High post count does not equal brewing knowledge

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We threw stones at eachother. We were friggin idiots, and I have a scar to prove it. :(

My cousin used to ride around on his bmx, pluck a bean from this bean tree, and wing them at me. The end had a sharp point. It was so much fun. That and the clumped grass fight. They'd take clumps of wet grass and whale them into our faces, sending us to the ground. :D
We used to have BB gun fights...of course back in the day BB gun's weren't that powerful (well until my dad got me a pump action pellet gun that 10 pumps would put a pellet through an inch of cider block)...

It'a amazing we still have all our eyes...:D

but what was cool about those BB guns is that you could hit someone who was behind a tree by judging the curve of the BB right. :)
We used to have BB gun fights...of course back in the day BB gun's weren't that powerful (well until my dad got me a pump action pellet gun that 10 pumps would put a pellet through an inch of cider block)...

It'a amazing we still have all our eyes...:D
Your dad is Tim the tool man Taylor. Cool. Can he fix my vacuum?
How exactly does any of this relate to the OP? Methinks we've gotten off track. I am now 20 times better as a brewer just because of the post count in this thread.

Keep on keepin' on.

P.S. I am incapable of tweaking my ears.
So does my post count means I'm over 10000 times dumber than any noob?

I think just by osmosis you should be a better(more knowledgeable) brewer with an higher post count. The collective wealth of knowledge and experience does (or should) sink in.

I am immune to your good advice and I resent the implication that I am capable of learning! :drunk:
Certainty is the state of delusion. Confusion is the state of Ohio.

And hell...Hell is a city in Michigan...

And yes, it does freeze over...


Here's their weather station...


They had a big party on 6-6-06...


With women with big bewbies evidently..
Certainty is the state of delusion. Confusion is the state of Ohio.

i'll vouch for that. i thought the hoosiers were confused, but upon my triumphant return to teh ohio, i realized i was wrong.

as for the bb guns, stones, and being idiots; we were too. i think kids and hillbillies have super attentive guardian angels. ;)
I prefer a different city in MI...Climax. :)

It was always great driving to the Silver Leaf Renaissance Festival and passing through and telling my wife, "well, we just reached Climax again!" :cross:
And with that we move farther away from the OP.

There's a Climax in North Carolina, too. And what about Intercouse, Pennsylvania. There needs to be a Climax bordering it. Or a PE.
I think this thread should be the new official post whore thread just so we can concentrate our quest for post based knowledge to a single location.
How can the title be changed?
An elected official is a High post. Questions arise when the vote count does not equal the number of registered voters. This brings about a brewing knowledge for how this could happen. :D
All this talk about being driven to climax reminds me of this obscure song...

John Forster - Entering Marion

You can listen to it on last fm...here... John Forster “ Entering Marion “ Listen free at Last.fm

Every year I drive out to Cape Cod for the last part of June
Leave the city by 10, then you're there in the late afternoon
On the way, there's a village called Marion that you pass through
The first time I approached it,
I'll always remember the sign that came into view

It said: "Entering Marion"
And I thought, "What a fun little sign!"
But the feeling of entering Marion had a kick that was hard to define
A rapturous rush, a physical flush, chills up and down the spine
For the few minutes I was in Marion, all Massachusetts was mine

Well, it got to be kind of an annual thing;
The event that would start each vacation off with a bang!

Then one year, who knows why, I decided to try a new route
So I got out my map and I traced one I thought was a beaute
After driving all morning I came to the top of a hill
Where a sign stood before me that promised a new kind of thrill

It said: "Entering Beverly"
Which was lovely and not overbuilt
And the pleasure of entering Beverly far outweighed any feelings of guilt
I could say I'm contrite, but it wouldn't be right
For the truth is that later that day,I found myself entering Sharon
It was there, so was I, we enjoyed it; hey, what can I say?

By the next year I'd try any route just for novelty's sake
I was cursed with a thirst that no single township could slake
Oh, at the wheel I looked calm, but inside I was running a mock
When a sign in the road dead ahead sent me straight into shock


"Entering Lawrence"
My god; I was out of control!
And I'd no sooner finished with Lawrence,
Then boom; I was entering Lowel
Then I backtracked and reentered Lawrence
Then Quincy and Norton as well
Around midnight I pulled into Ethel and flopped in a fleabag motel

I slept fitfully in my clothing
And awoke in a pool of sweat and self-loathing
Lying there, feeling lower than carion,
A name came clear as a clarion
I jumped in my car
And before very far--

I was entering Marion.
How totally, wonderfully great!
How grand to be entering Marion
After tramping all over the state.
Every sleaze-bucket burb,
Every tryst by the curb
Had really just helped me to find
I'm happiest entering Marion.
I guess I'm the Marion kind.
Oh yes, I'm the Marion kind.

You can listen to it on last fm...here... John Forster – Entering Marion – Listen free at Last.fm
Groove...You're fitting in well here for such a n00b! Heck...Revvy's never made a poster of me!

Why thank you muchly. We'll see whether he deletes said poster after I try a beer this week at only two weeks in the bottle. :eek: