New from Westchester, NY area

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Oct 11, 2021
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Hudson Valley
Hello all, excited to dig in. I picked up the hobby again after a long hiatus in 2013. I'm doing simple extract 1-gallon kits from Northern Brewer right now. Looking to advance soon!

I was reminded of the hobby after reading "The Art of Fermentation" and appreciating an approach to brewing beer that maximizes simplicity of process while still making a tasty, interesting small batch.

Thank you all for being a huge wealth of knowledge and I hope to engage here regularly.
Better late than never, sorry it took so long to acknowledge your post. Welcome from the deep south.. By now you have gotten acquainted with this forum and all it has to offer. Brew on friend. It's crazier now than ever before. With the help and information found on this forum your creations are endless.
Thanks @Murph4231! This place is a treasure trove of information and ideas. I just completed Brew day #7, with #8 planned for Wednesday. Thanks for being a welcoming voice, here. Much appreciated!