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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2014
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With so many writers that live within the walls of this forum, I thought I would bring this to the masses.

I'm currently in the process of running an open-world sandbox Dungeons and Dragons 5E campaign. While I have a list of generic plot points that I can expose to the party, I thought I would open it up to the creative folks here on HBT.


Party of adventurers were sucked into another plane (via means that the party doesn't know, nor do they know if anyone else was sucked through). They've come to a land they are unfamiliar with. Currently they are located in a major city that boarders a war scarred land where two warring nations have been fighting over territory.

Currently they have encountered:

1) The works of a powerful mage that has been transforming people into exotic animals and a pet store owner has then been selling these animals. The shop owner was caught, but the mage is still active.
2) A bombers attack on the city. They learned that the bombers have been working for the north (the other half of the warring nations). After much discussion the party learned that the war is a very grey territory and opted to not outright kill the bombers, but instead sent them to exile with their family. One party member when behind the groups back and informed the authorities where to find the bombers. (Plans are in the works to handle this scenario)
3) They have started to spread their religion that has been unheard of in this realm. One member has been preaching the word of their good not far outside of the major temple of the city they live in currently. (Plans are in the works to handle this scenario)
4) A crazy psion running naked through the woods looking for his lost magical ioun stone.
5) A hermit druid in the woods.

They haven't explored outside of this area, and there is plenty of available areas and stories to weave.

I pose this. Does anyone have any fun, cool plot/story arcs? I'll try to add what is suggested into the story, and I'll even be nice and let you know how the players react the the scenarios placed forth.

If anyone wants more information on the world I can also supply that. I've left out plenty of information built about this area.
I'll think on it. But I like the idea of the crazy psion. Could make for an interesting side quest, either finding the lost stone (if it even exists) or finding the source of his madness.
So what period/realm do these adventurers come from? The standard AD&D timeframe?

Am I right in assuming a "sandbox" is an open-ended adventure, played without guided direction and pre-designed goals? (Sorry, it's been MANY years since I really played the game.)

One of my favorite DM moves is to introduce an NPC that seems a bit shady, or maybe seems to be too good to be true. That always puts a bit of fear into the newer players.

Or to give certain players some personal communications, so it seems to the other players that something big or interesting is going to happen, which only the person who was confided in, has knowledge of. Everyone starts to think they are being primed for something crazy.
I'll think on it. But I like the idea of the crazy psion. Could make for an interesting side quest, either finding the lost stone (if it even exists) or finding the source of his madness.

I threw in the psion on a whim to have fun with the party. All of us where in a campaign where the psion's ioun stone was destroyed by a dragon and he rage quit. I thought it would be a nice easier egg, but no one opted to bite at the possible side quest. I'm hoping they end up going back to it at some point, or help me if I shove it down their throats.

So what period/realm do these adventurers come from? The standard AD&D timeframe?

Yeah, I'm just shooting for the traditional D&D time-frame. No fancy futuristic weaponry (or is there an advanced civilization!)

Am I right in assuming a "sandbox" is an open-ended adventure, played without guided direction and pre-designed goals? (Sorry, it's been MANY years since I really played the game.)

You are correct, I basically just tossed them into my own world and said "have fun".

One of my favorite DM moves is to introduce an NPC that seems a bit shady, or maybe seems to be too good to be true. That always puts a bit of fear into the newer players.

That's kind of what I ended up doing with the bomber scenario. The faction they actually started trusting and thought were fantastic is just as bad as the "bad guys".

Or to give certain players some personal communications, so it seems to the other players that something big or interesting is going to happen, which only the person who was confided in, has knowledge of. Everyone starts to think they are being primed for something crazy.

I really like the idea of keeping people in the dark, but there is enough communication between the players that it won't work. The player he ratted out the bombers sent to exile did it in secret with me by passing notes. I kept it hidden, until he started to blab about it the next day. They know something not nice is coming their way from that too.
I really like the idea of keeping people in the dark, but there is enough communication between the players that it won't work. The player he ratted out the bombers sent to exile did it in secret with me by passing notes. I kept it hidden, until he started to blab about it the next day. They know something not nice is coming their way from that too.

Well, they aren't *supposed* to be talking. Takes the fun out.

And they get what they deserve... LOL!
The plan is to throw the party, except for the snitch I jail. There may or may not be an execution involved. Unless they work themselves out of the situation they will at a minimum be cast out from the city.

Holy War is in the works from the clash of the religions. Better yet, a cult like sect has formed out in a far off area.
What if one of the bombers is converted by this new religion & tries to take out the mage, who survives, but is bent on transforming people so they explode either within x amount of distance from the target, or within a certain amount of time; and the mage sends them to infiltrate the 2 warring factions? Kind of like the D&D version of The Island of Dr. Moreau as envisioned by ISIS.
Party of adventurers were sucked into another plane (via means that the party doesn't know, nor do they know if anyone else was sucked through).

This reminds me of a device our DM used years ago when someone arrived late to a gaming session. In order to add them to a party,we said that he was "FARTed" into the game. FART stood for Fantasy Area Rapid Transit.
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What if one of the bombers is converted by this new religion & tries to take out the mage, who survives, but is not bent on transforming people so they explode either within x amount of distance from the target, or within a certain amount of time; and the mage sends them to infiltrate the 2 warring factions? Kind of like the D&D version of The Island of Dr. Moreau as envisioned by ISIS.

The only thing I can think of now is exploding sheep from the game Worms.
Never really played when younger, but one of my friends was big into it. I was more of the computer game type. One story he told me about the memorable session he experienced was where a guy was the DM (first time I think) and gave the following story arc. This is shortened for berevity.

Party sees a shimmering in the air in front of them. Go through. End up in what is described as modern times. stuff like clear force shields (doors and windows), strange houses, etc. They come across one domicile and cant get through the sliding glass door. One of the characters uses some skill where he becomes paper thin and gets in under the door. Occupant captures him and he is released feeling a "packed sensation".

The DM then got up said "I have always wanted to do that" and leaves. Of course they were all around 13 at the time so you can imagine the reactions.
Never really played when younger, but one of my friends was big into it. I was more of the computer game type. One story he told me about the memorable session he experienced was where a guy was the DM (first time I think) and gave the following story arc. This is shortened for berevity.

Party sees a shimmering in the air in front of them. Go through. End up in what is described as modern times. stuff like clear force shields (doors and windows), strange houses, etc. They come across one domicile and cant get through the sliding glass door. One of the characters uses some skill where he becomes paper thin and gets in under the door. Occupant captures him and he is released feeling a "packed sensation".

The DM then got up said "I have always wanted to do that" and leaves. Of course they were all around 13 at the time so you can imagine the reactions.

The beauty of that has brought a tear to my eye.
Plot twist: The other city they are fighting with was destroyed ages ago and is now inhabited by "executed" prisoners of the state in order to facilitate the growth the military industrial complex and the exploitation of the proletariat.
This new world is actually an construct of the mad Psion, who is capturing people to help him find his lost stone.

The game will end all characters destroyed if he finds it.
Never really played when younger, but one of my friends was big into it. I was more of the computer game type. One story he told me about the memorable session he experienced was where a guy was the DM (first time I think) and gave the following story arc. This is shortened for berevity.

Party sees a shimmering in the air in front of them. Go through. End up in what is described as modern times. stuff like clear force shields (doors and windows), strange houses, etc. They come across one domicile and cant get through the sliding glass door. One of the characters uses some skill where he becomes paper thin and gets in under the door. Occupant captures him and he is released feeling a "packed sensation".

The DM then got up said "I have always wanted to do that" and leaves. Of course they were all around 13 at the time so you can imagine the reactions.

Plot twist: The other city they are fighting with was destroyed ages ago and is now inhabited by "executed" prisoners of the state in order to facilitate the growth the military industrial complex and the exploitation of the proletariat.

I like the spin. Effectively the one city thinks they have everything under control, but ultimately the prisoners have started to rise against "the man".
This new world is actually an construct of the mad Psion, who is capturing people to help him find his lost stone.

The game will end all characters destroyed if he finds it.

The game plan was that a Lich has transported being from all across the planes to this land as a game for himself. Who says that the Psion can't be the said Lich though :).
For fun, I went ahead an attached the map that I'm using for the sandbox.

Mantius and Ayimir are at war with each other.

Players are Gol (cleric), Scraw (mage), Steve (paladin), and Woody (cleric). Scraw is the one that turned on the party and let authorities in Tari know of the exiled bombers.

So now the recap from the last session:
At night when the party was asleep, there was a pounding on their door of the inn they were staying at. "Open up under the authority of the White Hearts." (White Hearts are the main guild that controls the political interest in Mantius). The entire party other than Scraw were taken into custody, while Scraw was taken to meet with the leader of the White Hearts. Eventually Scraw ran his mouth enough to the White Heart leader to get himself thrown into jail (it's a pretty corrupt organization).

The next day trials were held against the party (except Scraw who was being silenced). They made their cases to leader of the White Hearts who was judge and jury. That afternoon the party was escorted to the gallows, in front of a huge crowd, as the bombers were hanged. The party was then brought up onto the gallows to have their verdict read.

Exile to the prison island Sol! (Island in the Tenian Sea)

The party was brought to the island and they started to explore the coast getting a lay of the land. They eventually came across a village with walls built from driftwood and bone. They seek entry, but are refused, without a "favor". From this, they come to learn that the island works on a favor for a favor system and that there is no true currency system here.

The party is then tasked to find baby rapists (I had The Book of Mormon in my head at the time) that are in the mountains. Two of the rapists are found and combat starts. Near the end of combat they hear the cry of a baby from deep within a cave. They go to investigate to find a baby goblin. Philosophical debate then occurs to discuss if a baby goblin is born evil or evilness comes from its upbringing.

The party decides to take the baby into town to find someone to care for it. Once again, no one wants to help out of the kindness of their hearts and the clerics and paladin offer to take care of the wounded.

During the nursing of the wounded, a man staggers into the building with his arm torn off "Oh god, they're back!" and collapses.

I close the book and call it a night there.

Not sure I have any ideas right now for a plot twist or story arc, but a few fun "traps" are the "endless stairs" where you get so far and then are teleported back to the starting point (about half-way from the bottom to where the trap was.) A nice little "cantrip" to pull on someone is the "telepiddle" spell -- empty your own bladder into the enemy's so that they can't fight and HAVE to take off their armor to go to the bathroom. :) Also, the pile of gold with a huge sign hanging from a Unicorn (or something similarly benign) saying "TRAP" and anyone who successfully disbelieves is confronted with a gorgon and instantly stoned. Thus anyone who FAILS the disbelieve lives and gets to take as much gold as they can carry. :)
Townsfolk mentioning theft of livestock. Rumors of noises over the hill, beyond the creek, into the northern woods. Small goblin den hidden in the woods.

Potion maker needs rare herbs found by abandoned Abby. Insert level appropriate witch and her spider minions occupying the abbey.

Corpses on the road. One is fine garb, the others appear as likely guards. An official letter is found addressed to the local king/earl/whatever. Delivering the unopened letter and the personal affects of the dead leads to favor with local authorities and the decease's kingdom as well. Moral victory and promise of future work and favor.
I'm thinking about doing a quest chain based around the song Whiskey in the Jar. The party finds Captain Farrell right after he was robbed. They eventually track down the man who robbed him to find that he killed his wife etc. etc.
Creepy little girl is always fun. Make her cute enough and they will be suspicious. She *could* even be an evil temptress in a child's body, hence tying into the baby rape story.

Maybe she wears an amulet around her neck and if any of the players tries to take it and succeeds they get control of her and can make her shapeshift and do whatever her powers are for their own purposes.

And of course as DM you would get to play the part of this girl. Who wouldnt' love that!?
Something is bugging the livestock of a small village just outside of town. The townspeope are all worried because the cows are no longer giving milk, the pigs are losing weight, sheep are going bald, etc. If the party takes the quest they stay up and watch one of the harder hit sheep fields only to discover that the town drunk/idiot has been... molesting the animals. Depending on the party's actions different things happen.

Attack and kill him - townspeople think you went too far, you get a bounty on your head
Attack him and he gets away - He reports you as the sheep botherer - Rumors spread, people all look at the (single member/whole party) funny for the rest of the game/permanant (GM decided) reduction in charisma\reputation
Threaten to report him if he doesnt stop, convince him - he apologizes, gives you some trinket or a bottle of special hooch that is used in some future quest
Threaten to report him if he doesnt stop, convince him, report to town anyway - Same reward, he reappears later in the game and confronts you (new story arc)
Threaten to report and fail to convince, report to Townsfolk small amount of currency reward or some other minor loot
No threat, sneak roll passes, report to townsfolk small amount of currency reward or some other minor loot, random animal follows party until killed or sold.
No threat, sneak roll passes, do not report to townsfolk/Not even bother to look, make something up - Roll for believibility. Normal small reward if successful, if failed arrested and forced to work on the farm for period of time. - reputation
Something is bugging the livestock of a small village just outside of town. The townspeope are all worried because the cows are no longer giving milk, the pigs are losing weight, sheep are going bald, etc. If the party takes the quest they stay up and watch one of the harder hit sheep fields only to discover that the town drunk/idiot has been... molesting the animals. Depending on the party's actions different things happen.

Attack and kill him - townspeople think you went too far, you get a bounty on your head
Attack him and he gets away - He reports you as the sheep botherer - Rumors spread, people all look at the (single member/whole party) funny for the rest of the game/permanant (GM decided) reduction in charisma\reputation
Threaten to report him if he doesnt stop, convince him - he apologizes, gives you some trinket or a bottle of special hooch that is used in some future quest
Threaten to report him if he doesnt stop, convince him, report to town anyway - Same reward, he reappears later in the game and confronts you (new story arc)
Threaten to report and fail to convince, report to Townsfolk small amount of currency reward or some other minor loot
No threat, sneak roll passes, report to townsfolk small amount of currency reward or some other minor loot, random animal follows party until killed or sold.
No threat, sneak roll passes, do not report to townsfolk/Not even bother to look, make something up - Roll for believibility. Normal small reward if successful, if failed arrested and forced to work on the farm for period of time. - reputation

Whenever they wander off the prison island I really want to do this.
Something is bugging the livestock of a small village just outside of town. The townspeope are all worried because the cows are no longer giving milk, the pigs are losing weight, sheep are going bald, etc. If the party takes the quest they stay up and watch one of the harder hit sheep fields only to discover that the town drunk/idiot has been... molesting the animals. Depending on the party's actions different things happen.

Attack and kill him - townspeople think you went too far, you get a bounty on your head
Attack him and he gets away - He reports you as the sheep botherer - Rumors spread, people all look at the (single member/whole party) funny for the rest of the game/permanant (GM decided) reduction in charisma\reputation
Threaten to report him if he doesnt stop, convince him - he apologizes, gives you some trinket or a bottle of special hooch that is used in some future quest
Threaten to report him if he doesnt stop, convince him, report to town anyway - Same reward, he reappears later in the game and confronts you (new story arc)
Threaten to report and fail to convince, report to Townsfolk small amount of currency reward or some other minor loot
No threat, sneak roll passes, report to townsfolk small amount of currency reward or some other minor loot, random animal follows party until killed or sold.
No threat, sneak roll passes, do not report to townsfolk/Not even bother to look, make something up - Roll for believibility. Normal small reward if successful, if failed arrested and forced to work on the farm for period of time. - reputation

You see, when I first read this I read, "Something is buggering the livestock..." And I giggled thinking this would make a great FIFY reply.

Then I read a bit further... "...the town drunk/idiot has been... molesting the animals."

It made me groan.

You could also give an NPC a gender crisis, better yet, find a way to give a PLAYER a gender crisis! :D
You see, when I first read this I read, "Something is buggering the livestock..." And I giggled thinking this would make a great FIFY reply.

Then I read a bit further... "...the town drunk/idiot has been... molesting the animals."

It made me groan.

You could also give an NPC a gender crisis, better yet, find a way to give a PLAYER a gender crisis! :D

Transgender, transracial, transclassial. A male human rogue that's really a female elf wizard on the inside.
So, I haven't provided an update in awhile.

Currently the party is inside a tower that is bigger on the inside. They encountered a maze of fire that changed orientation after every step, with a key to the changes on the door frame. After they got through that they went into a study that was full of mimics, every item in the room to be exact.

Here is the problem:
One of the players cast a rope trick. Everyone else freaked out, they assumed that the tower was an extra-dimensional space, and by creating a pocket dimension inside they would rip apart the world or something. In fact, the tower was a mimic. After the portal for the rope trick was created, I closed my book and ended the session. The player who cast the rope trick then asked me after everyone left for the night if the tower was also a mimic. I let him know in confidence that he was right. He then got drunk the next night and spilled the beans to everyone, effectively ruining it for all.

I'm planning on changing what the tower was. Some options I've thought of are:
1) It was an extra-dimensional space, and I'm going to throw them into the astral plane.
2) It's just a magical tower, nothing special. I want to see them start attacking a tower and look crazy.
3) See what you guys can come up with

I want to change it solely because he ruined it for everyone and couldn't keep his mouth shut. Next time I'm not answering any of his questions or humoring any of his ideas.
Damn, why do people always do this!???

You get a cool thing going and then nobody plays the characters. They talk to each other and spoil it. Nobody seems to differentiate between player and character.
I heard word that they were going to take out there weapons and start attacking the walls. I'm leaning towards having it just be a plain tower that is being controlled by the lich. I'll figure it out on the fly probably.
Oh man... I'm an old dinosaur who started with Zanzar's Dungeon (or something like that) and knew the Rules Cyclopedia inside and out... I'm a little late to this party, but this should be a good read this afternoon.

I heard word that they were going to take out there weapons and start attacking the walls. I'm leaning towards having it just be a plain tower that is being controlled by the lich. I'll figure it out on the fly probably.

Well, since you are god you should punish the sinner who broke character. Send him a case of explosive intestinal distress mid battle, then have him rip one loudly and give the party away to a nearby monster. Then have him soil his/her armor. Nerf him by having his weapon turn into a feather pillow.

You are god. Get even for F*cking with your world. Have them stumble on a trap that separates them and puts them in uncomfortable situations. Just dont piss them all off to the point where they dont want to play anymore but make your displeasure known.
Place an irresistible article (armor/weapon/artifact) where that character will find it, have the curse change the sex of the character & give it a nasty crotch itch. Hint that there is a cure, somewhere.
Regards, GF.
Place an irresistible article (armor/weapon/artifact) where that character will find it, have the curse change the sex of the character & give it a nasty crotch itch. Hint that there is a cure, somewhere.
Regards, GF.

I just gave a magic cloak (Cloak of the Satyr) to the only female character that will make you invisible when worn. The catch is (and she doesn't know this), the only way it will work is if you go back to nature under the cloak. The other catch is that it curses you with the satyr spirit giving you uncontrollable sexual urges and will only stop once the cloak is remove and the urges have been satisfied, completely. The cloak was design for men, but if a woman wears it, she is immediately transformed into a male while under the curse.

I'm thinking about putting a note inside the cloak that reads: "To hide within the shadows, one must be one with nature. But beware the Satyr's thirst."