Philly Sour fermenting?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2020
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Trying the Philly Sour yeast to make a simple raspberry sour. I've read about how it first makes lactic acid to lower the PH and then ferments alcohol. Here is my question. I bought a Tilt hydrometer and am trying it for the first time. OG was 1.058 and after 3.5 days, the current gravity is 1.057. I opened the fermenter thinking maybe the tilt was stuck on something, it was not. I do see the temperature changing. The yeast apparently likes it warmer (71-77 degrees F), so I had to use a heating pad to keep it warm, maybe the lower temp has an effect? I did notice a small krausen so I think it is fermenting. Is this typical for the yeast or is something wrong with my Tilt?
You normally won't see much change, if any, in gravity from the souring in the first 1-3 days or so. It sounds like your fermentation is starting right on a typical schedule. And yes, lower temps will be slower than higher temps.

ETA: I don't use Philly Sour myself. Most of what I know about its behavior comes from homebrew club discussions.
I used it a while back and saw the same thing. It started fermenting somewhere in the 3rd day and got down to where it was supposed to be. Let it ride, and it'll do it's thing.
Quick update - it is fermenting. I pitched the yeast Friday evening with an OG of 1.058. When I went to bed last night, 4 days later, it was still at 1.057. This morning, there was airlock activity and the gravity was down to 1.049. I was so worried I had done something wrong!
Quick update - it is fermenting. I pitched the yeast Friday evening with an OG of 1.058. When I went to bed last night, 4 days later, it was still at 1.057. This morning, there was airlock activity and the gravity was down to 1.049. I was so worried I had done something wrong!
I did not have a Tilt back when I used Philly Sour, but my batches were "slow and steady" fermenters. Where I usually see an Ale strain done with fermentation in a week and packaged by two weeks, my Philly Sour batches all chugged away for a solid 2 weeks (and were kegged at 3 weeks). As I recall, I keep them in the mid to upper 70F's.