Angry responses

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fluidmechanics, I'll start to steer the thread in yet another direction. Why don't you give up the CG and join the deepwater Navy! Just kidding.
There is only one guy on here that is consistently rude, arrogant and condescending with just about everything he posts. I'm not going to name him because he has a little cult following of sycophants on here and I don't want to start a **** storm with all of them. Suffice it to say, he's on my ignore list.

I know I'm late to the party on this, but isn't it just as easy to type the answer to a noob question than it is to type "do a search"? It's a pretty safe bet to say that the answers to EVERY conceivable question that will ever be asked are contained in this forum somewhere already. If doing a search is the end all then there would be no need for us to be here any more, right?

Huh. I'm betting that I know who you are referring to, and I guess that makes me a sycophant.

I have a novel idea - if you have a problem with someone on the forum, why not take that problem to them - you know, like a grownup - instead of needling them without naming them?

Of course, your method is the cool way to call names - you can insult a swath of the population but deny that you were talking about any particular individual.


See, were I an impartial observer, I'd point out that this very post is quite rude, arraogant, and condescending.
The best solution to this problem is if you don't want to answer the question that has been asked a thousand times, don't! Just move on and don't respond at all! It's easy and you don't come off looking like a turd!

Agree with this 100%.
homebrewdad said:
Huh. I'm betting that I know who you are referring to, and I guess that makes me a sycophant.

out of curiosity, how can you be confident who he's talking about unless you agree that the person in question can tend to be rude, arrogant, and condescending? Not trying to start anything, I'm sincerely curious.
out of curiosity, how can you be confident who he's talking about unless you agree that the person in question can tend to be rude, arrogant, and condescending? Not trying to start anything, I'm sincerely curious.

Because I have seen these sorts of labels used a fair amount for one particular popular poster (and johnsma22 feels that we'll all know who he is referring to), and I don't agree with the assessment.

That being said, the only thing possibly affected by me being right or not is the question of me being one of the alleged sycophants. Either way, it seems clear to me that johnsma22 is attacking multiple posters out of the blue. This is pretty uncool, IMO.
Back on topic (somewhat)... you guys ought to drop in to the homebrewing subreddit sometime. Apparently, it's where all of the DUR I HAVE A GRATE IDEA FOR A RECIPE USING THREE FRUITS AS A FERMENTABLE BUT NO HOPS WHAT BJCP CATEGORY WILL THIS BE posts go after they leave HBT.

Mention HBT, and the flames start pouring. Aparently, this site is a black hole of creativity stifling, needless rule reciting, stuck up jerkwads.

I can see that. I don't often visit other homebrewing forums (sometimes BBB) but occasionally I run across some of the other larger forums and it seems like the discussions are either completely novice, full of bad advice, or full of those ridiculous questions. So I guess HBT is where you come to get helpful advice.

I can see that. I don't often visit other homebrewing forums (sometimes BBB) but occasionally I run across some of the other larger forums and it seems like the discussions are either completely novice, full of bad advice, or full of those ridiculous questions. So I guess HBT is where you come to get helpful advice.


Heh, those guys kill me.

I am really surprised by the level of hate that I see directed at HBT from the reddit community. I have found HBT to be extremely helpful, and by and large full of good folks.

Then again, reddit is the armpit of the internet, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised.
But seriously, I took a non alcoholic beer and put in some brewer yeast supplement from my health food it smells like beer, is it safe to drink...also I'm 23 and live in a country where alcohol is illegal. Bit in totally over age..totally
But seriously, I took a non alcoholic beer and put in some brewer yeast supplement from my health food it smells like beer, is it safe to drink...also I'm 23 and live in a country where alcohol is illegal. Bit in totally over age..totally

rofl... yeah, these are pretty good, too.
I don't know how many different beer forums you guys frequent, but I'm on at least 6-8 different ones every day. Every one has questions and responses like are mentioned in this thread. Every forum thinks they're the best forum and the other ones are frequented by idiots. I find it very interesting to take a subjective look at each, and I've developed my own list of how I'd rank them. In the interest of not offending anyone on any of them, I won't make that list public. But I'll tell you that there are big differences in the quality of information and responses between all those forums.
Denny said:
I don't know how many different beer forums you guys frequent, but I'm on at least 6-8 different ones every day. Every one has questions and responses like are mentioned in this thread. Every forum thinks they're the best forum and the other ones are frequented by idiots. I find it very interesting to take a subjective look at each, and I've developed my own list of how I'd rank them. In the interest of not offending anyone on any of them, I won't make that list public. But I'll tell you that there are big differences in the quality of information and responses between all those forums.

That's because in this hobby there definitively is never a truly right or wrong way of doing anything pertaining to making beer but try rationalizing that with someone that is firmly set in their ways and you're doomed.

You can speak to 100 different brewers that produce award winning beers and you will find very few consistencies in the way anyone of them goes about making their beer. It all depends on your system and process and they re all different.
That's because in this hobby there definitively is never a truly right or wrong way of doing anything pertaining to making beer but try rationalizing that with someone that is firmly set in their ways and you're doomed.

You can speak to 100 different brewers that produce award winning beers and you will find very few consistencies in the way anyone of them goes about making their beer. It all depends on your system and process and they re all different.

Insightful post.
One solution: all non-paying HBT members are banned from negative responses.

It seems to me that most of the negative responses come from folks who aren't even paid members of HBT. Most paid supporters are very kind and alway willing to answer a question, even if "stupid" or asked a thousand times before.

I couldn't agree more, OP!!!
One solution: all non-paying HBT members are banned from negative responses.

It seems to me that most of the negative responses come from folks who aren't even paid members of HBT. Most paid supporters are very kind and alway willing to answer a question, even if "stupid" or asked a thousand times before.

I couldn't agree more, OP!!!

So I´m not a paid member. But I think even knowing that I´m very new I always try to be polite and helpfull... According to you I will only be able to disagree or say what I think if I pay? Money makes me rigth? Nonsense
So I´m not a paid member. But I think even knowing that I´m very new I always try to be polite and helpfull... According to you I will only be able to disagree or say what I think if I pay? Money makes me rigth? Nonsense

Agreed. Paid member status means nothing. Denny isn't a paid member and he's forgotten more about brewing than most of us will ever know. Yet I'm a lifetime member, but a brewing hack. :p
So I´m not a paid member. But I think even knowing that I´m very new I always try to be polite and helpfull... According to you I will only be able to disagree or say what I think if I pay? Money makes me rigth? Nonsense

This. I also try to be helpful - I answer dozens of the same newbie questions every week. My opinion doesn't count because I don't have an HBT sticker?

Yeah, right.

As much as the webmaster would certainly love us to all be paid members, I can promise that he appreciates free members. We equal page views, generate content that Google likes (which equals more page views), which in turn allows for more advertising to be sold.

Go ahead, give paid members perks. But to cut free members off invokes the old adage about a nose and a face.
My post was to be funny. But I guess we have to many GV's in here and if no one is up on that it stands for Giant Vagina. It is great to use in every day situation's. Ok JK why can't we All JUST GET ALONG and brew beer.

See, here's the thing. I'm pretty easy going and almost nothing offends me. And I've seen alot of ****.

But I find this post beyond offensive. It's NOT great to use in everyday situations and even a JK doesn't fix the incredible slap you gave me. I think that if that is "humor", you would be much better suited to a different forum, that's for sure.

In any case, we all have our own thoughts and feelings and for the most part we're all pretty easy to get along with. Most people don't mean to offend, and the few that do are the kind of people who are offensive in person as well so they are pretty easy to dismiss.

Denny is right- we have a great forum with wonderful information. But like many forums filled with brewers, sifting through information is important. I've read plenty of "I don't use temperature control and ferment at 85 degrees and my beers are awesome" posts here on HBT. That doesn't mean the person is wrong- they DO think that temperature control isn't important and they DO think their beers are awesome.

There are brewers who swear by not making starters, not fermenting their beers at the proper temperature, and using poor quality prehopped LME. That doesn't make them wrong, because it works for them. But a wise person will find information, possibly by listening to a person they "know" and respect, to counter claims that don't seem to make sense and do what is right for them. The great thing about brewing is that anybody can make beer and the ones who want to make great beer can do that as well, especially those who want to maximize the odds by following some tips from experienced brewers.

We have it all here- extremely knowledgeable brewers, some intermediate brewers, and some beginners.
Don't forget...

It's been 12 hours since I pitched the yeast and no activity... Should I repitch/dump/etc.?? :drunk:

I just bought an 10 gallon aluminum pot. The guy at my LHBS told me I should of bought a stainless steel 20 gallon pot from him. He says aluminum will give me alzheimers and my beer will taste like crap.

Say it ain't so homebrewtalk beer knurds!!!!!!!!
FWIW - I enjoy reading the beginner beer section, including the redundant questions, because it gives me something to read and learn more about beer. When I know what I want to learn about it's easy to find - whether it be in my books, on here, some other site, etc. When I don't know what I want to learn, but know that I want to learn, I read the front page of the beginner's section, read other people's posts, and learn from them. Maybe it'll bore me once I know all the answers, but I'm still a long ways from that. Also - as someone else mentioned, redundant questions give the not-so-new brewers a chance to "test their knowledge" in a way.

Also, I use an electronics forum that does the "only one thread per topic" and in big letters "SEARCH BEFORE POSTING". I hate it. Reading a 1000 post thread to find your answer or to make sure your question hasn't been asked sucks unless you are truly interested in the topic, which most of the time, I'm not.
I was going to post something mean and snide. But can't bring myself to here.

Go check a softball forum. Those are the meanest, nastiest threads I've ever seen (and been involved in:eek:). They will even attack people for what socks they wear, or for wearing cut-off sleeves to play in the summer heat. Now imagine a guy yelling at you calling you names because you are holding a carboy wrong, or because you are not siphon the proper way?

This site is like the laid back cool dude at the party that you can call any name under the sun and he's like "That's cool, want a beer?" :tank:

Softball forum? What a waste of time that is.

Excuse me while I get back Dungeons and Dragons game.
See, here's the thing. I'm pretty easy going and almost nothing offends me. And I've seen alot of ****.

But I find this post beyond offensive. It's NOT great to use in everyday situations and even a JK doesn't fix the incredible slap you gave me. I think that if that is "humor", you would be much better suited to a different forum, that's for sure.

Yeah I thought that was very sexist , and in very bad taste. Reinforces OP's premise.
I actually have to agree with the op to an extent. Around 6-8 months ago I literally went off on a guy in this site for belittling a noob. What pisses me off is when a new brewer asks a question it usually out of fear that something is wrong not because they're retarted and can't use a search function or to upset you it's a knee jerk reaction. And to te more expierenced brewers on the forum it's kinda like mentoring and getting that baby bird to fly. We should be happy to help new brewers or for that matter old brewers that just need to know. Now on the same hand after a few times on the site you should really start to figure out the sites potential and what it can and can not do and where to find things. Just my .02
See, I totally love people posting beginner questions because: 1) That was me just a little while ago, and I received gracious answers, which I want to pay forward (back? sideways? orthogonally? whatever); 2) I can now answer some noobish questions correctly, which increases my post count, thereby giving the illusion that am wise and know what I'm talking about. Mwa ha hah! Ego satisfied.
I think some people take the answers as talking down to them sometimes. I don't think people mean to be an ass when the say "Google it" but they just want people to make an effort to find things for themselves. There are a lot of questions that can be found quicker by a simple Google search than by posting a new thread. I also think some people expect a yes or no answer to questions and for the most part there are few yes/no answers in homebrewing.
I suppose I will weigh in now as well. I am a veteran brewer (brilliantly successful in my own mind as well) although I am new to this site. I must say it has been a pleasure to be able to find answers to questions, some via search, some via postings and have helpful discussions about things. There are techniques that I was able to learn and DIY projects that I wasn't even aware existed. All in all a very good resource location. I have not been offended by anyone yet, and I try not to give offense, after all, I am really here for the beer.
Obliviousbrew said:
So I´m not a paid member. But I think even knowing that I´m very new I always try to be polite and helpfull... According to you I will only be able to disagree or say what I think if I pay? Money makes me rigth? Nonsense

Lordy, that is not what I meant, at all! Anyways, if you're nice, my comment doesn't apply. Cheers!
Brulosopher said:
Lordy, that is not what I meant, at all! Anyways, if you're nice, my comment doesn't apply. Cheers!

Words! We are slaves of them no offence taken anyway... cheers!!!!
Wow I used to be huge into D&D what edition are they up to now.

4th edition is still the current one, though D&D Next - aka 5th edition - is in the works.

Not that it matters, to me... I'm an old coot that still prefers 2nd edition (aka AD&D).

Yeah, I'm a nerd - I've run an RPG website for a decade, now.
Wow I used to be huge into D&D what edition are they up to now.

4th edition is still the current one, though D&D Next - aka 5th edition - is in the works.

Not that it matters, to me... I'm an old coot that still prefers 2nd edition (aka AD&D).

Yeah, I'm a nerd - I've run an RPG website for a decade, now.

All the true LARPers still use the 1st edition, anything else is poseur! :D :ban: :mug: