American IPA The New West Coast IPA

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My west coast ipa is clearing up really nicely. This beer is 8.93% ABV, 81 IBUS and was hopped with Mosaic, Strata, and Columbus.

Happy holidays y’all!

Grain Bill:
79%- 2row
13% - Vienna
4%- crystal 40L
4% - dextrose
OG: 1.078
FG: 1.010
IBU: 81

Columbus t90 & Strata t90

Mosaic t90 & Strata t90

Mosaic t90/cryo, Strata t90/CGX, and Columbus Lupomax View attachment 864062

Looks good.
My west coast ipa is clearing up really nicely. This beer is 8.93% ABV, 81 IBUS and was hopped with Mosaic, Strata, and Columbus.
Is this the Colombus you posted above? Because, with your advice, I bought a bunch of that batch. I love "dank" and the CTZ I have recently tried, even Lupo Columbus has not delivered. If we ever have another FOTHB, someone will probably get a pound of it, since I had to order 11lbs. I have it, but haven't used it yet. I brew frequently, so no bother but looking forward to trying it out....Cheers! Rick
Is this the Colombus you posted above? Because, with your advice, I bought a bunch of that batch. I love "dank" and the CTZ I have recently tried, even Lupo Columbus has not delivered. If we ever have another FOTHB, someone will probably get a pound of it, since I had to order 11lbs. I have it, but haven't used it yet. I brew frequently, so no bother but looking forward to trying it out....Cheers! Rick
That’s the t90 I used. I didn’t use a lot of in this beer. Only about 2 oz in total but it’s in there. I was honestly afraid of it being too dank so I avoided using it in the dryhop. once you smell the hops you’ll know what I mean though. Smells just how Fiddle Head IPA or Bissel Bros Substance smells
My west coast ipa is clearing up really nicely. This beer is 8.93% ABV, 81 IBUS and was hopped with Mosaic, Strata, and Columbus.

Happy holidays y’all!

Grain Bill:
79%- 2row
13% - Vienna
4%- crystal 40L
4% - dextrose
OG: 1.078
FG: 1.010
IBU: 81

Columbus t90 & Strata t90

Mosaic t90 & Strata t90

Mosaic t90/cryo, Strata t90/CGX, and Columbus Lupomax View attachment 864062

Looks awesome. Did you fine with gelatin? What yeast and what temperature did you ferment at?
Looks awesome. Did you fine with gelatin? What yeast and what temperature did you ferment at?
I used biofine at 4 ml per gallon.

Fermented with us05 and drove the fermentation from 66-72, upping 2 degrees every 24 hours or so. Held at 72 until dryhoping
I used biofine at 4 ml per gallon.

Fermented with us05 and drove the fermentation from 66-72, upping 2 degrees every 24 hours or so. Held at 72 until dryhoping

I haven’t tried biofine yet. Is it better than gelatin? Do you drop the temp before dry hop or do you dry hop warm? Thanks!
I haven’t tried biofine yet. Is it better than gelatin? Do you drop the temp before dry hop or do you dry hop warm? Thanks!
I think it’s far superior. It’s also vegan friendly, not that I personally need it to be but I’ve had people ask me

I dryhoped at 58*f
I used biofine at 4 ml per gallon.

Fermented with us05 and drove the fermentation from 66-72, upping 2 degrees every 24 hours or so. Held at 72 until dryhoping
Well shoot I guess complete the thought…
Then soft crash to 58, dry hop for 2 days then crash to 38? Or do you do west coast different? There are still tons of great breweries out there fermenting warm for a long time - like Russian River lets it go 7-14 days (heard this in those more recent interviews he did) but they drop cone every day.

Edit: oops sorry now I see you already had a follow up post.
Well I grabbed an 8oz bottle of Biofine. I just kegged another batch of West Coast IPA Is Dead and added 5ml in the keg. Excited to see how it works.
You might need more than that. I’ve never had luck with 1 ml per gallon. I usually use 3-4 ml per gallon. But I also struggle with patience lol

Def keep us posted
Well I grabbed an 8oz bottle of Biofine. I just kegged another batch of West Coast IPA Is Dead and added 5ml in the keg. Excited to see how it works.
"People also ask:

How much biofine should I use?

Dosage Rates: 1/4 Tbsp (3 ml or 1/10oz) to as much as 2 Tbsp (31 ml or 1 fluid oz.) per 5 gallon batch of beer. Store in cool, dry conditions above 41 degrees F and do not allow the product to freeze. Some beer styles don't react with certain dose rates."

As a point of reference, I usually add ~15 ml into a 'batch volume' 5 gallon keg just prior to doing a pressure transfer from the fermenter. The beer has already been spunded and cold crashed by then, so the biofine get well dispersed into the beer during the transfer. Settling only takes about a day.
Great thread, I always read it.
I use Cellar Science Silafine, which I think is pretty much the same as Biofine clear. 1ml per gallon works great for me. I also use whirlfloc in the boil and make sure my water has ~100ppm of Calcium.

My most recent WCIPA - 6.5% 70 IBU:

86% Brewer's Malt
5% Bonlander Munich 10L
5% Crystal 15
4% Dextrose

Magnum, Chinook, McKenzie hot side and Chinook, Mckenzie, Centennial dry hop

3 days post kegging:

And tonight:

Great thread, I always read it.
I use Cellar Science Silafine, which I think is pretty much the same as Biofine clear. 1ml per gallon works great for me. I also use whirlfloc in the boil and make sure my water has ~100ppm of Calcium.

My most recent WCIPA - 6.5% 70 IBU:

86% Brewer's Malt
5% Bonlander Munich 10L
5% Crystal 15
4% Dextrose

Magnum, Chinook, McKenzie hot side and Chinook, Mckenzie, Centennial dry hop

3 days post kegging:

View attachment 864220
And tonight:

View attachment 864222
What’s your dryhop rate and when are you adding them? During fermentation or post? . That will determine the ml/g you’ll need to use.

Beers looks great though
This beer
What’s your dryhop rate and when are you adding them? During fermentation or post? . That will determine the ml/g you’ll need to use.

Beers looks great though
This beer is 5.5 g/l (something like 1.4lbs/bbl) added post fermentation at 9c/49f
This beer

This beer is 5.5 g/l (something like 1.4lbs/bbl) added post fermentation at 9c/49f
That’s quite a low rate for us brewery standards. It’s typically 2lb/bbl whirlpool and 4lb/bbl dryhop. Definitely would explain why your able to have your beer clear at 1ml/gal.

This is not saying anything negative about your beer, it looks great, it’s only to indicate why you’re very successful at a lower rate
That’s quite a low rate for us brewery standards. It’s typically 2lb/bbl whirlpool and 4lb/bbl dryhop. Definitely would explain why your able to have your beer clear at 1ml/gal.

This is not saying anything negative about your beer, it looks great, it’s only to indicate why you’re very successful at a lower rate
Yeah there’s another 7g/l in whirlpool, to be fair. I definitely agree that the dry hop is lower than what we see commercially these days.
I haven’t seen much about hop hash. I just put in a decent sized order at yvh and they threw in 4 oz of mosaic hop hash. Was considering using it along with 4 oz t90 mosaic on a west coast mosaic ipa I have coming up. Does anyone have experience with it?
I haven’t seen much about hop hash. I just put in a decent sized order at yvh and they threw in 4 oz of mosaic hop hash. Was considering using it along with 4 oz t90 mosaic on a west coast mosaic ipa I have coming up. Does anyone have experience with it?
It’s great. Sometimes it’s very hard and compact. Like a brick. When it s like that I’ve used it in whirlpool. If it’s soft or soft enough I can run it through the food processor I’ll mix it in with my pellets and dryhop. Definitely a more resinous character
It’s great. Sometimes it’s very hard and compact. Like a brick. When it s like that I’ve used it in whirlpool. If it’s soft or soft enough I can run it through the food processor I’ll mix it in with my pellets and dryhop. Definitely a more resinous character
Kind of like the real thing. ;)
It’s great. Sometimes it’s very hard and compact. Like a brick. When it s like that I’ve used it in whirlpool. If it’s soft or soft enough I can run it through the food processor I’ll mix it in with my pellets and dryhop. Definitely a more resinous character
“More resinous” is what I’d love in this beer so I’ll definitely give it a go. I’ve read alpha cannot really be determined. I assume you’d use a low temp whirlpool like 160 when using this? Thanks for the intel!
What's the consensus regarding biofine or gelatin trapping hop compounds and changing the beer's flavor?
Too much of either is not a good thing, but generally speaking my opinion is that Biofine or Silica Fine (both silicon dioxide) are ‘gentler’ and clears better than gelatin. Use less, wait a few days longer with either one. It’ll settle out with time and temperature. Use more and consume sooner but risk possible stripping of flavor/body, but I’ve noticed little degradation when using moderate amounts of Biofine.

Moderation in everything, including moderation.
I mean I wouldn’t use this as evidence, it would just serve as one data point. we don’t know the panel, we don’t know what’s their experience is with drinking hoppy beers and how well they are able to distinguish differences in the first place. also it’s like a 2.5 oz dryhop and 5-6 oz total hop load for the beer.

We know fining agents bind to proteins, polyphenols and yeast. We know all 3 have a molecular attraction to hop compounds. So it will drop out some. The bigger question is to what extend.

In my experience it does limit the character to some extent especially if you are only focusing on dryhoping, as it seems to have a bigger impact on coldside hops. Not to a great extent but I’ve brewed beers that I thought would be clear in the keg without finings, have poured them and then decided to fine while in the keg and I could notice a difference in intensity. Not extreme but to an extent. Since then I’ve made sure I’ve gone higher on my whirlpool additions to compensate as the hotside character seems to hang around even after fining

I guess in my long winded response what I’m trying to say is I strongly feels it will drop out some compound but with adjustments to your process and recipe it will be marginal and worth it for a bright beer
Anyone have a recipe they could share that's a really great example of the style? I know there's probably a ton on here, but I haven't totally kept up on the thread. I tend to like examples with a little bit of classic citrus/pine and a little bit of more modern tropical fruit.
yeah! OP is super solid still. And I’ll just rattle off a top of my head recipe that will certainly make a great beer.
All Pilsner malt to 1.060. Bittering addition 20-40 IBUS depending how much you like bitterness. Whirpool with 1 oz per gallon. Ferment with any solid Chico yeast. Dry hop with 1.5 oz per gallon. Use citra and simcoe and you’ll get those flavors. Then iterate from there 🍺🍺
Just dryhoped my latest. Went with a 1:1:1 ratio of Columbus, Freestyle Motueka, & Nectaron. Beer recap below;

Grain bill:
75% - 2row
15% - Vienna
6% - Carahell
4% - dextrose
OG: 1.077
FG: 1.012
Abv: 8.6%
IBU: 83

Boil hops:

1:1 Columbus / Freestyle Motueka
Just dryhoped my latest. Went with a 1:1:1 ratio of Columbus, Freestyle Motueka, & Nectaron. Beer recap below;

Grain bill:
75% - 2row
15% - Vienna
6% - Carahell
4% - dextrose
OG: 1.077
FG: 1.012
Abv: 8.6%
IBU: 83

Boil hops:

1:1 Columbus / Freestyle Motueka
I think this is a traditional ipa with some modern hops.