The Dysfunctional-Palooza Obnoxious Masshole BS Thread

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Fine, I'll be a nice guy and take down your picture. Anyone who's curious about Dakota's real visage will just have to search his profile on
whats sad is now I have to look up what rent boys is, just to find out its a gay kid site. OMG! i cant believe that's a real site. I bet I just got tagged by the government for just looking at it.
Funny how bird was the one that brought it up in the first place. Who's got it bookmarked?

Hey Bird... Get to many NAMBLA meetings out in the freakin sticks where you live? I'm guessing you would have to head up to Albany to get your "fix"
National Association of Marlon Brando Lookalikes? :confused:

Not to veer off subject and insult anyone but has anyone tried Wachusett's Larry:

I had stocked up my cellar with a bunch and tonight I finished the last one watching the C's game. I'm not sure if they're still selling it. I know I should post in the recipe forum but I figured it's Masshole related. Anyone have a clue on the recipe? Website has no info. I've also had it at the Publick house and enjoyed it.
Just cause you are not cape doesn't mean you don't get the same answer. Did you read what I wrote back to cape? Hello?
No but this afternoon I went down to the beach to get the chairs etc and there was a crowd of people gathered around this guy shore fishing. He was really working hard at pulling something in. I wish I had my camera but it was in the condo.... He pulled in a 4-5 foot hammerhead shark. It was really cool. Then they had trouble getting it released. It was pretty awesome and just another excuse for me to not swim in the ocean.
Everytime I've gone swimming in the ocean I've had a shark come within inches of me. No joke, in Maui a huge 14' to 16' foot white shark came up to "sniff" me while I was surfing, in the gulf the same thing and in cabo I saw a few while I was snorkeling. Every time it's happened a local says "boy that's real strange, I've never seen a shark get that close." Must be revenge for all the fishing I've done over the years. I haven't been in the ocean here yet but it's only a matter of time.
Like any of us that know you would believe you surf or have any athletic ability whatsoever... You are almost as bad as PTN.....
Heck, PTNs next post is gonna be how he was captured in belgium by alQaeda and how he was brought to Pakistan where he finally escaped Bin Laden's compound when some awesome navy seals stormed the place, yet they wouldn't take him since he would overload the helicopter since they were one down due to a bad landing, and to get back home he had to climb Killamunjaru or K2 or some other thing....
"today in world news, geologists are stumped by what appears to be the SINKING of Mount Killumunjaro. The mountain appears to be almost 100 feet shorter than previously recorded. Dr. Stanley Riddenbacher, a geologist at the University of Colorado had this to say.... 'It is as if such a tremendous weight was placed on top that the entire mountain was PUSHED into the Earth'."
yeager1977 said:
Like any of us that know you would believe you surf or have any athletic ability whatsoever... You are almost as bad as PTN.....

Flounder I bet I've I have more athletic ability in my current fat state than you at best.
Cape Brewing said:
"today in world news, geologists are stumped by what appears to be the SINKING of Mount Killumunjaro. The mountain appears to be almost 100 feet shorter than previously recorded. Dr. Stanley Riddenbacher, a geologist at the University of Colorado had this to say.... 'It is as if such a tremendous weight was placed on top that the entire mountain was PUSHED into the Earth'."

At the top of the mountain geologists found five cases of discarded Belgium beer bottles and what was once believed to be a curtain from the binLaden complex, though it seemed to have been converted into a moo moo due to the fact that it had arm and head holes.
Everytime I've gone swimming in the ocean I've had a shark come within inches of me. No joke, in Maui a huge 14' to 16' foot white shark came up to "sniff" me while I was surfing, in the gulf the same thing and in cabo I saw a few while I was snorkeling. Every time it's happened a local says "boy that's real strange, I've never seen a shark get that close." Must be revenge for all the fishing I've done over the years. I haven't been in the ocean here yet but it's only a matter of time.

... I didn't want to bring it up, but you do KINDA smell like dead fish. Just sayin'
Hey Lads and Lassies,

Got home last night after a fantastic trip through Holland, Belgium and Iceland. I'll post up a bunch of pics later on but I just need to share 'my haul.' All of this stuff made it home inside our suitcases. Of course, taking extra suitcases helped.

Take note of the three bottles in front. One bottle each of Westveltern 6, 8 and 12.


And I managed to fit a little swag in there, too. Spent a freaking fortune on glasses.



In Brussels, the Kwark was gimmicky but we were pretty thirsty after having gone without a beer for several hours. Gulped them down (kwark kwark kwark as the beer bubbles out of the bulb), then moved on to much better beers. Norm loved the Rochfort


Alice feeling pretty happy at the Delerium Tremens Cafe.


At the Halve Mann brewery in Brugge.


The coolship on the top floor of the Halve Mann


In search of the Holy Grail...



Number 12
So instead of more beer.... You brought back three arm-loads of glasses you could have bought on EBay?

(ring.... ring.... ring)

Oh hi Jerk Store.
What? You're all out of Paul??
I REALLY tried to bring home more Westy. But they march to their own drummer, these are men who chose to live behind walls. They brew beer but they are not brewers, they are monks first and foremost. They just brew so they can be monks.

"Can I buy a case of the 12?"


"OK, how bout the 8?"

"No. We're not selling beer today."

"Will you be selling it tomorrow?"

"Maybe, but I don't think so."

"But we can drink it here at the cafe today?"


"OK, I can live with that."


At a cheese shop in the Dutch city of Gouda, home of guess what kind of cheese.

Mort Subite Cafe in Brussels. The faro was incredible.


The building with the golden horse on top is the Brewers Guild in Brussels.



Al and Norm having a beer at the Halve Mann.

Puppy taking a nap in the window.

PTN doing his part to move international relationships ahead by leaps and bounds.

You do have some sort of relationship with a member of the fairer sex, right? You pick your battles. If she wants a china doll on top of the piano what do I care?

I understand. Looked like a nice trip. How the hell did you get a suitcase of bottles back? I had so much trouble just bringing a couple of bottles from Napa Valley back into Nazichusetts.
Europe%202012/DSC_0373.jpg[/IMG]At a flea market in the square of some town near Poppering. Picked up a lot of neat swag here.



Norm enjoying the Nuns beer. (He's such a ham with the ladies.)


Hop fields near Poppering.


We live in a culturally depraved wasteland. We have public celebrations like the 4th of July and serve Bud Lite out of plastic cups. In Roselare they celebrate May Day and serve Alexandre Rodenbach out of those same plastic cups. We serve hot dogs, they serve escargot. Cultural wasteland.


In the Red Light District in Amsterdam.


You pretty much want to take a shower after walking down one of these alleys.

Norm hanging out in the Red Light District.


Normie's in love...


Most surprising thing of the entire trip. Heineken Beer, fresh and on tap at the brewery in Amsterdam is REALLY freakin' good! I mean seriously good. Look at that lacing on the glass.


What? No helmets, seat belts or car seats? Everyone gets around by bike in Holland. And apparently the lawyers all go hungry. It's all quite refreshing.

