How much do I drink a day

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I am on a brewing hiatus (young kids) but still drink plenty of beer. After the birth of my second kid, the only hobby I had time for is drinking beer while washing bottles. So I'd drink a couple of pints per night, starting last summer.

I put on a good 20 or 30 pounds. Part of this is that I'm in my mid 30's and do not exercise much at all. So it may have happened anyways. ;)

So even if my liver could handle it, i'm not sure my waistline could. And I've always been a big/tall guy to begin with.

But hey, whatever works for you. :rock:
First off, who cares....If you're a functioning alcoholic it is your life and live it how you want to. Just do not kill anyone in the process. Cheers.

For me, I was thinking about my consumption as I have drank at least 1 beer if not 2 a day since I started brewing. It's hard living in a whore house and not tapping that.
Currently, I am on a medication that requires no booze at all. I stopped, missed my evening brew, switched out for ice cream the first couple nights, now I only look forward to enjoying the 3 kegs I have conditioning in 3 months.. Meantime, I'll make some Ginger Soda with a Tumeric Kick I too live off my land.
I am kinda giddy about the weight I am going to lose and how sexy I am going to become. After all, like Keven Spacey in American Pie said; "I just want to look good naked".

I personally put a limit on my consumption and it could the craving, as alcohol is as addictive. If you are concerned about your health, which you are, due to your self proclamation of veggies and herbs, you might want to consider discipline.
ME only after 5 MY TIME not anywhere in the world Jimmy, even when I visit my friends who plow at 11am. Some days they indeed go down fast and easy. Yard work, sanding in the shop, etc. It is when I wake up and have a slight headache is when I reel it in and get back on my discipline and even abstain for a couple days just to see and to dry out.
I think a person should live their life, have the quality of life they desire, however to scramble at the end trying to save your life will be futile. Stick to your guns boy, as my pop use to say.
Read the reply yesterday. Started my reply and decided I wouldn’t justify it by that reply. However, I’ll say there is a ton of misinformation, but there are a lot of organizations and people out there with nothing to gain by lying. I was curious why being concerned about Fukushima would be something the OP would mention, which is why I asked. Looks like I fell for the bait.

Suffice it to say when you hear generalities like “pouring 300 tons of waste per day in the ocean” you should make sure it gets fact checked and understand that it can mean 300 tons of water that must be considered radioactive since it was onsite but was checked and is actually lower radioactivity than what instrumentation can measure (still considered a radioactive effluent), or it could mean (what some people want you to think) 300 tons of uranium/plutonium/various byproducts of fission. At least in US it is more like the former since there are annual limits based on the exposure the general population surrounding the release point would be expected to receive (which is regulated by the government and those limits are extremely low).
Yet it is being found in the kelp beds off the coast of Washington State, and in the Tuna as is Mercury in the Salmon. Hence no Jap beer for me, and cut back on the larger fish. Which sucks living on the Gulf of Mexico.
I am sure there is an article about how that is B.S, as I am sure there is one that will endorse how a larger fish, who's diet is that of smaller fish affected might indeed build up a larger amount.
Which is interesting on an off topic. Your Google Search would come up different than mine. Why? Watch the "Creepy Line" on Netflix to find out.
Hello everybody.
Here is an update on my daily consumption.

Today 15 glasses, yesterday 10 glasses, the day before 8 glasses.
I have made a scratch list to see what I pour from my keg.

i had to put my beer glass on a scale to find out how much i was actually drinking. turned out i was only pouring 9oz glasses not i bought a glass paint pen to mark my glass with.....

i'd also say depending on how fat you are, might want to consider using gluco in your wonders for me....
My father drank 6 30 packs of Icehouse a month. He also drank 2 gallons of Early Times a month. Never missed a day of work nearly ever. I don’t think it was the booze that got him at 65. It was the pack a day of non filter Camels IMO.

Do you drink a lot, yes. Does it really matter, nope. I do 2-5 beers many nights. Many nights I never drink any. I drink a lot less when the kegger is empty. Beer is so stinking high I’d go broke with my habit. When fall comes and the days are short, all bets are off. It takes no time and my 12 keg keezer goes from full to empty. As long as you feel good rock it.
My father drank 6 30 packs of Icehouse a month. He also drank 2 gallons of Early Times a month. Never missed a day of work nearly ever. I don’t think it was the booze that got him at 65. It was the pack a day of non filter Camels IMO.

Do you drink a lot, yes. Does it really matter, nope. I do 2-5 beers many nights. Many nights I never drink any. I drink a lot less when the kegger is empty. Beer is so stinking high I’d go broke with my habit. When fall comes and the days are short, all bets are off. It takes no time and my 12 keg keezer goes from full to empty. As long as you feel good rock it.
Well, as soon as you start feeling not good anymore, it is already to late.
Don't know if you guys have seen people die because of alcohol addiction, I actually had the questionable honor to witness it first hand and all of the guys actually talked like many of you guys trying to justify, trying to talk themselve out of it, trying to reason, giving bs excuses blabla.... Well, at the end alcohol is a drug and an alcoholic is a drug addict. Hardest part for an addict is to face the truth, that one is addicted. A lot of alcoholics who are already in the dying process, because the body cannot take it anymore still would swear an oath on having everything under control.
Hello All,

For my last post on the subject....

NO I don't drink and drive; even after 1 glass !
I started this thread more as a dig/shot at myself and was curious what reply I would get.
Yes, if there has to be a label, I am an alcoholic by many peoples standards and I am ok with that.
I have a great loving family and friends, 2 lovely houses, worked with weather scientists, owned an electronics business,
been a base player and singer in a band on a cruise ship, am fairly intelligent and generally very happy.
All the above has come to pass over the last 40 years all of which I have always had around 10 beers a day.

As far as the comments of my being a troll....if thinking that makes you happy go for it, but for others, NO I am not a troll
I simply don' see the point of wasting my time being one.

For those that have all the answers regarding radiation; good for you, I hope you are right (and I mean that).
My view is that there is NO safe level.
Mother Nature gives us an amount of radiation but also provides us with the foods to control it.
All other radiation is man made and man does not give us ways to rid ourselves of it.

Thanks for the chat and the many various opinions.
I do hope that any questions I have in this or other forums are not swayed by views on this one
as I have a few questions regarding kegging.

Stay cool and enjoy your drink.
Hi all,
Am I an alcoholic ? ..... Na
I like my beer.
But talking to people I know that brew or buy beer, I drink too much.

Before I brewed my own, I would probably drink around 8 stubbies an evening.
Now I drink about 10 x 330ml glasses over an evening.

I don't drink to get drunk (or even tipsy), I simply like the taste.

Is that what you would consider excess ? :(


P.S. I am healthy,happy, and have a good life.

Well it seems to
Me that 10 beers is a lot of beer. My cardiologist would be worried. So, how old are you? If your like 25, you could handle 10/day. If you’re 65 you probably have a hell of a beer gut. I drink 2/day unless I travel then it’s beer free.
I would consider it excessive. I used to drink that or more in my 20's and looking back I would probably die if I tried to now days. I usually have around 6-10 pints a week and consider that to be a little excessive. I don't judge you for it though as the beer we make is usually quite good and it can be easy to overindulge. You seem to be aware of potential health risks, so long as it is not negatively impacting your life or relationships then to hell with what random people think. Enjoy your life as you see fit.
Alcoholism is a bit of an elephant in the room both among both homebrewers and professional brewers. And especially amongst craft beer drinkers who aren't themselves brewers. At least the former camps work for it.

"I like the taste" is a very convenient excuse. If you've judged enough comps you know just how little it takes to wreck your palate to the point it all tastes the same. At that point, you're just making excuses.

Whether or not you think it's a problem, own it. I'm definitely a heavy drinker as far as the public health authorities go (probably an average of 4-6 pints a day).

But I eat well, and get plenty of exercise (my principle hobby is powerlifting). I periodically stop drinking (partly to prove that I can, and at the same time in conjunction with periodic cutting cycles with gym/diet when my body fat % gets above my personal specs). So I don't feel like it's a problem. I'm in very good health (as long as you're smart enough to look past BMI.....f***ing phone docs...), and my drinking has no negative impacts on my daily life.
nobody likes a quitter but if you have to ask (especially other beer brewers) if you have a problem, you probably do.
btw- I do one a night most nights , maybe one after work and one with dinner . Weekends , 3 to 4 from 3pm on. Moderation ,my friend.
Honestly, it is an excessive amount by any means. However, if you are healthy (blood work and all that come back OK, I assume?), retired and never put anyone else’s life at risk by driving or other activities, then enjoy! We all have to pick a poison, as I see it. Some love fast food, others beer, then you have those who drink copious amounts of caffeine and those who eat tons of processed foods… You can’t predict or know what will kill you in the future, it’s a gamble anyway. You could drink 10 beers a day for life and die of something completely unrelated. Or never drink and die of liver cancer. Fit athletes have heart attacks quite often, when in theory they should be lowest risk. Doctors can only suggest what science and studies have concluded, so far. Studies are always contradicting themselves with new "evidence" and studies.

As far as my own personal consumption, I only drink 3 days a week (and would like to cut it down to 2). We drink mid-week on Wednesday and then Saturday and Sunday. Those nights friends will stop over and we will just hang out and enjoy beer for a few hours. Over those few hours, probably equal to maybe 4 or maybe 5 pints total per person. Not more than that, though. Most of the time, these beers are lowerish ABV (6% or less) as well.

For the beer nights we have, socializing with friends and having a date night with the wifey enjoying beers together and enjoying the company is probably better for my health than the beer is negative for it. Just my hunch, though ;) If anything, I got to lay off the sausage (hey, i'm polish...) and smoked cheese!

Days we are not drinking, it's basically one cup of coffee in the morning followed by large amounts of water the rest of the day. I eat a lot of veggies and such as well, cooking at home most of the time and just grabbing Chipotle every other week or so. Also make sure we get at least 10,000 steps per day and all that fun stuff. Just to help balance it all... I also make sure to go to the doctor yearly and get blood work and all that stuff, just to be sure nothing starts turning south and such!
Some things are absolute truth and others simply personal conviction. Each of us will have our own convictions about things in our lives. Central truths are worth dividing over, personal convictions are not.

For one, abstinence from alcohol is important, for another alcohol at X beers a day is OK, and for another XX beers a day is OK. Responsible alcohol use is meant to be a blessing IMO. Crossing the line into irresponsible abuse such as uncontrollable speech or actions, putting others in danger, not remembering what you did or said, etc. are warning signs and should not be ignored. We’ve all seen the negative effects on the person, families, and society which is why some people prescribe and have gone so far as dictate abstinence. Personal responsibility is the key. Our society is full of irresponsible people which is why we have regulations and laws — an attempt to control irresponsible behaviors.

We all need to be honest with ourself and call it what it is. If we’re honest and we’re good, then we’re good. If we’re dishonest with ourself and say we’re good when we’re not, we may need to re-evaluate more than alcohol use.
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I yet like to see an alcoholic freely admit to it...I brew for pleasure and drink only one or two 285 ml glasses a day, sometimes none.
But I always have a cool one for my friends when they arrive unannounced. THAT IS WHY I BREW, plus buying is too expensive.
lol, i decided to click most viewed this came up! :)

if 10 glasses is too much, brew them stronger to keep a low profile! (aka, Brüt IPA) make it a doppel, no one will be wiser...
Don't know if you guys have seen people die because of alcohol addiction, I actually had the questionable honor to witness it first hand and all of the guys actually talked like many of you guys trying to justify, trying to talk themselve out of it, trying to reason, giving bs excuses blabla.... Well, at the end alcohol is a drug and an alcoholic is a drug addict. Hardest part for an addict is to face the truth, that one is addicted. A lot of alcoholics who are already in the dying process, because the body cannot take it anymore still would swear an oath on having everything under control.

Had a good friend drink himself literally to death recently.
Alcoholism runs in families. Unfortunately, it runs in mine. Plenty of my family members I know to be alcoholics. Since that addictive streak seems to be inherited, I know I get severely addicted to some things. It's a well-know fact that if you get addicted to something and you quit, you find something else to be addicted to. I used to be addicted to online gaming. Severely. I spent more time a day playing games than working, for example. That stopped. Then I discovered alcohol. We're legally allowed to drink from age 18 here, so it's even more of a problem.

Anyway, it took me several years to realize that I have an addiction problem. Not necessarily alcohol, because I've learned how to "control" my addictions, so to speak. Starting homebrewing was a very worrying hobby for me and for my wife. She even said that she thought it was a great idea because it's an interesting hobby, but I should be careful. So I am.

I don't drink at all during the week (Monday through Thursday). Friday evening, Saturday afternoon/evening and Sunday afternoons is when I allow myself to "drink", so to speak. Never to drunk. Very, very rarely to tipsy. So yes, I don't brew a lot, because I at one time sat with so many beers I didn't have space to store all the bottles. Every imaginable bottle was filled with beer, and I just don't drink enough to empty it.

Queue friends. Now I often host friends and family, and beers are handed out left right and centre for everyone to taste. I recently made a non-alcoholic beer (around 0.3% ABV), and while it lacks body, mouthfeel and has a bad liquorice kick due to stressed yeast, it's still drinkable. And I can drink 3 or 4 easy, with no side effects.

But since I like brewing, this posed a problem. At the speed I drink (3 or 4 beers over an entire weekend, maybe a bit more in summers), it takes me WEEKS to finish a 23l batch. So I started doing two things:

1. Moved to all grain. It's significantly cheaper to brew, and way, WAY more fun. So I can afford to brew more.
2. Moved to smaller batches. It allows me to brew twice as much, so it's twice the brewing time and twice the recipes I can try.

These two allows me to brew more often now, and also drink a lot more responsibly. I'm liking it.

PS: 10 beers a day is excessive. Your liver will konk out sometime. It's called Alcoholic Liver Disease. You may not feel bad, but it's there.
Alcoholism runs in families. Unfortunately, it runs in mine. Plenty of my family members I know to be alcoholics. Since that addictive streak seems to be inherited, I know I get severely addicted to some things. It's a well-know fact that if you get addicted to something and you quit, you find something else to be addicted to. I used to be addicted to online gaming. Severely. I spent more time a day playing games than working, for example. That stopped. Then I discovered alcohol. We're legally allowed to drink from age 18 here, so it's even more of a problem.

Anyway, it took me several years to realize that I have an addiction problem. Not necessarily alcohol, because I've learned how to "control" my addictions, so to speak. Starting homebrewing was a very worrying hobby for me and for my wife. She even said that she thought it was a great idea because it's an interesting hobby, but I should be careful. So I am.

I don't drink at all during the week (Monday through Thursday). Friday evening, Saturday afternoon/evening and Sunday afternoons is when I allow myself to "drink", so to speak. Never to drunk. Very, very rarely to tipsy. So yes, I don't brew a lot, because I at one time sat with so many beers I didn't have space to store all the bottles. Every imaginable bottle was filled with beer, and I just don't drink enough to empty it.

Queue friends. Now I often host friends and family, and beers are handed out left right and centre for everyone to taste. I recently made a non-alcoholic beer (around 0.3% ABV), and while it lacks body, mouthfeel and has a bad liquorice kick due to stressed yeast, it's still drinkable. And I can drink 3 or 4 easy, with no side effects.

But since I like brewing, this posed a problem. At the speed I drink (3 or 4 beers over an entire weekend, maybe a bit more in summers), it takes me WEEKS to finish a 23l batch. So I started doing two things:

1. Moved to all grain. It's significantly cheaper to brew, and way, WAY more fun. So I can afford to brew more.
2. Moved to smaller batches. It allows me to brew twice as much, so it's twice the brewing time and twice the recipes I can try.

These two allows me to brew more often now, and also drink a lot more responsibly. I'm liking it.

PS: 10 beers a day is excessive. Your liver will konk out sometime. It's called Alcoholic Liver Disease. You may not feel bad, but it's there.
I got kind of a similar situation. Did everything you described but added one thing, session beers. And I mean really session, sub 3% beers. Use expressive yeasts, lots of wheat and do a mashout at 77 c, results will be good! I really rarely brew something above 4%, most of it is actually even below 3%.
I "accidentally" made a sessionable beer with my last batch. I tried to make a Vienna lager, and I suspect that my mash temps were completely wrong. I measured temps with an IR thermometer, and it turns out after the fact that it's a TERRIBLE thermometer to use, as it doesn't measure liquid or shiny surfaces anywhere near accurately. My recipe was supposed to take 1kg Vienna, 1kg Pale and 300g CaraMunich II and turn it into 13l of wort at 1.041 OG. I ended up with 11l of wort at 1.032, totally undershot the gravity. To boot, something happened in the wort and after almost 4 weeks in the fermenter I took the gravity and found it at 1.018. Fermentation was completely dead, wort cleared and no CO2, so it really is finished. As a result, I have a ~2% ABV beer.

While the smells and tasters from the fermenter was absolutely excellent, I'm still to taste the final product. I want to taste one and lager the rest, bar one, for a side-by-side comparison of "lagering" beer for a few months. But yeah, it's a good session beer. Not bad at all. It gave me an idea going forward - properly mash, get a high gravity wort and then just dilute down to a weaker solution to make "more" beer at a lower ABV.

PS: I don't brew strong beers at all. Most of my beers are in the 4% range, but that's coming down now. Right now I'm fermenting a mead at 11%, but that's a different project :p
I "accidentally" made a sessionable beer with my last batch. I tried to make a Vienna lager, and I suspect that my mash temps were completely wrong. I measured temps with an IR thermometer, and it turns out after the fact that it's a TERRIBLE thermometer to use, as it doesn't measure liquid or shiny surfaces anywhere near accurately. My recipe was supposed to take 1kg Vienna, 1kg Pale and 300g CaraMunich II and turn it into 13l of wort at 1.041 OG. I ended up with 11l of wort at 1.032, totally undershot the gravity. To boot, something happened in the wort and after almost 4 weeks in the fermenter I took the gravity and found it at 1.018. Fermentation was completely dead, wort cleared and no CO2, so it really is finished. As a result, I have a ~2% ABV beer.

While the smells and tasters from the fermenter was absolutely excellent, I'm still to taste the final product. I want to taste one and lager the rest, bar one, for a side-by-side comparison of "lagering" beer for a few months. But yeah, it's a good session beer. Not bad at all. It gave me an idea going forward - properly mash, get a high gravity wort and then just dilute down to a weaker solution to make "more" beer at a lower ABV.

PS: I don't brew strong beers at all. Most of my beers are in the 4% range, but that's coming down now. Right now I'm fermenting a mead at 11%, but that's a different project :p
Haha, i bottled a 16% mead yesterday as well, but as you said, different project... And horribly oxidised btw., But it was experimental anyway and only about 2l.

The key to good foam and body with those low abv beers seems to be (at least for my system) 10 to 50% flaked wheat or wheat flour (I use spelt flour) and 20 minute mashout at 77c which forms glycoproteins.

I forgot this step with my last brew, I'm really curious how it will affect the beer.
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Well this beer has the body, and it has the mouthfeel, and it has the head (apparently), because I used all the grains I was supposed to. It tastes fantastic and the colour is up there too. If it works, and I really hope it does, I will definitely try and replicate it in the future again.
I got kind of a similar situation. Did everything you described but added one thing, session beers. And I mean really session, sub 3% beers. Use expressive yeasts, lots of wheat and do a mashout at 77 c, results will be good! I really rarely brew something above 4%, most of it is actually even below 3%.

+1 here - I try to keep everything equal to or less than 3% ABV unless I'm doing a stout then I go higher ABV with the understanding that it's a one-beer night when I have one of those. I also no longer drink one or two a's more along the lines of zero to three/four in a week.
Do you feel like you have a problem?

It does seem like you drink an awful lot, but I guess that's relative. I couldn't imagine drinking that much every night. I mean, I do have at least 2 drinks, be that beers, or whiskey or some wine or sometimes tequila, etc... just about every night. I rarely drink to intoxication beyond a mild buzz.

I sometime worry that I have a drinking problem as it runs in my family. My mom and I are the only ones in the family that have never been in rehab, incarcerated, or died (duh) due to some sort of substance abuse. I tell my wife is she thinks I'm pushing it to say something, which she has.

What I'll do from time to time is take a break. Just for maybe a week. To make sure I can. I once went a month without alcohol just because my wife said I couldn't. (Then I told challenged her to not drink coffee for a month. she failed. LOL)

If I was to start shaking, or getting sick, or just not being able to function, then I know have a problem.
I usually have 2-3 on Fridays and Saturdays. Sometimes on Wednesdays, though i don't typically drink much during the week.

I do tend to drink more during football season, those 2-3 turns to 4-6 :D

I used to drink a lot more when i was younger, but the combination of getting older and going vegan makes me a lightweight. Since the diet switch it doesn't take me much to get tipsy, i guess the lack of the greasy foods to limit absorption lol

Speaking of fukishima, I'm glad I don't eat finish anymore, though I do spend a lot of time in the ocean, but it'd take me a lot to quit surfing lol. I don't care if they say there's sharks out at the break in a feeding frenzy, if the waves are good im paddling out
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A heavy drinker is defined as more than 14 drinks PER WEEK.

So whether or not you are an alcoholic, I can't say. But you ARE a very heavy drinker, and your liver is probably hard as a rock. You are cutting years off your life with 5-10 drinks a day. But hey, its your life, even if it is a short one.

What's more scary is someone, who drinks >10 beers and says they don't feel anything, getting behind the wheel.
What do you suppose they said in Medieval times? "What's more scary is someone, who drinks >10 beers and says they don't feel anything, getting behind the rope to ride the horse home." I'm sure there were all kinds of people making comments like this in those times. "I'd say you've a problem! Quit for 2 weeks!" Funny how times change.
For me, personally, yes, 10 beers a day is excessive. I couldn't do it. I'm not going to tell anyone else what to do. Just please don't drive after drinking that much.
Personally I have to eat before or while drinking or else it goes to my head too fast and I don't like that feeling. If I'm just having 1 or 2 beers, it's not a big deal.
A heavy drinker is defined as more than 14 drinks PER WEEK.

So whether or not you are an alcoholic, I can't say. But you ARE a very heavy drinker, and your liver is probably hard as a rock. You are cutting years off your life with 5-10 drinks a day. But hey, its your life, even if it is a short one.
Flip. I do maybe 14 drinks a month if I drink a bit more than usual :D
I'm very close with two alcoholics who had to quit drinking (unrelated and decades apart) after their habits got into the 12-15 beer-a-day territory. Both of them, near the end of their drinking careers, said:

1. But I only drink (low alcohol) beer.
2. My doctor says I'm healthy.
3. I don't get drunk or even tipsy.

And they were both wrong about #3.
I usually drink 2 or 3 22 oz bottles a day for 14 days and then take 14 days off just water i dont drink sodas so it's just good alkaline water... life is all about balance my brother
Somewhat related. Used to drink big bombers (750, 8-14%abv) all the time...until I couldnt. Felt like crap constantly. Joints sore constantly and I wasn’t even 40. I wasn’t particularly overweight at 5’11 and under 197 but felt like I was 100 years old.

Found an elimination diet that cut out all kinds of things. In 2 weeks I lost 10lbs and felt great and started to reintroduce a few things. At a month I felt fantastic and had dropped 17 lbs. No more soreness, stomach issues, getting tired in the afternoon. Overall just much better.

The downside....a few months later I had a 3-4 6-7%abv local brews at home over several hours and was floored. Pretty much lost all my ability to “throw a few back and not feel it”. In speaking with a few other friends that have or are on similar diets (keto, paleo, even vegan) they’ve all had similar experiences. I find it interesting. The one consistent thing we were all doing was cutting out sugar and excess carbs.

Like some of you guys, I love brewing but looking into doing lighter beers. My days of dreaming about making a 15% bourbon barrel RIS are over.