How much is too much?

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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2016
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Just general discussion and I know everyone will have their own opinion but how much beer is too much? I know experts say 1 a day for women and 2 a day for men but then some people would say that drinking every day is too much. Also if you can have 1 beer everyday then can’t you just have 0 through the week and 6 on Saturday? Then on a similar topic, can you brew too much? I brew once or twice a month. Doesn’t seem like too much to me but some might say that is too much. Where do you draw the line and why? All answers welcome.
Too much for what? General long-term health or daily functioning? I tend to have 3 beers each evening after work. On weekends more still but slowly enough that I generally don't get drunk. As for brewing, as long as it does not negatively impact other areas in your life brew all you want to. Perhaps your brewing rate should be matched to your consumption rate so as to avoid the beer getting stale (style dependent, of course).
Too much for what? General long-term health or daily functioning? I tend to have 3 beers each evening after work. On weekends more still but slowly enough that I generally don't get drunk. As for brewing, as long as it does not negatively impact other areas in your life brew all you want to. Perhaps your brewing rate should be matched to your consumption rate so as to avoid the beer getting stale (style dependent, of course).
Too much for general health and I guess also I mean what is socially acceptable. At what point do you consider drinking or brewing a problem?
I don’t drink most of what I brew. I usually give a lot of it away. I will sometimes drink 2 or 3 beers midway through the week and usually will have about 4 to 6 on the weekend. There is the occasional 10 or 12 but that is rare due to the negative effects it has on my stomach and brain LOL. I definitely do not feel like I have a drinking problem but I just want to know what other people think on the same topic.
I would say that someone who gets drunk regularly has a problem.
I used to drink about three beers a day, one with lunch two with dinner. I cut back to lose weight while less active in winter. I very rarely drink to excess.
If you're not overweight, drunk or killing your liver, you're doing fine.
I enjoy one pint a night maybe two, weekends I may drink more if we have a get together of some sort. My buddies bring a 30 with them wherever they go, so they may have a problem (Pot calling kettle black). I think that If you question how much u are drinking you may have an issue. And for me personally tying one on by myself isn’t that much fun, though it may happen once in a blue moon.

I like to brew once or twice a month. I just started kegging and only have three kegs. I would like maybe 5 to keep four on tap and one in the pipeline. Maybe when I get to that pt I won’t brew so much. Idk I am still working on my consumption to brewing ratio.
I know a few guys that regularly drink up to a case of bud light every day. I don’t feel like I have a problem but have been told that I have a problem just because I will have a couple of beers at a taproom or something and then go home and have a couple more while I play video games. I might maintain a buzz but I am talking like 4-6 drinks over the course of 4 hours or so, not drunk by my standards. I love brewing and would brew more if I had the space but only have 2 kegs and can’t empty them fast enough.
I'm generally at a Pint a night. Maybe 2 beers depending on what I'm doing and how I'm feeling. Weekends maybe 3 beers in a day.

Keeping in mind that I'm generally drinking craft beer that is higher in alcohol than the macro beers the studies used as a baseline.

Having a kegerator makes it more possible that I fill a small glass and drink it, then later fill it again. If I pour a whole can or bottle, I'm more tempted to drink it faster and want more sooner.
I'm generally at a Pint a night. Maybe 2 beers depending on what I'm doing and how I'm feeling. Weekends maybe 3 beers in a day.

Keeping in mind that I'm generally drinking craft beer that is higher in alcohol than the macro beers the studies used as a baseline.

Having a kegerator makes it more possible that I fill a small glass and drink it, then later fill it again. If I pour a whole can or bottle, I'm more tempted to drink it faster and want more sooner.

Yes - 1 full pint, or maybe two smaller glasses a night during the week, but not every night.
I like to "test" myself sometimes, make sure I can still go multiple days without any to be sure I don't start forming a bad habit.
I don't have a lot of buddies stopping over to drink my beer, so I consume 90% of what I make and therefore, brew smaller 3 gallon batches into 3 gallon corneys.
Too much for general health and I guess also I mean what is socially acceptable. At what point do you consider drinking or brewing a problem?

1.) It is a problem when your social circle has an issue with it.
2.) It is a problem if it causes your behavior to be social unacceptable.

1.) Is an easy fix. Find a different circle.

but if 2 is the issue then any is too many for you.
I don't drink enough to keep going through my pipeline of beer, so I share when I can. I typically don't have more than a few a week. It isn't unusual for me to have no fermented or distilled beverages in a week. I feel like if I hydrate with water more I'd feel better about having a bottle every other day or so. My tolerance isn't what it used to be.

This, combined with having a new, tiny roommate for the past year, I've switched to high-gravity brewing. Lifestyle changes mean I'm drinking less, but I still want to brew, so I'm making beer that should age well. I'm also making more mead and fruit wine. Over the past year and a half or so I've made at least a merlot pyment, 2 belgian dark strong ales (one currently going), a strong bock (perhaps technically a doppelbock), a fantastic blueberry wine with blueberries from MI-UP, and an orange blossom mead is currently in the works. I'm also considering getting into sours. I might buy some small wine bottles so that I can have some wine when I just want a little and nobody wants to share.

I'm saving the BDSAs to see how well they age. I've shared several bottles of blueberry wine. I have plans to share the pyment. I wanted to share the bock but I undercarbonated it. I'll see how the orange blossom mead goes, but if it turns out well I'll be sharing that, too.
I like my beer, but have cut back. I drink 2 a night (12 oz) except when I’m off, then I may drink a 6 pack. I enjoy brewing so I try to brew as much as I can. Right now I have 2 5 gal fermentos filled and a 1 gal SMaSH. From time to time I will have water instead of beer, just to make sure I can stop. I don’t see how brewing to much could be a problem.
I may have one or two beers a night but there are times when I will go days without having any. On the weekends I may have a couple more. Fridays and Saturdays are for big beers (9%+) and sometimes if it is a commercial beer with a high ABV i will recap it and drink it over two days. I think it gets to be too much if it is impacting your social or work life negatively or if all you think about is getting drunk.

Brewing too much? Can you afford to time wise and money wise? If the answer is yes to both of those I don't see how you could brew too much.
Any more than a pint of regular-strength beer is too much, for me. Even when I am out having fun with friends or whatever, I have to be careful. Too much alcohol affects my ability to think and meditate effectively. Besides, I had a major problem with hard liquor when I was younger.

There’s a reason why I make “small ale”, for myself.
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1.) It is a problem when your social circle has an issue with it.
2.) It is a problem if it causes your behavior to be social unacceptable.

1.) Is an easy fix. Find a different circle.

but if 2 is the issue then any is too many for you.
Changing my circle is not an option in this case. I have unwillingly agreed to take a week off of drinking but I think it doesn’t make sense. As long as it makes the accuser feel better is what matters though I guess.
I may have one or two beers a night but there are times when I will go days without having any. On the weekends I may have a couple more. Fridays and Saturdays are for big beers (9%+) and sometimes if it is a commercial beer with a high ABV i will recap it and drink it over two days. I think it gets to be too much if it is impacting your social or work life negatively or if all you think about is getting drunk.

Brewing too much? Can you afford to time wise and money wise? If the answer is yes to both of those I don't see how you could brew too much.
I don’t think about getting drunk all the time but I do think about brewing all day everyday.... I have the time and money and personally just don’t see the problem.
"Too much" objective. There are countries where what we consider a lot is average to them. My in-laws think one beer in a lifetime is too much and I need to find Jesus. I think the stress of worrying about it will kill you long before the alcohol will. A couple a night after work and never have it interfere with other things in life and you're on the right track.
This has been a great discussion. I agree that stressing about drinking too much is more detrimental to your health. Relax and have a home brew right?
Too much for general health and I guess also I mean what is socially acceptable. At what point do you consider drinking or brewing a problem?

When it becomes a problem. It'll be different for everyone.

I'd imagine for most, when they HAVE to have a drink or 3 every night, they are approaching the danger zone. When you can't enjoy things without a drink, that may be a sign too.

My mom caught me smoking something illegal once when I was a kid and something she said to me really stuck: "If you are going to smoke or drink or whatever, make it something you do, not something you are."
Changing my circle is not an option in this case. I have unwillingly agreed to take a week off of drinking but I think it doesn’t make sense. As long as it makes the accuser feel better is what matters though I guess.

To be honest, this attitude, if you are being accused by wife/siblings/parents of drinking too much might show that you have a problem. If you have it under control you can and will stop, no big deal.

On the other hand, if you are being accused of brewing too much, that is dumb because creation does not correlate to consumption.

The hardest part is the "activity" of drinking. I find bubble water and iced tea go a long way, but I drink 3/4 gal water a day too
To be honest, this attitude, if you are being accused by wife/siblings/parents of drinking too much might show that you have a problem. If you have it under control you can and will stop, no big deal.

On the other hand, if you are being accused of brewing too much, that is dumb because creation does not correlate to consumption.

The hardest part is the "activity" of drinking. I find bubble water and iced tea go a long way, but I drink 3/4 gal water a day too
I see where you are coming from but also I feel in the same boat as FloppyKnockers with his in-laws. I can easily go without drinking but I just don’t see a point except to prove a point to someone else unless you actually feel the need to stop.
I see where you are coming from but also I feel in the same boat as FloppyKnockers with his in-laws. I can easily go without drinking but I just don’t see a point except to prove a point to someone else unless you actually feel the need to stop.

You’re proving a point to yourself as well and re-affirming that you indeed can stop
I don’t think about getting drunk all the time but I do think about brewing all day everyday.... I have the time and money and personally just don’t see the problem.

I think about brewing all day everyday as well. . . I feel like if that is a problem it's a good one to have!:mug:
I go by the idea that if I go from I want a beer to I need a beer. That is when I am going to stop brewing and drinking.

How much is too much for an individual is subjective. Some people can get hammered on 2 beers, others can down a 12 pack and still function.

If you drink, fall down and break your nose, you have drunk too much for sure!

I probably drink too much. I consume 2 to 6 beers a night (most, but not every night). I occasionally have a slight headache the next morning. Nothing like the hangovers I had in my younger days.... If it starts to affect my functioning the next day I will stop drinking, until then...
I may not drink at all for a week, and I may brew a beer I really like and kill a keg in a week. It’s more a “what’s on tap?” than I wanna get drunk thing.
During Lent I do quit drinking in addition to a lot of heavy dieting. I’m not very religious, but my parents are. In my case it’s a good cleanse every year that helps keep the tolerance in check, and gives my parents and I something positive to work on every year. I generally drop a good 10-15 pounds every year, so it’s helping on the waistline too.
Drinking alcohol every day, no matter what and how much, is not good for anyone, regardless of what you might hear/read. And it should not be presented by anyone as being OK or within acceptable parameters. Unfortunately, people choose to believe in " common " knowledge or common sense, wherever they might have heard that being a measurement of how things work. " One beer a day is not bad...", " My doctor says a beer a days is OK. Also, if you only smoke 1-2 cigarettes a days is also fine..." and other similar things people say to themselves and others, in order to avoid thinking/reasoning about the consequences and implications such actions can have on some individuals.

We are not made equally " tolerant " to alcohol, tobacco, and really any kind of " punishment " you might think of. I've met, heard, read about people that did this and that their whole life and lived to be 90. I'm sure all of you have. But it cannot be applied to every individual in the world, in the present time.

I say drink as much and often as you wish, as long as you fully and truly understand what this might do. And not only to yourself.

For me it's so easy to drink every day and I like the feeling, the buzz it gives you: happy, free, carefree, etc. But before I do that, I usually think if I really need it. I do crave beer and when I really do, I go drink it. I stopped doing it so often just because it's there, I'm bored, need to kill time, have friends over or they simply showed up unannounced, I think I want it, but really don't, etc.

Other things might harm you or kill you too, like stress, mentioned above. But a human being is not a sum of only one " bad " habit or one unattended aspect of life. :)
When it becomes a problem. It'll be different for everyone.

I'd imagine for most, when they HAVE to have a drink or 3 every night, they are approaching the danger zone. When you can't enjoy things without a drink, that may be a sign too.

My mom caught me smoking something illegal once when I was a kid and something she said to me really stuck: "If you are going to smoke or drink or whatever, make it something you do, not something you are."

Does not apply to porn stars?
I love caffeine. I absolutely can not go a day without a coffee or 5 or maybe a couple of sugar free rockstars. If this were alcohol most people would say that I had a problem but for some reason nobody ever says “I think you might have a caffeine problem”.
Also, if you only smoke 1-2 cigarettes a days is also fine..." and other similar things people say to themselves and others, i
I don’t know any smokers that could only smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes but if you could then you might as well quit. I quit smoking 9 years ago and still crave cigarettes all the time. I wish that I never started.
I think the problem is that most of the studies done that talk about how much alcohol is safe/good to drink has , it seems, been funded by the foxes of the alcohol industry. You don't want game-wardens funding the research either. What I want is scholarship with no agenda or ax to grind other than to go after the data where ever it leads. :yes:
I think the problem is that most of the studies done that talk about how much alcohol is safe/good to drink has , it seems, been funded by the foxes of the alcohol industry. You don't want game-wardens funding the research either. What I want is scholarship with no agenda or ax to grind other than to go after the data where ever it leads. :yes:
Yes un biased research is always best but it can be hard to sort through and decide what is the best advice. Kind of like the famous pictures of the “damages” that MDMA allegedly causes to the brain where it looks like someone took an ice cream scoop to a persons brain. Then you find out later that the research was funded by anti drug organizations and the brain scans were done by unqualified people. BTW I am not condoning illegal drug use, just making a point of biased research.
But we pay enough in taxes to demand that funding of any research performed in the name of NIH or NIMH or CDC is made clear and that all members of the research groups attest to the fact that they are not also being paid by others whose thumbs are on the scales one way or the other.
Just general discussion and I know everyone will have their own opinion but how much beer is too much? I know experts say 1 a day for women and 2 a day for men but then some people would say that drinking every day is too much. Also if you can have 1 beer everyday then can’t you just have 0 through the week and 6 on Saturday?

No to this last point - the British guidelines specifically changed from x/week to x/7 per day to cover this very issue, the damage is as much done by the peak alcohol in your body as the total volume of it. Just anecdotally - you get a hangover from the Satuday night binge, and you don't from one pint a night through the week, your body reacts differently to the binge. And even if you're doing only 1-2 pints a day, it's recommended that you don't do that absolutely every single day.

Don't get me wrong, I love the taste of beer and wine, but these days I don't often drink them to get wasted. One big thing for me was doing the dry January thing, which is as much about changing habits as anything - before I did it I found it was quite normal to split a bottle of wine most nights, but a month off meant that I broke the habit and never really went back to it. There's also some specific benefits to your liver of a 28-day pause, as that's the regeneration time of the average liver cell. It doesn't mean you have a brand new liver, it doesn't quite work like that, but I know two people who probably would have had liver failure if it wasn't for the fact they took a month off every year - they are pretty much alcoholics the rest of the year. I do know someone who had partial liver failure in their mid 30's which wasn't fun.

Hard to generalise because people are so different, but I would say that going off the booze definitely helped when I lost a ton of weight, and if you're over 30 BMI then losing some weight would definitely be good for your health.

As for the coffee - although there's less social stigma, there's some similar effects going on and your body acclimatises to it even more easily than alcohol. I periodically go through no-caffeine spells and it definitely helps, although the withdrawal symptoms can be unpleasant. If nothing else it means I only need one small coffee to jolt me awake rather than multiple doubles!
I average a 1-1.5 pints a day during the work days- some days 2 beers, next day none. A bit of this is tasting new brews I am making or checking my taps to see how the kegs are doing. Them maybe a can/ bottle of something new I picked up
Weekends maybe 5-8 if hanging around home. More if friends come over, less if mom comes over, lol.
No to this last point - the British guidelines specifically changed from x/week to x/7 per day to cover this very issue, the damage is as much done by the peak alcohol in your body as the total volume of it. Just anecdotally - you get a hangover from the Satuday night binge, and you don't from one pint a night through the week, your body reacts differently to the binge. And even if you're doing only 1-2 pints a day, it's recommended that you don't do that absolutely every single day.

Don't get me wrong, I love the taste of beer and wine, but these days I don't often drink them to get wasted. One big thing for me was doing the dry January thing, which is as much about changing habits as anything - before I did it I found it was quite normal to split a bottle of wine most nights, but a month off meant that I broke the habit and never really went back to it. There's also some specific benefits to your liver of a 28-day pause, as that's the regeneration time of the average liver cell. It doesn't mean you have a brand new liver, it doesn't quite work like that, but I know two people who probably would have had liver failure if it wasn't for the fact they took a month off every year - they are pretty much alcoholics the rest of the year. I do know someone who had partial liver failure in their mid 30's which wasn't fun.

Hard to generalise because people are so different, but I would say that going off the booze definitely helped when I lost a ton of weight, and if you're over 30 BMI then losing some weight would definitely be good for your health.

As for the coffee - although there's less social stigma, there's some similar effects going on and your body acclimatises to it even more easily than alcohol. I periodically go through no-caffeine spells and it definitely helps, although the withdrawal symptoms can be unpleasant. If nothing else it means I only need one small coffee to jolt me awake rather than multiple doubles!
All very interesting and informative points. Thank you. I have actually quit caffeine a couple dozen times but can never stay quit. It’s just so easily accessible and socially acceptable that it’s too hard to quit. I can go to the corner store and buy a rockstar for 2 dollars and even drink it while I’m working. I guess it’s a good thing that I can’t do that with beer haha.

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