Words and phrases I hate

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Over-use of the word "******." Usually those who do so are more obnoxious than the people to which they refer.

And I know this may bother some but RDWHAHB is a bit annoying.
Haven't seen, I'm golden/it's golden/we're golden here yet, that is a little bit tiresome if used to often.
It's a chick term. But man, you ever had a mani-pedi? > To die for! <

Wish that was the case we have a few, executives/company reps. that are big time I believe the term is/was "METRO-SEXUAL" wow auto correct says it is. They talk about how wonderful they are followed by a "steam and massage" Oh and they smile the patronizing smile when they find out I brew beer.
Back in the day.

I guess it is a bastardization of Back in the good ol' days, but I cringe every time I hear it. Especially when I hear it come out of the mouth of some dorky white guy.
can I post one I like? Namaste

I have a boss that uses the word "Ideal" wrong.

I'll ask him a question and he says, "I have no ideal". I want to throat punch him every time he does it.

He also said once he had gotten into a Wops nest over the weekend. I replied, where in hell did you find a nest of Italians around here? Everyone laughed, he did not...

I had a boss that could not for the life of him pronounce OK correctly.. it always came out "Ochay"
I hate reading threads like this. Y'all have pretty much guaranteed I'll piss one of you off in any post I write...

But I'll stay on topic:

"It is what it is".

As though it could be anything else...
YOLO...especially when referencing decidedly unimpressive activities ("Went to the strip club last night and drank a bunch of Jager, YOLO")
Baby bump
Celebrity couple mashup names
"Dish" used as a verb in gossip headlines (as in "_______ dishes on her new boyfriend")
Man-_______ (man-cave, man-scaping, etc.)

Also, most of the annoying and largely meaningless business jargon, like "buy-in", "vision statement", and "thinking outside the box". One of my ex-bosses was notorious for working that crap in whenever possible, apparently because he thought that was how business owners were supposed to talk. Maybe it is on Wall Street, but not in an engineering firm of 35 people. He also had a tendency to use the word "prognosticate" instead of "procrastinate".
Anything that Rachel Ray says, especially Yummo. Goddamn it, I'm angry now!

Kumbaya "Let's have a kumbaya moment"
Friend me on Facebook
Arms akimbo
Chance of Rain -like on the weather channel. I could put my dog on TV with a sign around his neck that says "might rain, might not" and provide the same level of service.
cheese bread
cerebral cortex
mocking bird
floor board
and anything that comes out of Garth Brooks' mouth.
I'd also like to add that when I'm watching a preview for an upcoming movie I hate when they say "starring Jaime Foxx." That's about the time I lose interest.

Also unacceptable "written, produced, and or starring Tyler Perry."
Chance of Rain -like on the weather channel. I could put my dog on TV with a sign around his neck that says "might rain, might not" and provide the same level of service.

^^HILARIOUS^^ (and true, sadly)
I'd also like to add that when I'm watching a preview for an upcoming movie I hate when they say "starring Jaime Foxx." That's about the time I lose interest.

Or whenever they mention the movie is from the director/producer/writer of some other blockbuster. As if past success is any indication of future work!
mcbaumannerb said:
Or whenever they mention the movie is from the director/producer/writer of some other blockbuster. As if past success is any indication of future work!

"From the studio down the road from the high school friend of a security guard for the producer of Dude Where's My Car!"
I hate

Cool beans
Who let the dogs out
naw mean
don't make me a stab a *****
I mostly agree with BBL but Who let the dawgs out? That's just classic.
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Lgaddy44 said:
Baby Mama

This has to be the most horrible word/phrase that sets me off. It is now so common that professional types, even newscasters use it when referring to the mother of a child. Is ignorance really so common (and "cool") that we have to dumb it down to this level? Yes, we are obviously becoming Idiocracy.

Please, at least say, baby's mama, if that's the best you can do.

Me too I hate it when someone refers to my daughter's mother as that. At one point I did love her and calling her my baby mama makes it sound like she was just some broad I screwed.
"Libtard". You see this a lot in the comments on yahoo news.

At this point if I saw someone say "libtard" and then burst into flames spontaneously I would rush to get a stick and a bag of marshmallows.

Not really... but I really hate it.
I really hate wiener. It especially annoys me when someone encourages their kid to call a hotdog that.
Read 18 pages of this before contributing.

Mine is "Yummy". My brother-in-law uses it. Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to walk around a beer festival with a 30 year old guy using 2nd grade vocabulary to describe a double chocolate stout?
Read 18 pages of this before contributing.

Mine is "Yummy". My brother-in-law uses it. Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to walk around a beer festival with a 30 year old guy using 2nd grade vocabulary to describe a double chocolate stout?

My mother uses "spendy" to mean expensive. It's an Oregonian thing, and she picked it up while living there.

Know how funny it is to watch a biker order a beer, than tell the bartended it's "spendy"? I feel like you're obliged to raise your pinky finger when saying it, as if sipping a cup of fine tea.
"Libtard". You see this a lot in the comments on yahoo news.

At this point if I saw someone say "libtard" and then burst into flames spontaneously I would rush to get a stick and a bag of marshmallows.

Not really... but I really hate it.

+1, but I'd like to expand that to include democrap, repuke, Obummer, and every other insult using a corruption of a politician's or party's name. I don't even care what side you support. If you can't make a political statement without using some sort of cutesy nickname to insult the other side, don't even bother.
'Whatever' really chaps my hide. It tells me you couldn't even be bothered to activate two of your three brain cells to formulate a response.
+1, but I'd like to expand that to include democrap, repuke, Obummer, and every other insult using a corruption of a politician's or party's name. I don't even care what side you support. If you can't make a political statement without using some sort of cutesy nickname to insult the other side, don't even bother.

they are all snakes & deserve nothing less. they may start off with the greatest of intentions, but become corrupt like the apple on the ground.
Or whenever they mention the movie is from the director/producer/writer of some other blockbuster. As if past success is any indication of future work!

Sure it is. I'll never see another film by M. Night Shymalan, for example.

And, just to show I'm wrong, I loved Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark, so I just know Howard the Duck is going to be great. :ban:
Ending every damn sense in "okay." I hear this a lot in the medical field. "You're going to feel some pressure in your bottom, okay?" **** NO, IT'S NOT OKAY. Or, "You'll feel a little poke [bigass IV stick] in your arm, okay?"

It's not okay. Don't ask.
they are all snakes & deserve nothing less. they may start off with the greatest of intentions, but become corrupt like the apple on the ground.

Oh yes, they are certainly corrupt and deserve to be called on it. It just makes me cringe to see people who can't articulate their political views beyond, "yeah that !@#$ Obummer and his libtard supporters r gunna take away our guns and put the us under Shariah law. damn lieing Marxist Muslim!"
"Talk to the hand..."

"Oh, Really"

I had a Japanese customer years ago that over used that statement a lot. I was explaining her service to her and every single time I finished a sentence she replied...Oh Rearry? She must have said it 50 times in the span of a few minutes. It was all I could do to remain serious and professional.

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