first contact and on through the Field Sobriety Tests (FST's). The PAS device is always the last test given to confrim the officers belief, based on his/her training and experience, that the subject is under the influence. The officer will most likely already know what the subjects BAC will be based on specific clues during the FST's. You will never need to ask the officer to wait. Its a shall for him to observe or it will be thrown out in court and the DUI conviction dropped.
Stagnasty, that comment makes it seem as though you are mad at police for during there job. And you are taking out issues and government flaws on the local cop.

Do you yell at the local gas station attendant when gas prices go up?
Its not 30 minutes, its a 15 minute waiting period. We have to observe the subject for a period of no less than 15 minutes. That 15 minutes starts at the first contact and on through the Field Sobriety Tests (FST's). The PAS device is always the last test given to confrim the officers belief, based on his/her training and experience, that the subject is under the influence. The officer will most likely already know what the subjects BAC will be based on specific clues during the FST's. You will never need to ask the officer to wait. Its a shall for him to observe or it will be thrown out in court and the DUI conviction dropped.

If only they taught the same to overzealous water cops in the summer... they seem to do whatever whenever they want. Been there seen it.... I've got a "go fast" boat that sat un-used all last summer because I was tired of getting pulled over "because I looked like I was drinking..." They made me blow several times. Passed everytime... and was still pulled over agin the next time out for the same thing.... so I apologize for my resentment.

Disclaimer: I mean absolutely no disrespect to any officer on here with these posts. I honestly believe you're one of the (closely behind teachers and the military) most under appreciated, under paid professions out there... it just sucks sometimes that your oath forces you to uphold laws that many of you agree are bogus.... or just a little out of line.
If only they taught the same to overzealous water cops in the summer... they seem to do whatever whenever they want. Been there seen it.... I've got a "go fast" boat that sat un-used all last summer because I was tired of getting pulled over "because I looked like I was drinking..." They made me blow several times. Passed everytime... and was still pulled over agin the next time out for the same thing.... so I apologize for my resentment.

Disclaimer: I mean absolutely no disrespect to any officer on here with these posts. I honestly believe you're one of the (closely behind teachers) most under appreciated, under paid professions out there... it just sucks sometimes that your oath forces you to uphold laws that many of you agree are bogus.... or just a little out of line.
No disrespect taken bro. Like I said, its just a job that pays the bills. Out of the 80 guys/gals at my office, 4 of us are homebrewers and have about half a dozen more that are seriously interested in it due to us bringing in brews for sampling. We could probably start our own brew club.
Stagnasty, that comment makes it seem as though you are mad at police for during there job. And you are taking out issues and government flaws on the local cop.

Do you yell at the local gas station attendant when gas prices go up?

What do you think of the SS guys at the Nuremburgh Trial, saying" I was just doing my job" Did that make it right????

Do your job, it pays your bills,,, but that DON"T make it right Homey !!!!
...aaaand thread over. Godwin's Law (or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies) has been invoked:

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."

- Mike Godwin

First corollary to Godwin's Law: the Godwinner automatically loses any argument involved.

I think the Nuremberg trials counts. You lose.
...aaaand thread over. Godwin's Law (or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies) has been invoked:

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."

- Mike Godwin

First corollary to Godwin's Law: the Godwinner automatically loses any argument involved.

I think the Nuremberg trials counts. You lose.

So you are intitled to your opinion, but I am not???

(and i am not the one that mentions GOD in my signiture)

Okay, I just need to know the rules, okay???

I'm a noob, okay,,,

Just tell me what the rules are okay???

I don't want to offend
Nobody should be offended. This is a simple friendly online discussion. I made a point and Stagnasty made a good rebuttal. Touche.

But we need to keep in mind that this is about drunk driving, no wars have been started over drunk driving. Comparing cops and drunk drivers to the Nuremberg Trials is a pretty far stretch.
it aint the same league... it ain't even the same gawd-damned sport!

alcohol costs money. i drove with a .19 for some unconscious reason.. got caught and i gotta pay for it. i drove my 280k miles logged 1994 honda civic sedan 85 mph through a windy mountain and hit the side thanks to famous understeer, and rolled 6 times. i had fun each time. were the sonsequences worth it? hell no! but you gotta try. either accept responsibility for your actions, or hide in a bubble.
I got one of those after reading Tucker Max's book "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell". It is something that should be banned from people buying cause you start having competitions with others.... But is still great for parties for the fun factor but not to be used to determine if people are okay to drive home (hence why I have a small lockbox I lock peoples keys in (and then normally forget where the key to the lockbox goes) :)

Check out the below:

That was a pretty funny story though :p

I need to find my copy of that book. It needs to go on the shelf right next to The Complete Joy of Homebrewing
So you are intitled to your opinion, but I am not???

(and i am not the one that mentions GOD in my signiture)

Okay, I just need to know the rules, okay???

I'm a noob, okay,,,

Just tell me what the rules are okay???

I don't want to offend

Oh, I'm not offended; just tryin' to lighten things up :)
......which this thread desperately needs.

A bit of advice (not a rule, and I may make it into Rico's Law): Getting into any kind of substantive argument on an Internet forum is like trying to win the Olympic 100 meter freestyle in a wading pool.

and, aaah.....I didn't mention God, A.E. Housman did. I only quoted him. Pretty good sig, huh? ;)
Oh, I'm not offended; just tryin' to lighten things up :)
......which this thread desperately needs.

A bit of advice (not a rule, and I may make it into Rico's Law): Getting into any kind of substantive argument on an Internet forum is like trying to win the Olympic 100 meter freestyle in a wading pool.

and, aaah.....I didn't mention God, A.E. Housman did. I only quoted him. Pretty good sig, huh? ;)

Point well taken:)
The answer to that is simple.... their job is to protect and serve,,,, Protect the States income,, and Serve the Governments agenda !!!

Hey Mr stagnasty this is why there are laws about DUI/DWI>
Reports are the driver was DWI.

This happend down the road from my primary home, sad but it will always happen due to azzHoles who feel its ok to drink & drive.
Maybe next time its you or your family.....:mad:

Couple die in Christmas Eve crash

A Port Orange couple was killed Christmas Eve in a car crash on Taylor Road.

Brett Gerken, 56, died at the scene of the crash on Taylor Road at Spruce View Way. His wife, Renee Gerken, 49, was transported to Halifax Health Medical Center and died later, according to Florida Highway Patrol Sgt. Kim Montes.

The Gerkens -- who lived in Spruce Creek Fly-In -- were traveling west on Taylor when a car driven by Christopher T. Price, 35, of South Daytona, traveling east, crossed into the path of the Gerkens, a report states. Brett Gerken, the reported driver, tried to avoid the crash by driving onto the shoulder.

Price, who court records show was arrested on Dec. 20, 1995, in Marion County for DUI manslaughter hit the Gerkens' car, entrapping and killing Brett Gerken. Price was taken to Halifax with serious injuries.

No information was available Friday about Price's condition, but he was charged while in the hospital with issuing worthless checks on Nov. 17 and 18, court records show. He was also arrested in June for resisting a police officer without violence.

The crash remains under investigation by the Florida Highway Patrol and charges are pending, Montes said.

The Gerkens' only daughter, Courtney, 19, could hardly utter a word Christmas Day except to say she was with family and friends.

"I don't know what to say," she said in a telephone interview as she choked back tears. "They were on their way home from Walmart to get an avocado."

"Their daughter is just devastated," Tokar said. "These were very good people who did everything right in life. It's a tragedy they didn't deserve. Poor Courtney is going to need to be made of steel for the next couple of years."

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