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Active Member
Jan 9, 2023
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Hey everyone, I want to make an alcoholic root beer for 4th of July and I’m having a really hard time finding a recipe. Does anyone have a good 5 gallon recipe for an alcoholic root beer? I don’t want to use an extract kit if necessary as I usually brew all grain. I cannot find a clone recipe for Not Your Father’s Root Beer etc. please let me know if you have a good 5 gallon recipe with ABV information and the amount of time it’ll take to ferment.

Thanks in advance!
Update: I have a recipe using 2 lbs of sassafras root but it’s expensive and not feasible.
It is a pretty common "weed tree" here in northeast. Two pounds sounds like a lot though, since I believe mainly the bark on the root was used for flavoring, would take a lot of roots to get two pounds of dried root bark, probably why is costs so much.
FYI, they don't use sassafras any more to make root beer. Might be much ado about nothing but Safrole, which is in Sassafras, is banned from food use in the USA.

Not saying I wouldn't try some, but don't go into this blindly. Read and make your own informed decision.
If I was making it I'd use one of the extracts available and make it as sweet as you want it and then add everclear or vodka to spike it. If you really want to ferment it you will have to stabilize it after fermentation and backsweeten for serving. Good luck :mug: