Who Would You Most Like to Have a Beer With?

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Cheesefood said:
Truth of the matter is that, even though I'm an Atheist, I like to think God is with me. That way, I'm not drinking alone.
Eh?:confused: That's not Atheism!
Caplan said:
Eh?:confused: That's not Atheism!

I never said I followed Atheism religiously. I just don't like to admit to drinking alone.

Besides, you're never drinking alone if a re-run of Cheers is on.
Cheesefood said:
Besides, you're never drinking alone if a re-run of Cheers is on.
Haha! I never really followed it! Which Character said that? I guess Cliff or Norm? :)
Cheesefood said:
Burroughs doesn't care for the drink. His fancy came in syringes.
Not entirely true...he was pretty fond of cough medicine, tho come to think of it he did that with a syringe too.
Burroughs was just a general addict. He fancied the opiates but did lots of other drugs. For awhile he ran a pot farm.
Asimov was certainly an interesting person, but you'd never get a word in edge-wise with a hammer and a chisel. Even Carl Sagan didn't stand a chance in a debate.

Poul Anderson (RIP), one of the most highly intellegent life forms on the planet. Never shared a beer with him, just dinner once.
Brewpastor said:
My sister dated Brad Pit in High School and he asked me to buy him some beer. I told him I wasn't about to get him booze for a date with my little sister.

Was that in Oklahoma? Seems I read somewhere he was born an Okie. I don't know if he grew up there, though. Us Okies are such a good looking lot. :D
Very thought provoking question!!

If I had to pick only one person I guess it would have to be Winston Churchill.

From everything I have read about him he just seems to me to be one of the most interesting people of the 20th century. And plus the fact that he KNEW how to drink! I would like to mention FDR as well because it seems like the two of them go together - like peanut butter and jelly.
I can't believe no one said this one yet (or maybe I missed it)

Sam Adams, Brewer/Patriot

Also in no particular order; Chris Farley, Bill Walton, Babe Ruth, Roger Waters AND David Gilmour at the same time (wow, that sounds dirty), George Lucas, the Three Stooges, John McCain, Stan and Jason Lee (no relation).

I reserve the right to add to my list!
I suppose it is cheating if I choose more than one person.
Bourbon Porter with Tom Waits
Porter with Mark Sandman
and Bourbon with William Faulkner

I'd really like to drink some homebrew with my wife, but she's all to pregnant right now, so I'll settle for Tom Waits if need be. I don't suppose Faulkner of Sandman would be good company, since they're kinda dead.
Sam Clemens would be good (have you guys read Jose Philip Farmer's "Riverworld" series? He's a main character). I'd personally like to have a beer with Winston Churchill. Or six.
Sasquatch said:
Sam Clemens would be good (have you guys read Jose Philip Farmer's "Riverworld" series? He's a main character). I'd personally like to have a beer with Winston Churchill. Or six.
Fantastic series! Love those books. I re-read them last year, (I think I was 15 when I first read them) and they were great to read again!
Hmmm..... Tolkien, Poul anderson and Philip Jose Farmer all mentioned in one thread... (and all the others of course, superb choices)

Dig out Julian May and all bets are off.... :D

Turning water into beer... Doesn't everyone do that ?

Whoever mentioned having a beer with their senile mother.... My Dad is a vegetable now from a series of strokes. He got progressively worse over the last couple of years. I spent the summer before last working a job in the town near him and stayed at his house during the week. He was starting to slip then. I'd get up in the morning and make him breakfast, then return in the evening and start dinner. I'd be working on my nightly beer treatment, and sometimes he'de ask me for one. Some nights, he'd ask for another and another, On those nights, after he'd had 2 or 3, he'd clear up. " Do you remember when you were little and you picked the sea oats at the beach and we hauled ass because we thought the Ranger saw you ? ". Things like that would start coming out, and it was like having him back again. Alcohol is a wonderous thing, boys and girls!

He's gone to a place where even my 8% Amber Ale can't reach him.
If I could brew one strong enough, I'd drink the whole batch with him just to hear one more story of me peeing down the stairs when I was two, or another Korean War story.

Mark Twain would be cool as a second choice, but not the same.
sudsmonkey said:
Turning water into beer... Doesn't everyone do that ?

Whoever mentioned having a beer with their senile mother.... My Dad is a vegetable now from a series of strokes. He got progressively worse over the last couple of years. I spent the summer before last working a job in the town near him and stayed at his house during the week. He was starting to slip then. I'd get up in the morning and make him breakfast, then return in the evening and start dinner. I'd be working on my nightly beer treatment, and sometimes he'de ask me for one. Some nights, he'd ask for another and another, On those nights, after he'd had 2 or 3, he'd clear up. " Do you remember when you were little and you picked the sea oats at the beach and we hauled ass because we thought the Ranger saw you ? ". Things like that would start coming out, and it was like having him back again. Alcohol is a wonderous thing, boys and girls!

He's gone to a place where even my 8% Amber Ale can't reach him.
If I could brew one strong enough, I'd drink the whole batch with him just to hear one more story of me peeing down the stairs when I was two, or another Korean War story.

Mark Twain would be cool as a second choice, but not the same.

Damn man, you about got me crying. My old man is 73, and despite his past, is doing well. He served in the Navy during the Korean War as well. I don't think I'll ever get sick of his stories, no matter how many times he tells them. :) He's also the one who turned me onto Twain.

I've dreaded the day the same thing happens to my old man, but so far he's doing well. I hope your dad is in a good place now.
Thanks, man. He doesn't know where he is, but he thinks I run Timewarner Cable. I'm sure he's very proud. It's cool that he doesn't know he's like that.

First good beer drinking experience I had was with him. We drove home from the Outer Banks once when I was about 15. He stopped at a store on the edge of the Dare county Wilderness and bought a six-pack and some Cheeto's . I was proud as hell ! Drinking beer with the man !
We stopped and peed off a bridge. High point of my drinking career , to that point. Never forget it.
sudsmonkey said:
Turning water into beer... Doesn't everyone do that ?

Whoever mentioned having a beer with their senile mother.... My Dad is a vegetable now from a series of strokes. He got progressively worse over the last couple of years. I spent the summer before last working a job in the town near him and stayed at his house during the week. He was starting to slip then. I'd get up in the morning and make him breakfast, then return in the evening and start dinner. I'd be working on my nightly beer treatment, and sometimes he'de ask me for one. Some nights, he'd ask for another and another, On those nights, after he'd had 2 or 3, he'd clear up. " Do you remember when you were little and you picked the sea oats at the beach and we hauled ass because we thought the Ranger saw you ? ". Things like that would start coming out, and it was like having him back again. Alcohol is a wonderous thing, boys and girls!

He's gone to a place where even my 8% Amber Ale can't reach him.
If I could brew one strong enough, I'd drink the whole batch with him just to hear one more story of me peeing down the stairs when I was two, or another Korean War story.

Mark Twain would be cool as a second choice, but not the same.

Thank you for sharing that. I'll have to send that one to my old man, he lives far enuf away for us to get together often and I'd like to be able to spend more time before the years get away.

Time can be the enemy boys and girls....

Suds, that was really an inspiring story. Thank you very much for sharing it, because I really enjoyed it. I think I'm going to spend some time with the Dad in the near future.
Here is my list....

1. William Wallace (guess I'd need to speak Gaelic though)

2. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (one of the best writers ever)

3. Patrick Henry (intense patriot)

4. Captain Blackbeard aka Edward Teach (what a character!)

5. Jack Bauer (might be kinda dangerous to hang with him though)

8. George Clooney (the only realistic one on this list, I'm sure having a few beers with him would be entertaining as well as interesting)
Dude said:
Nope. (but I KNOW you are going to google it now)

I'm resisting the urge well enough.

However, here's a few things to plant in YOUR head.

Donkey Punch
Morccan Meatball
Pasadena Mudslide


PS: I don't know what these are either, but I heard them in a song, and (like the title of the song says) "You Don't Want To Know".
Guys....my list has been floating around in my mind for years. I always wanted to go out drinking with Matt Groening (the Simpsons creator), Gary Larson, and Robin Williams.

Do ya think there'd be any laughs?
Tubgirl - All I have to say is f'n disgusting.....

Pasadena mudslide is pretty funny. urbandictionary.com is good for a lot of these terms.

EDIT: I recommend Hot Bomber and Shabbatical
HurricaneFloyd said:
Tubgirl - All I have to say is f'n disgusting.....

Pasadena mudslide is pretty funny. urbandictionary.com is good for a lot of these terms.

EDIT: I recommend Hot Bomber and Shabbatical

Not to derail my own thread, but my personal favorite is "blump". :D