Who Would You Most Like to Have a Beer With?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest City, OK
I got to thinking about this tonight. Who, living or dead, would you like to have a few beers with?

Number 1 for me would have to be Samuel Clemens, a.k.a. Mark Twain. I love his writing, and from what I know, his storytelling ability was even better. What could be better than getting a little loaded with this guy? The books he wrote over 100 years ago still crack me up today.
Janx should appreciate this. Douglas Adams. The guy who wrote "The Hitchhikers Guide". The most amazing insanity ever put on paper that makes the most sense when you've had a few. Audacious humor mixed with an amazing wit... Brilliant.

Hook up with John Bonham later and THERE'S a party....

Ize said:
Janx should appreciate this. Douglas Adams. The guy who wrote "The Hitchhikers Guide". The most amazing insanity ever put on paper that makes the most sense when you've had a few. Audacious humor mixed with an amazing wit... Brilliant.


Yeah, and you know he'd be drinking some good british beers. Sweet.

I'd prolly go Jim Morrison the year before he died. You know that'd be a crazy time! :rockin:
This hard to limit myself to one person.

Three that come to mind are:
Kurt Vonnegut-man can write and he's a huge supporter of volunteer firefghters
Isaac Assimov-another man who could write on any topic from hard science to fiction.
Kieth Moon-I liked the Who better than LedZep and he was off the wall.
I'd like to have a few beers with my Mom. She passed away in 2001, and we hadn't been close since I was 15 or so. We never really had a chance to sit down and share a drink and have an adult conversation (just the two of us). I'd like that a lot.
1. J.R. "Bob" Dobbs.
2. Those 2 Carolina Panthers cheerleaders. Grrrowlll...
3. Chuck Norris, because he doesn't have to sparge his grains. He glares at them and they sweat malt.
4. My grandma. She's 97 and completely senile. I'd love her mind to come back long enough to have a beer and have her comprehend that she has a great-grandson.
5. Adam Weishaupt. Just to find out what his little group is really all about.
6. Jesus. I'd like to get him drunk and find out whether or not he's for real.
7. Ben Franklin (that was a great call, whomever said it first)
8. Your Mom
9. The Trappist Monks, so I could sample their home-brew private stock.
10. Aristotle.
homebrewer_99 said:
Dang, you beat me to Jesus...:mad:

I'm an Atheist, so I get first dibs on getting him drunk. Then again, I might get drunk and keep saying "I don't BELIEVE you're really drunk. Turn this PBR into Hoegaarden."
1. Jack Kerouac - the father of the beat generation
2. Ken Kesey - the father of the hippy generation.
3. Ernest Hemingway - the greatest fiction writer who ever lived.
4. Ty Cobb - the meanest man and greatest baseball player who ever lived.

And two who don't make the list, because I was privileged to actually have a conversation with each of them (although sadly, no beer was involved).

5. Timothy Leary
6. John Bardeen - the only two time nobel prize winner in physics.
I had a beer with Bones McKinney once (played basketball for NC State, Wake Forest, Boston Celtics, and then coached Wake Forest to several ACC Championships ~1960). I asked him for his best advice, and he told me "never eat raw peanuts before a date."
I have had a beer with Jerry Garcia (twice - 1979 and 1993), Elvis Costello - 1989, Nick Lowe - 1989, Cheryl Crow - 1995, Greg Allman -1995, Buddy Guy - 1986, Junior Wells -1986, The Specials - 1998, Edger Winter - 1998, and a handful of musicians. Owning a brewery opens lots of doors.
My sister dated Brad Pit in High School and he asked me to buy him some beer. I told him I wasn't about to get him booze for a date with my little sister.
Brewpastor said:
I have had a beer with Jerry Garcia (twice - 1979 and 1993), Elvis Costello - 1989, Nick Lowe - 1989, Cheryl Crow - 1995, Greg Allman -1995, Buddy Guy - 1986, Junior Wells -1986, The Specials - 1998, Edger Winter - 1998, and a handful of musicians. Owning a brewery opens lots of doors.
You're one interesting pastor. I'd love to have a beer (and nothing more!) with Greg Allman and Edgar Winter. I've seen them both live...Edgar is one ugly mofo, but sure can wail on a guitar.
Brewpastor said:
I have had a beer with Jerry Garcia (twice - 1979 and 1993), Elvis Costello - 1989, Nick Lowe - 1989, Cheryl Crow - 1995, Greg Allman -1995, Buddy Guy - 1986, Junior Wells -1986, The Specials - 1998, Edger Winter - 1998, and a handful of musicians. Owning a brewery opens lots of doors.

I thought Greg was strictly into the distilled stuff. All those dude are cool. I have had a few beers with Al Schnier, Rob Derhak, and Vinnie Amico. Those guys like to stay up late.:rockin:
glibbidy said:
I thought Greg was strictly into the distilled stuff. All those dude are cool. I have had a few beers with Al Schnier, Rob Derhak, and Vinnie Amico. Those guys like to stay up late.:rockin:

I think he may have been drinking something stronger then beer, all I know for certain was I was drinking off a keg of Rio Grande Bock Holiday. It was back stage at a biker rally concert. Steppin Wolf was there too, but they didn't join us. Jerry didn't drink any beer the second time I met him, but the first time...
El Pistolero said:
And two who don't make the list, because I was privileged to actually have a conversation with each of them (although sadly, no beer was involved).

5. Timothy Leary

Are you SURE you REALLY talked to him? I swear he crawled out of the heating vent in my apartment in college and ran out the door dragging a fishing net full of purple bananas behind him.

PS: I think you guys who are listing more than one name are cheating. You have to pick ONE person. That's what makes this question tough to answer.

If I could have a beer with only ONE person........... Gandhi. Yeah, I know he didn't drink, but I would still like to sit and chat with him. I'd do all the drinking if necessary.

El Pistolero said:
1. Jack Kerouac - the father of the beat generation
5. Timothy Leary

I would pick Burroughs over Kerouac but he would be interesting to talk to as well.

I would have to pick Hermann Hesse though as my #1.
Tough one. Aside from a number of the good ones already listed, I'd say Johnny Carson. Just because I'd know it'd be an interesting night.
Brewpastor said:
God would be the one, but God doesn't really work because of the whole "person" thing.

Depends on how you look at it, I suppose. If you're a Christian, you've got 1 God and three divine "persons". So...maybe all three "persons" come, but since only Jesus has a body, the other two aren't drinking? :)

Then perhaps for the Hindu, since God is all, and each of us is really just part of the all, then God's already here, and we save some beers.

I don't know what I'm talking about.
Monk said:
Depends on how you look at it, I suppose. If you're a Christian, you've got 1 God and three divine "persons". So...maybe all three "persons" come, but since only Jesus has a body, the other two aren't drinking?

Then perhaps for the Hindu, since God is all, and each of us is really just part of the all, then God's already here, and we save some beers.

I don't know what I'm talking about.

If to a Hindu God is all, then a Hindu would need to have a whole lot of beer if they had a session with God since the whole world would be invited!:tank: :tank: :tank: :tank:
TxBrew said:
I would pick Burroughs over Kerouac but he would be interesting to talk to as well.

I would have to pick Hermann Hesse though as my #1.

Burroughs doesn't care for the drink. His fancy came in syringes.
Truth of the matter is that, even though I'm an Atheist, I like to think God is with me. That way, I'm not drinking alone.