A Wee Mind Altering Brew

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El Pistolero

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2005
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After reading a thread on Kool-Aid Flavored Beer, I'm suddenly compelled to concoct, to create, to brew if you will, a recipe for an old fashioned, nineteen sixtyish style recipe for an electric kool-aid acid test beer. It's gonna have to be a weizen or a belgian witt I imagine, but who knows, maybe a grape flavored IPA. Any candidates?
Errr... candidates for what, Pisto? I think I'll watch from the sidelines...:)
candidate recipes for an electric koolaid acid test beer! I said it right there...in italics! I should have provided a disclaimer tho I guess...you'd have to be at least dang near 50 to even begin to understand this post...let alone create an appropriate beer. ;) :drunk:
I'm 30. I understand the reference. (I would have understood it 10 years ago, too.)

I simply can't think of a suggestion.

Are you actually planning to add the electric part?

well.. regardless of the electricity...

Sounds like you just want a widely appealing fruity brew. I suggest a cherry wheat or cherry pale ale. (I personally don't like wheat beers, so I'd prefer the pale.)

I don't have a clue as to how one would do that...I guess a bio-chemist, or micro-biologist, or shaman, or such would have to handle that end of things. ;)

I just think a retro 60's ish grape IPA sounds kind of hip. :cool: ;) ;)
well brew it up, man.... (best Tommy Chong accent implied.)

Personally... I don't gare for grapes. Berries, cherries, peaches... mmmmmm.

We could select songs from the era and brew beers to match:

strawberry fields
cinnamon girl

Ah yes, mushrooms for the electricity...but could you even make a drinkable brew out of shrooms? :confused: I guess choking it down would be the test part. :D
guess it depends on what mushrooms yer puttin in there ;)
just do kesey a favor and send one up, or mail it to the furthur bus :p

a grape pale ale would be great, but who-knows, maybe you could go lemon-lime with a hefe, all the electricity ya need :D
El Pistolero said:
candidate recipes for an electric koolaid acid test beer! I said it right there...in italics! I should have provided a disclaimer tho I guess...you'd have to be at least dang near 50 to even begin to understand this post...let alone create an appropriate beer. ;) :drunk:

I don't know how I missed this fun post. but better late than never...

OK, well, first of all we need to call it "Pistolero's Purple Haze". I think this name really captures tha nostalgia of the period. Next, I think a lawnmower type ale would go best with the grape koolaid..Hefe may be too much body.
As for the electricity we'll agree you must insert 2 grape fizzies prior to consumption. So, what ya'll think.:D
My hopes are dashed. :( :( But, my hops are here! :) Three pounds is a lot of hops! I'm going to have to do some brewing. And now I see what you meant by pillows. :cool:
Do some research into Salvia Divinorum to see if you can utilize it for the effect. Trust me - it's MUCH stronger, quicker and legal.
What about a couple dry Kool aid containers and some high-alcohol yeast? Would it work or would it taste like crap?

Just lurnin - Paul
Cheesefood said:
Do some research into Salvia Divinorum to see if you can utilize it for the effect. Trust me - it's MUCH stronger, quicker and legal.

Mmmmm... Salvia D! I was just thinking (back to my college days) how green plants would affect the brewing process, and if they'd add anythign at all. :confused:

hmmm... Things to research
Adding 'greens' does add to the brew. I can attest to it. About 7 years ago (sr year of college) we made an "Extra Special Winter Ale". I think I had two of them before I had to grab onto the wall for stability.

Salvia Divinorum? Sounds like cat mint. Here kitty kitty? NO THANKS! But thank you guys for the entertainment... Please stick to the 'proper' beer please or i'll be forced to spend all my time producing hallucinogenic scrumpy for a horse called Monty in a small cupboard with a Monty Roberts look alike whispering horsely at me with dodgy recipe suggestions like these for more scrumpy....Apparently you guys can't even post beer across the various states withour claiming it's well packed 'Vinegar'. Concentrate Gentlemen on decent beer PLEASE (which you ALL do so well! :) :))
RANT? Thanks Ladies! You did Condescending AND sarcastic there. WELL DONE. Two classic comic priciples there, nice. Look back at the post for the third hook. Still Guessing?.... Quick clue?.... Until then lets toast to a Samuel Adams Boston style Lager with a mescaline aftertaste and watch 'Love Boat' together in a group hug...
Caplan said:
RANT? Thanks Ladies! You did Condescending AND sarcastic there. WELL DONE.
Well, I wanted to say nice troll, back it seemed kind of rude at the time. ;)
Hey it was your thread! I'm concerned about the effects of mixes. Mushrooms? Like Coprinus atramentarius in a brew? NOT good. Cavalier attitudes to wrongly identifing fungus can mean short term sickness (to even death!!). I just wanna say Hi Guys! Hows this for 'Brit Humour'?