Angry responses

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homebrewdad said:
Sounds like a plan.

I am now grinning like an idiot.

for the record, I've only been married a couple years and have long since lost count of the number of times my wife looks at me like I'm either a lunatic or an idiot or both. :D
for the record, I've only been married a couple years and have long since lost count of the number of times my wife looks at me like I'm either a lunatic or an idiot or both. :D

Psh. I've been married for seventeen years. My wife usually ignores me unless I do something really odd, like laugh out loud right out of the blue (as with "attack the darkness").
Heck, my wife was the one that originally played me the "attack the darkness" clip, because she thought it was so hilarious.

Also, everyone in this thread to this point has been completely wrong.

May God have mercy on your souls!
Heck, my wife was the one that originally played me the "attack the darkness" clip, because she thought it was so hilarious.

Also, everyone in this thread to this point has been completely wrong.

May God have mercy on your souls!


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for the record, I've only been married a couple years and have long since lost count of the number of times my wife looks at me like I'm either a lunatic or an idiot or both. :D

wait you "try" an count ,no one told me we were suppose to count :drunk:
4th edition is still the current one, though D&D Next - aka 5th edition - is in the works.

Not that it matters, to me... I'm an old coot that still prefers 2nd edition (aka AD&D).

Yeah, I'm a nerd - I've run an RPG website for a decade, now.

2e is still the best version. Seemed less complicated... Not real sure how though. Or maybe it's cause I don't want to have to try to re-memorize the damn rule books every three years.

All the true LARPers still use the 1st edition, anything else is poseur! :D :ban: :mug:

Are we talking 1974 D&D (White Box) or '77 AD&D 1st edition? Cause I can't use my thief in White Box....
Go check a softball forum. Those are the meanest, nastiest threads I've ever seen (and been involved in:eek:). They will even attack people for what socks they wear, or for wearing cut-off sleeves to play in the summer heat.

You're a member of SBF too?
Magic missile! Magic missile! Magic missile! Magic missile! Magic missile! Magic missile! Magic missile! Magic missile!

If you get that reference, you are also a huge nerd. :D

I will cast Nahal's Reckless Dweomer, to cast Nahal's Reckless Dweomer, to cast Nahal's Reckless Dweomer... repeat until the problem goes away.
Not to mention if people didn't neglect the search function, we wouldn't have gem threads like these

I was just about crying from laughing at this response
I tell you to bourban oak your beer, and you tell me don't tell me such stupid things. Another guy tells you to pi$s in a bottle and let it sit in the sun for a week, and you thank him for the recipe. Wow, I thought I was a twisted individual.
Humor is the ingredient that makes bland facts pleasureable.

If the reponses to "What is the White stuff in my fermenter?" were:

response 1: Yeast

response 2: +1

response 3: Yep, yeast.

response 4: that would be yeast

This would be one hell of a boring forum.
Another + for being a very tame forum and a great place to learn! Thanks to all the good posters and mods; I haven't stumbled on the jerks yet. I'm 5 batches into my brewing life and have noticed improvements each time based on tips found here and lessons gleaned from the books I continue to read.

I appreciate the views of the newb, the happy frequent poster, the jerk and the mod as I have played all those roles in another forum for a completely different hobby. That's why my post count will probably never break a dozen, but I do enjoy being here!
Humor is the ingredient that makes bland facts pleasureable.

If the reponses to "What is the White stuff in my fermenter?" were:

response 1: Yeast

response 2: +1

response 3: Yep, yeast.

response 4: that would be yeast

This would be one hell of a boring forum.

Amen to that, though I agree somewhat with the OP as well.

I think if folks are jaded to the simple questions Newb's are going to continue to ask, then it's best to skip them. Most are obvious rehashes of the same scenario, often to the letter. Some people visit those threads - "why is my beer flat" just to give an unhelpful, smart-ass answer. Many probably asked the same question on this very forum and failed to search as well.

This is definitely a tame, well behaved community in general, but I have noticed an influx of dickish answers by people who ought to just skip the thread if they are that far out of touch with what it was like to be so uncertain of so many steps in the process in the early days of brewing. At a minimum one can be abrasive and still take the time to be helpful. Enough to make them think before asking the next time.

I also think some just prefer the personal attention to their problem, thinking it might somehow be unique. I can understand that. The reassurance directed at you personally makes it easier to Relax, not worry and have a homebrew.

EDIT: Case in point:
cheezydemon3 said:
I think a happy medium is best.

something like: "That white stuff is actually radioactive alien sperm. your beer couldn't be more screwed......;) actually yeast are wierd little creatures. It is best not to look at them."

Here is an actual. critique me please.

Oh yes. I guess you think that alien sperm is pretty funny? Sicko
I find that a little self-banter sometimes jump-starts a cardiac arrested thread.

after all this nicey nicey talk, a little nonsensical tom foolery was NECESSARY.

Please stay on topic.

So, to remove alien sperm from your beer:
My 2 cents:

I've been to a few boards where folks actually get together to enjoy their hobby. 1st meet I thought there was going to be a fist fight, and everyone just loved everyone else???? ;) I was trippin! Folks that said the most incredibly nasty things to each other on the board were all chummy in real life. Sure we can miss the implied meaning behind the words, but there was no mistaking outright hatred. Were they just cowards behind the keyboard or was there some other deeper issue?

I found that completely bizarre! I was taught "words mean things" but I guess when it comes to the INTERNET that doesn't apply.

1st time I was called an @sshole in print, I couldn't believe it! I read it over & over & over. Nasty forums are the norm, HBT is the exception. :rockin:

That said, the OP has a point but needs to chill alittle & I love Yooper.

I've seen better and worse.

Specifically, is nicer*, and the somethingawful forums are a pretty good benchmark for awful.

*(unless you start talking about removing the outer housing of a Walsh driver and looking at the surprisingly mundane bits inside - then the cult of the strohbean will start howling in protest)
I've only been brewing for about 18 months now. I've been lurking around these forums for about 17.5 of those 18 months and I have learned more than I could place a dollar value on. These forums are great! I consider this place to be the single greatest resource for just about anything about brewing just about anything. I always search first and as a result, I have never felt the need to post a question...which is maybe why my "post count" is low. Or, I'm just a lurker. But, in "lurking", I have seen the same questions posted lots of times. So, I can definately understand frustrations by veteran members over the same ole' questions.

The other side, however, is that I wonder if some dude or dudette with a billion posts is gonna look at my low post count and dismiss me as a know nothing newbie who shouldn't post their opinion yet. But, as I grew extremely bored with reading this thread, I realized that I was being ridiculous and I should grow a thicker skin. Heck, I have a thick skin...I'm a 19 year veteran in the Navy for crying out loud. I'm civil! I'm smart! I'm posting! Starting now with this soap-box-confessions-of-a-low-post-count-member post!

I'll man the beginners forum. I don't mind. I know a lot of the answers to those questions now. Except for the stupid ones from people who don't know how to search. Who wants to answer those? Crap! I'm falling into the trap.

As an aside, I wonder when the last time a question was posted in the beginners section that was new and not previously answered. Hmmmm....
...I'm a 19 year...

whew, that was close. Thought you were gonna say 19 year old. We've had a few of those here. Always a good time.

In other news, I enjoyed your post. (And, 19 years, wow...thank you)
That said, the OP has a point but needs to chill alittle & I love Yooper.

We need a "kiss" emoticon. But a dancing banana will have to do. :ban:

I've only been brewing for about 18 months now. I've been lurking around these forums for about 17.5 of those 18 months and I have learned more than I could place a dollar value on. These forums are great! I consider this place to be the single greatest resource for just about anything about brewing just about anything. I always search first and as a result, I have never felt the need to post a question...which is maybe why my "post count" is low. Or, I'm just a lurker. But, in "lurking", I have seen the same questions posted lots of times. So, I can definately understand frustrations by veteran members over the same ole' questions.

The other side, however, is that I wonder if some dude or dudette with a billion posts is gonna look at my low post count and dismiss me as a know nothing newbie who shouldn't post their opinion yet. But, as I grew extremely bored with reading this thread, I realized that I was being ridiculous and I should grow a thicker skin. Heck, I have a thick skin...I'm a 19 year veteran in the Navy for crying out loud. I'm civil! I'm smart! I'm posting! Starting now with this soap-box-confessions-of-a-low-post-count-member post!

I'll man the beginners forum. I don't mind. I know a lot of the answers to those questions now. Except for the stupid ones from people who don't know how to search. Who wants to answer those? Crap! I'm falling into the trap.

As an aside, I wonder when the last time a question was posted in the beginners section that was new and not previously answered. Hmmmm....

You know, that's a great way to look at it. Sometimes answering someone else's question is fun, especially if I actually know the answer!

I felt intimidated for a long time by anything except the beginner's forum, because I was afraid I'd be wrong. But you know what? Sometimes I'm wrong and if so, someone else will gently correct me. But I try to give advice that is correct, or at least would help, if I can!
I felt intimidated for a long time by anything except the beginner's forum, because I was afraid I'd be wrong. But you know what? Sometimes I'm wrong and if so, someone else will gently correct me. But I try to give advice that is correct, or at least would help, if I can!

Psh, they gently correct you. When they correct me, I can feel the scorn seeping through my monitor! Time to add another layer to my tinfoil hat to help protect me.

Psh, they gently correct you. When they correct me, I can feel the scorn seeping through my monitor! Time to add another layer to my tinfoil hat to help protect me.



My favorite is when people write a paragraph (or two) ripping you a new one for being wrong, yet they cannot take even one sentence to correct you or explain WHY you are wrong... Those are the most helpful people...
Psh, they gently correct you. When they correct me, I can feel the scorn seeping through my monitor! Time to add another layer to my tinfoil hat to help protect me.


Well maybe if you weren't such a jerkface all the time, people wouldn't be so scornful towards you.

First of all, this forum is a tremendous source of information for new and experienced homebrewers. Every one of us started out completely new and had to learn everything - either the hard way or through posts and information on this forum. I would not be where I am today as a homebrewer without this site. It is fantastic.

That being said, it is ridiculous at times the amount of hand holding people want. I'm all for asking questions and learning but it seems like more and more people want their hands held and to be reassured through the internet that their beer is OK. That's crap to me. Part of homebrewing is making mistakes and learning from them. I don't have a problem with the repetitive questions because they're common and the search function isn't completely obvious.

The worst is when people ask for help, receive advice, and then outright dismiss it.