Why does The Bruery rustle so many jimmies?

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I wanted to expand on this, since earlier I was posting from a phone.

I agree completely with what you're saying, and I haven't done a strict $4$ trade in a while either. Mostly it's just been slinging boxes back and forth with people whom I have a good relationship with, and getting roughly close. I suppose this thread might be somewhat ill-placed given that most posters on here don't take the attitude I'm describing, but it's prevalent on a bunch of the "other channels". I'm referring to the portion of the craft beer crowd that expect to be "cut a deal" on Bruery beers simply because they don't like the price but want them anyway. This applies to a bunch of other expensive (but not "whale") bottles as well; the Bruery is just probably the most prevalent one because they have a ton of pricier releases. This attitude seems to manifest itself far more strongly online when it comes to Bruery beers than any others. I've been multiple examples of it today alone on non-TB channels.

TL;DR (not directed at you obviously): don't be a dick when trading, and don't think someone is greedy simply because they want the beers exchanged to have cost roughly the same thing in retail.


I mean... have you tasted their sours?

I've enjoyed all of them personally, but I've only had them in the last 12-18 months when things have apparently improved. I can't speak for any of the really maligned ones from the past. I just hope they put out a lambic sometime. ;)

Their non-sour Belgians on the other hand I can't stand. It must be something with the yeast strain but most of them are drainpours for me.
I don't get it. There are Bruery beers I like, and I'll purchase them or trade for them if I personally deem them worthwhile. There are also plenty I hate and I simply don't buy them. Why is that so hard for some people?

I'm mostly referring here to people who:

a) get offended at the idea that they will have to go $4$ to trade for Bruery beers (especially RS/HS beers) because they "aren't worth that much"

b) try to convince RS/HS members how stupid they are to pay for Bruery beers

c) get all offended by the very existence of the RS/HS themselves

If you don't like Black Tuesday (or whatever the beer in question is), or if you don't think it's worth $30 (or whatever the price tag in question is), then don't buy it and/or trade for it and/or drink it. And I'm not a member of any of their societies, but I don't get the ill will towards those who are - they aren't spending your money.

The name is all kinds of stupid, but that's another topic.

I think you've been spending too much time in the FB trading group...

Not srs.

Last years White Chocolate russled the funk out of my jammies. Still pretty russled about it.
Does anyone else think that the whole "rustled jimmies" thing is a bit played out? It's getting so ubiquitous that if I heard my grandma say it I wouldn't be surprised.

(And har har, "rustle jimmies" rustles my jimmies. I don't actually mind it, I just find it curious that it's gotten this popular.)

To add something beer-related:

It still amazes me that this happens. I mean, $4$ is a good guide, but I can't remember the last time I actually traded something strictly $4$.

Just had to acknowledge this awesome post.

U mad bro? (can we please bring that one back instead? I had shirts made and everything)
I liked Oude Tart. That's the only Bruery beer I've had. Would I spend $25 on another bottle? No, at that price I'd rather just buy lambics
I made a solid attempt at trying to comprehend this conversation and I have no idea what is going on here.

I enjoy black tuesday and the variations. Them, in addition to the anniversary old ales, are pretty much the reason im in the society (other than my hope that one day they release Hottenroth variations.) For their everyday stuff, i can buy it online and have my trustee send it to me cheaper than what it costs sitting on the shelves in PA. So thats cool too.

I'll give anything they make a try at least once but im not the biggest fan of their sours. I think sour in the rye and it's variations are the exception.

If people from inside the society are trading the exclusive beers for top dollar plus society fees plus whatever else...than ignore them. Clearly they dont deserve to be traded with. I dont understand why that would have an impact on people's opinions of the bruery itself.

If all the above wasnt enough, I will continue to spend my money on the Bruery because of Patrick. I met him some 4 years ago in boston. I had no clue who he was and never had any of his beers. He seemed like a nice fellow who legitimately was concerned about how other people felt about his beer. To this day I still get that feeling when reading how the company as a whole deals with customer service.
Yeah I feel you. Definitely not the best, especially given the fact that they use hop extract....but dat price point doe.

Doesn't Vinnie use hop extract in most of his IPAs? At least for PtE/PtY that's what I've been led to believe.

One of my friends actually brewed a PtY "clone" recipe that used a bunch of hop extract. We all sampled it, and one guy made the mistake of putting way too much of it on his tongue all at once. That was pretty funny.
Doesn't Vinnie use hop extract in most of his IPAs? At least for PtE/PtY that's what I've been led to believe.

One of my friends actually brewed a PtY "clone" recipe that used a bunch of hop extract. We all sampled it, and one guy made the mistake of putting way too much of it on his tongue all at once. That was pretty funny.
I think they use some, but it's not only extract.
I think they use some, but it's not only extract.

Oh for sure, I didn't mean to imply that there's no other hops involved. I remember seeing a description of the dry hop additions in one of the homebrew mags.

Just found the clone recipe we ended up doing:


40ml of hop extract in that one. The Mad Fermentationist has a clone recipe that only uses 10ml and looks interesting. But damn are these some expensive ass beers to make.
Reserve societies are cool, but it does annoy me a bit to go to a brewery, see some beer on tap, and not be able to order it because I didn't pay several hundred dollars. I understand getting exclusive bottles, but to then put it on tap and not let anyone except members taste it, kinda sucks. Maybe hide the taps? Maybe I should just...

Reserve societies are cool, but it does annoy me a bit to go to a brewery, see some beer on tap, and not be able to order it because I didn't pay several hundred dollars. I understand getting exclusive bottles, but to then put it on tap and not let anyone except members taste it, kinda sucks. Maybe hide the taps? Maybe I should just...

Seeing a tap handle you couldn't order from? I would be very surprised if most people weren't at least slightly annoyed at that. Is it clearly marked on the tap handle that it's for reserve members only?
Seeing a tap handle you couldn't order from? I would be very surprised if most people weren't at least slightly annoyed at that. Is it clearly marked on the tap handle that it's for reserve members only?

Yeah, the Bruery certainly does that.
Formula seems to be:

Hyped, semi-large brewery that makes a lot of good beers + a few beers that are divisive or mediocre (or just don't live up to stratospheric hype and expectations) = **** THOSE GUYS OMG SO OVERRATED/TERRIBLE

See also: Founders, Cigar City, Three Floyds
To further add to this, throw in any sort of high prices and you get full on, overdrive rooostle.
Seeing a tap handle you couldn't order from? I would be very surprised if most people weren't at least slightly annoyed at that. Is it clearly marked on the tap handle that it's for reserve members only?

It is clearly marked on the board listing all the available beer which ones are for members only. Their taps only have small labels for the bartenders to read, very difficult to read that when ordering. I am glad they have it listed on the board otherwise as an RS member how am I to know what is on for RS members? Usually if they do announce something will be on, by the time I make it up there (not too often as I live in SD) it is usually not available anymore, but something new would be on.
I scanned the thread and didn't see this -- most of the rustle I see about reserve societies comes from people in the societies, not outside.

I remember the inane BA threads where people complained bottle runs were too large so trade value was going down; not enough members-only growler fills / perks; too many sweatshirts. Other things I'm forgetting. Judging by some of the above comments, it annoys people to see those reserve-only taps / fills in the taproom. You really can't please everyone.

Cigar City is the same way -- look at the complaints about DB Hunaphu's being sold to the unwashed plebes.

HF Collected Works -- people complained about being forced to buy wooden crates.

I haven't heard any complaints about Jackie O's STAPH, but I don't talk to any people in it.

I don't like the Bruery's beer or their prices, so I don't buy them. But the societies don't bother me. I split a membership one year and thought it was a terrible value, so I didn't rejoin. That being said, I think Patrick Rue's a hell of a businessman, and I admire how quickly / efficiently he has expanded. At the time when he started the RS, Lost Abbey had just come off the flaming wreckage of Saints & Sinners, and I remember people thinking the club model had been conclusively demonstrated as non-viable for beer. Rue proved them wrong.

In short, I think people in the societies complain the loudest.

The rustle memes are absolutely cracking me up.
I scanned the thread and didn't see this -- most of the rustle I see about reserve societies comes from people in the societies, not outside.

I remember the inane BA threads where people complained bottle runs were too large so trade value was going down; not enough members-only growler fills / perks; too many sweatshirts. Other things I'm forgetting. Judging by some of the above comments, it annoys people to see those reserve-only taps / fills in the taproom. You really can't please everyone.

Cigar City is the same way -- look at the complaints about DB Hunaphu's being sold to the unwashed plebes.

HF Collected Works -- people complained about being forced to buy wooden crates.

I don't like the Bruery's beer or their prices, so I don't buy them. Don't give a **** about the societies existing. I think Patrick Rue's a hell of a businessman, and I admire how quickly / efficiently he has expanded. At the time when he started the RS, Lost Abbey had just come off the flaming wreckage of Saints & Sinners, and I remember people thinking the club model had been conclusively demonstrated as non-viable for beer. Rue proved them wrong.

In short, I think people in the societies complain the loudest.

The rustle memes are absolutely cracking me up.

Curly maple, bro.
Reserve societies are cool, but it does annoy me a bit to go to a brewery, see some beer on tap, and not be able to order it because I didn't pay several hundred dollars. I understand getting exclusive bottles, but to then put it on tap and not let anyone except members taste it, kinda sucks. Maybe hide the taps?
Gotta love pretentious ********.
How often are their taps that are RS only? I've seen growler fills that are RS only, but have never seen a beer that I couldn't order a glass of. (Granted, I've only been there three times, so I easily could have gone on days that didn't feature any of those beers).

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