What beer did you want to really like but just didn't?

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I dislike Hefeweizens, even though at every beer festivals I go I still try them. I haven't found one hefeweizen that I enjoyed. American Wheat Ales I can drink. I wanted to like Smithwicke's, but I didn't. Then last week I had another one and I gotta say I really liked it! Maybe I had a bad one the first time.

I agree on the Barleywines, not for me either!! And IPAs have way too much hops for my taste.
Mulcahey's Brewing said:
I agree on the Barleywines, not for me either!! And IPAs have way too much hops for my taste.

Wow, not much love for the barleywine. I adore barleywines, especially Sierra Nevada' Bigfoot, I love the hoppier profile.

I recently bought a Magic Hat sampler pack and I really wanted to like each one, but it turned out that I couldn't get on board with any of 'em.

Oh, and everytime I go to the local crap dive bar I really want that Bud to taste good...but alas...it makes me gag.
Mulcahey's Brewing said:
I wanted to like Smithwicke's, but I didn't.

I almost lost my dinner when I had a Smithwicks. It tasted like I was eating a steak. I don't know what the deal was, but I can't bring myself to try another.
I am still researching this issue. A lifetime of work ahead of me but I have already commited myself to this worthy cause.
dibby33 said:
I am still researching this issue. A lifetime of work ahead of me but I have already commited myself to this worthy cause.


I really wanted to like the Stone 10th, yeah I know beating a dead horse....but I just don't understand how anyone could like it. Even a juice glass full would have been too much imo.
zoebisch01 said:

I really wanted to like the Stone 10th, yeah I know beating a dead horse....but I just don't understand how anyone could like it. Even a juice glass full would have been too much imo.

Don't sweat it...if we all liked the same stuff what would be the point in doing anything different in the first place?

Smithwicks has been pop'n up at every bar and restruant in the area lately. I had a sample the other week and it reminded me of ice'd tea mix.
A few...

Great Divide Titan IPA: I have a complicated relationship with this beer. I've had a few that seemed wonderful to me. But others have a sharp piney bite to them--like they're spiked with Pine Sol.

New Belgium Abbey Ale: I'd love to like this--a decent dubbel one could get for $7 a sixer; what's not to love about that? But it just isn't very good, IMHO. I like the tripel and the black ale a lot better.

Kolsch: I really wanted to like Kolsch, becuase it seemed like a great summer lager-like beer than an ale brewer could make. But every one I've tried stikes me as meh. A little too BMC-ish for my tastes.

Some belgian strong darks, imperial stouts and barleywines are just too sweet for my tastes.

I understand the person who answered "lagers." I've had a few great ones, but most lagers taste fairly bland to me.
Warsteiner, there's another one that I didn't like. I also don't get the Corona thing. People rave about a nice cold Corona in summer. I don't get it, it tastes horrible to me.
I really wanted to like DFH's Red and White. I mean, it has Pinot Noir juice in it! I was sorely disappointed. I mean...it tasted like a really weird version of the Raison, which I already dislike. Talk about a waste of money.

I also wanted to like Abita's amber ale. I've always liked their dark brown ale, especially because it's so cheap relative to most craft brews. So I had high hopes for the amber, because I could always use a cheap standby (this was prior to homebrewing). No dice. Tasted awful. Took the sixer back for a refund. Did the same thing with the Hofbrau lager. Tasted skunky and BMC-ish.

Last but not least...Legend Brewing (local stuff, usually awesome all around, from Richmond, VA) made an Imperial Stout this last year. I tried one at an Xmas party, and I was disgusted. I mean, really, this is an IMPERIAL STOUT we're talking about, and when you put your nose in the glass, it was like putting your nose into a bag of Northern Brewer hop leaves. There was nothing, nothing but hops. Same on the palate. All hops, no malt, no roast, nothing. I mean, are you serious?

But to temper all that...last night I tried my "Mead the Geuze" from Hanssen's. Hanssen's is one of my very favorite breweries, and this stuff is pretty rare. We can't even get it here, even though we've been pestering our Hanssen's distributor to get us some for a long time. So I found a bottle in Brooklyn last weekend, and opened with a fellow Hanssen's freak last night. Oh DAMN it is awesome. Just like their stinky geuze, but tempered with a mellow shot of honey and sweetness. What a great combo! Gotta get my friend to get some more for me...
Just about everything I've had from Stone, with the exception of the smoked porter, which I do like and the Runiation IPA which is an interesting exercise.

I was really excited to try their beers after reading people raving about them on some of the review sites and when they finally got a Michigan distributor I grabbed some of everything I could get. I just found their mainstay beers to be lacking in balance. I'm a big fan of hops, but their beers just seemed kind of...hollow, for lack of a better word. After all the hype I was very disappointed. Stone just didn't measure up to my other two favorite 'regional cult' breweries, Bell's and Dogfish Head. That being said, I still try them from time-to-time, after all I might change my mind!
Breckenridge sampler case....oi.

Their small batch IPA and vanilla porter were both decently solid brews. The sampler case is all sorts of bland uninspiring beer.
Brewing Clamper said:
I gotta go with HB on this one. For some reason I really wanted to like barley wine. Maybe the concept is cool, I don't know. What I do know is that I could not drink it... just ain't right to me... Especially Sierra Nevada Bigfoot... eghh!!

Haha, I call SN Bigfoot the last stop on the beer train. If you can drink that, you've arrived at the end of the line; there's nowhere left to go.
Torchiest said:
Haha, I call SN Bigfoot the last stop on the beer train. If you can drink that, you've arrived at the end of the line; there's nowhere left to go.

I'm waiting for someone to come out with an "Imperial Barleywine." Maybe that's what the Utopias are.

Barleywines - I think I will grow to appreciate them, but for right now they tend to be far too cloying for me. Just too thick, too viscous, too much sweetness.
zoebisch01 said:

I really wanted to like the Stone 10th, yeah I know beating a dead horse....but I just don't understand how anyone could like it. Even a juice glass full would have been too much imo.

I think that must be a hop thing....I guess that beer uses 100% Summit hops, and I've heard mixed views on those from different people. I seem to like them I guess, I think that is a really well done beer.

I've had lots of IPAs that use flowery hops that I just don't think fit very well, and I have a hard time enjoying them.
the_bird said:
Barleywines - I think I will grow to appreciate them, but for right now they tend to be far too cloying for me. Just too thick, too viscous, too much sweetness.

Have you tried Third Coast Old Ale? IMHO that is one of the less sticky sweet/cloying old ales/barley wines with decent distribution.
Dude said:
I think that must be a hop thing....I guess that beer uses 100% Summit hops, and I've heard mixed views on those from different people. I seem to like them I guess, I think that is a really well done beer.

I've had lots of IPAs that use flowery hops that I just don't think fit very well, and I have a hard time enjoying them.

It wasn't so much the hops as the cloying sweetness. I just couldn't drink it. It was a very 'citrusy' beer and I was ok with that (for what it was)...I dunno I guess I was just expecting something different and that has a lot to do with it...but the sweetness was just too much for my taste. Imo, it was sweeter than the Samichlaus sample I tried.
DFH 90 Minute IPA
and Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale. Actually most Sierra Nevada.

Both just hop overkill to me.
the_bird said:
Barleywines - I think I will grow to appreciate them, but for right now they tend to be far too cloying for me. Just too thick, too viscous, too much sweetness.

Well, the Bigfoot is hopped up so much that it balances the crazy sweetness, I think. Anchor Old Foghorn, while tasty, can only be consumed in small amounts. I can guzzle me some Bigfoot.
I can honestly say that I enjoy every beer style, including all the sour ales.

Can't believe how many people dislike SN Bigfoot. I just had a 2006 bottle thats been sitting in cold storage since I bought it and it was incredible. Good thing I have a case of it :D

I never met a beer I didn't like. I always enjoy something about a beer even if its considered "off" or "no good". And if a beer is truly "bad" it can usually be traced back to how it was stored and/or transported and possibly to how it was made by a schlock brewer.

Any style of beer can be amazing. If you find yourself hating a certain style, keep trying anyway. Within every style there are hundreds of variations. You're bound to eventually find one you like if you keep trying.
I thought I wouldn't like the trappist ales..I was wrong.
I thought I wouldn't like lambics...I was wrong.
I thought I would like Smithwick's and Kilkennys..I was wrong.
I've been stopping every Friday at a local Wegmans that has a great selection
of brews, with the intent to just try some beers that I'm not sure I would like.
(you never know) Two that I had recently...

Duvel Golden Ale- if I had to, I could, but it just had too much of an alcohol taste

Ayinger Celebrator Dopplebock..oooofffff, opened one, didn't even finish it. Sent
the rest home with a buddy. I'm not even sure I'll try another dopplebock.
(unless someone could suggest something that doesn't taste like day old Folgers)
I hate to say this, but most Belgium Beers I'm not a huge fan of. There was one I had overseas Barbar that was an awesome strong honey ale, but most of the Trappist brews I can do without. I'm trying to develop an appreciation for them still as I was the same way with IPAs before I started brewing. Who knows maybe someday my taste buds will come around to Belgiums as well.
Duvel is just horrible. Now that you mention it, I'd say that's #1 on my "wish i liked but absolutely despised the night i had to finish an entire bottle because a friend gave it to me and i didn't want him to feel bad but it made me want to gag" list

and i'm a huge fan of belgian beers.
brewt00l said:
Breckenridge sampler case....oi.

Their small batch IPA and vanilla porter were both decently solid brews. The sampler case is all sorts of bland uninspiring beer.

I just LOVE Breck's Vanilla Porter. It's one I could love year round but I don't because I know I'll burn myself out on it. It's been a while since I've partaken so I may have to snag some for the long holiday weekend. It would go well by the campfire saturday night.

SN's Summerfest was a bit of a letdown. I was expecting something a little lighter and got something more beefy. Good beer, just a bit too heavy for a "summer" beer IMHO.

Schlafly makes a good Kolsch tho. :D :rockin:

Worst hangover of my life was the time I stopped drinking for three weeks and then had two 750 bottles of Duvel followed by a shot of tequila. I do like it, though, just not as much as I used to. :D
Spent three weeks in Australia in 2001...didn't find one beer I liked. For a country that's renowned for beer drinking, selection was pretty minimal, and mostly BMC-ish.

And my one sampling of Trois Pistoles (which seems to be a HBT favorite) made me think someone created an elaborate recipe trying to clone...Diet Coke. I'll give that one another shot, though.
Old Thread but reviving for two reasons. One because it's a neat idea and two, I'd like to see updated responses to two year opinions from those of you still on the board.

My biggest dissapointment was Delerium Tremens. It's supposed to be rated the #1 beer in the world by very respectable people, well I have many that I put above it. But I've also found that I am just not a Belgian Golden fan. I love darker Belgians such as Delerium Noel and love most TrappistsI've had from Rochefort, Wesltmalle, Orval, and Chimay. Still need to try the other 3.
Also disspointed by Monk's Cafe Flanders Red after waiting soo long to try this style, I wanted BIG Sour.
I'm really on a mission to find some BIG sours and BIG FUNK. if anyone can recommend any... :)
Dogfish Head 120 minute IPA.

The 60 was good, the 90 was godly. After a year of searching I finally came across the 120 min. Meh, tastes like white wine.
Old Thread but reviving for two reasons. One because it's a neat idea and two, I'd like to see updated responses to two year opinions from those of you still on the board.

My biggest dissapointment was Delerium Tremens. It's supposed to be rated the #1 beer in the world by very respectable people, well I have many that I put above it. But I've also found that I am just not a Belgian Golden fan. I love darker Belgians such as Delerium Noel and love most TrappistsI've had from Rochefort, Wesltmalle, Orval, and Chimay. Still need to try the other 3.
Also disspointed by Monk's Cafe Flanders Red after waiting soo long to try this style, I wanted BIG Sour.
I'm really on a mission to find some BIG sours and BIG FUNK. if anyone can recommend any... :)

La Folie and Rodenbach Grand Cru are probably the most sour I have had.
Sam Adams Longshot (McDole's) DIPA

I had such high hopes for it...but I could barely drink it. Horribly bitter with not enough maltiness to back it up. Not to say it didn't have any caramel sweetness -- it did. But that was sweet, not malty. Too much hops bitterness, not enough hops flavor or aroma.

I hope I just got a bad bottle.
Had a trappist ale at a tasting couple of months ago. Was talking to the guy from the brewery and he asked what I liked, didn't like and I told him I like pretty muhc eveyrthing except sour belgians. Then I had a taste and said, ok, what it this. He smiled an dsaid a trappist. I drank it, but just mot my thing. Not even that sour, just not good.

The worst was a raspberry Lambic I tried at a beer fest 2 winters ago. Eveyone was raving about it, but it very nearly made me toss my IPAs back up. It was all I coudl do to choke it down. The next pourer felt sorry for me so he rinsed my cup with some IPA before filling.

And I really wanted to like my first AG IPA recipe, but I screwed up the mash temp and it's too sweet and too little aroma.

I love them Barleywines though. Just a bit in a smallish wine style cup and savor it. def a tasting beer, not a chugging beer.
My biggest dissapointment was Delerium Tremens.

+1 that is my pick too. Worst BGSA I have had. I don't know if I just got a bad bottle or what, but it had so much sediment in there that all I got was the taste of autolysed yeast. I dumped half the bottle after deciding the problem wasn't me.

Lindemans lambics are #2. I *love* Belgian sour beers but these are horribly oversweetened and just taste like cheap imitation pancake syrup. It makes me want to cry to know how good that sh** must have been before they dumped all the sugar in that beautiful lambic and pasteurized it!!
Try DT on tap if you can find it. It's leaps and bounds better (and in fact awesome).
Geuze! Hated the Lindemann example, even backsweetened.

I hope to try some more prozed examples but, I suspect this is just not something I can enjoy.

Orval! Given the hype I expected it to be the nectar of the gods. Instead, I felt as if I had licked an elephants backside after sitting on rodents. Blech!
Sam Adams Double Bock. I didnt so much "want" to like as I wanted to finish the sixer I had without wasting the beer. I had that beer for over a year and would occasionally pop one open but could never finish it. Usually would end up pouring out half. Just poured out the last one a few days ago after a few gulps. Now I am completely afraid to try any other double bocks. Are they all like that one. It was so sweet and malty and almost had a vommit aftertaste.

The other one that I really did want to like was Bells Oberon. Not sure what I didnt like about it. Wasnt terrible but I wouldnt buy it again.
Sam Adams Double Bock. I didnt so much "want" to like as I wanted to finish the sixer I had without wasting the beer. I had that beer for over a year and would occasionally pop one open but could never finish it. Usually would end up pouring out half. Just poured out the last one a few days ago after a few gulps. Now I am completely afraid to try any other double bocks. Are they all like that one. It was so sweet and malty and almost had a vommit aftertaste.

The other one that I really did want to like was Bells Oberon. Not sure what I didnt like about it. Wasnt terrible but I wouldnt buy it again.

Don't be skeered. SA didn't do the style any justice at all. For an authentic DB pick up something German, or at least German looking. Too many to list but I'd say try a Celibrator and enjoy the goat trinket.

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