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Working up a Belgian pale ale recipe. Got the only Belgian yeast the shop had. Wyeast 3787 with half pilsner, half 2 row. Thinking brewers gold to bitter and finish with a lot of mosaic.

You'll love that combo. I brewed a Mosaic IPA with 3787 about 2 months ago. Still have 3-4 bottles left. I brewed an imperial version 2 weeks ago but used Belgian Abbey instead.

Coff. It's brew day, again. :D
Coffee. Why is it that since the DST change I have been waking up anywhere from half an hour to an hour and a half before I want to wake up every freaking morning?
Don't have be into work until 0930 (normal time is 0630). Just chilling with a cup of coffee instead of going right into "get ready" mode as soon as I wake up. So nice.

That's when I plan to mash-in. Dave is on his way up to the Remmy compound. I have those Bluejacket beers ready to go. :D

One more Coff won't hurt before the beer drinking begins.
Damn you drunks were busy yesterday. Anybody have a cliff's notes version of the last 200 posts?


I made rude comments about my grandma. @finsfan had a Buffalo Sweat. @Remmy drank a bunch and told me not to be angry near his property. @mcbaumannerb ate some tasty looking treats. @Hello had a stout. @coldcrash threatened to cut all our balls off if we didn't start posting pics for proof. @PatrickGoss had some sort of IPA. @WesleyS told @coldcrash he was gonna back hand him. then @allenH got all super hammered and started posting pics of his butt and saying things like, "Back hand that, Wes!" @BUCKNUTS tried to show us his nuts all sneaky through a glass of beer. @DisturbdChemist didn't have any beer yesterday and admitted that his favorite beer was Busch Light in a glass of ice & water. @Yooper said Bud "Heavy" tasted too dark. and then I won the internet and became Master Brewer of all time. just a normal slow day on HBT.
I made rude comments about my grandma. @finsfan had a Buffalo Sweat. @Remmy drank a bunch and told me not to be angry near his property. @mcbaumannerb ate some tasty looking treats. @Hello had a stout. @coldcrash threatened to cut all our balls off if we didn't start posting pics for proof. @PatrickGoss had some sort of IPA. @WesleyS told @coldcrash he was gonna back hand him. then @allenH got all super hammered and started posting pics of his butt and saying things like, "Back hand that, Wes!" @BUCKNUTS tried to show us his nuts all sneaky through a glass of beer. @DisturbdChemist didn't have any beer yesterday and admitted that his favorite beer was Busch Light in a glass of ice & water. @Yooper said Bud "Heavy" tasted too dark. and then I won the internet and became Master Brewer of all time. just a normal slow day on HBT.

Hey I had beer... :D
I made rude comments about my grandma. @finsfan had a Buffalo Sweat. @Remmy drank a bunch and told me not to be angry near his property. @mcbaumannerb ate some tasty looking treats. @Hello had a stout. @coldcrash threatened to cut all our balls off if we didn't start posting pics for proof. @PatrickGoss had some sort of IPA. @WesleyS told @coldcrash he was gonna back hand him. then @allenH got all super hammered and started posting pics of his butt and saying things like, "Back hand that, Wes!" @BUCKNUTS tried to show us his nuts all sneaky through a glass of beer. @DisturbdChemist didn't have any beer yesterday and admitted that his favorite beer was Busch Light in a glass of ice & water. @Yooper said Bud "Heavy" tasted too dark. and then I won the internet and became Master Brewer of all time. just a normal slow day on HBT.

That was great. Well done!

I best finish this Coff and get off of my ass so I can get to brewing.

Like this guy.


Happy Birthday, Trip!
I made rude comments about my grandma. @finsfan had a Buffalo Sweat. @Remmy drank a bunch and told me not to be angry near his property. @mcbaumannerb ate some tasty looking treats. @Hello had a stout. @coldcrash threatened to cut all our balls off if we didn't start posting pics for proof. @PatrickGoss had some sort of IPA. @WesleyS told @coldcrash he was gonna back hand him. then @allenH got all super hammered and started posting pics of his butt and saying things like, "Back hand that, Wes!" @BUCKNUTS tried to show us his nuts all sneaky through a glass of beer. @DisturbdChemist didn't have any beer yesterday and admitted that his favorite beer was Busch Light in a glass of ice & water. @Yooper said Bud "Heavy" tasted too dark. and then I won the internet and became Master Brewer of all time. just a normal slow day on HBT.

Damn, I might have to go read all the posts I missed. Bunch of lushes :D
Damn, I might have to go read all the posts I missed. Bunch of lushes :D
oh! and @drainbamage stayed in bed all day and called us all sissy losers for using our analog legs. @Qhrumphf posted a video of him singing "I'm a Little Teapot" complete with dancing.
I best finish this Coff and get off of my ass so I can get to brewing.

Like this guy.


Happy Birthday, Trip!
and you still owe me a windshield.

happy B-Day, tripplehazzard!! may you have no bland beers today!
oh! and @drainbamage stayed in bed all day and called us all sissy losers for using our analog legs. @Qhrumphf posted a video of him singing "I'm a Little Teapot" complete with dancing.
and you still owe me a windshield.

happy B-Day, tripplehazzard!! may you have no bland beers today!

Or digital legs. Or cybernetic ones. Or wooden ones. I don't discriminate.

Happy B-day tripplehazzard!
I made rude comments about my grandma. @finsfan had a Buffalo Sweat. @Remmy drank a bunch and told me not to be angry near his property. @mcbaumannerb ate some tasty looking treats. @Hello had a stout. @coldcrash threatened to cut all our balls off if we didn't start posting pics for proof. @PatrickGoss had some sort of IPA. @WesleyS told @coldcrash he was gonna back hand him. then @allenH got all super hammered and started posting pics of his butt and saying things like, "Back hand that, Wes!" @BUCKNUTS tried to show us his nuts all sneaky through a glass of beer. @DisturbdChemist didn't have any beer yesterday and admitted that his favorite beer was Busch Light in a glass of ice & water. @Yooper said Bud "Heavy" tasted too dark. and then I won the internet and became Master Brewer of all time. just a normal slow day on HBT.

For a second I thought this was some hallucination/fever dream you were having from nicotine withdrawal and we were going to have to send in one of your Mohawk-sporting sons to give you a berry punch to snap you out of it.

On the coffee.
@WesleyS told @coldcrash he was gonna back hand him. then @allenH got all super hammered and started posting pics of his butt and saying things like, "Back hand that, Wes!"

This part made me think of that classic game "Front hand, back hand"