
Homebrew Talk

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  1. scaptal

    Looking for any advice on using Quinces in beer (so not ciders or wine)

    Hey there, So I know many people have made Quince Cider or Quince Wines, but personally I want to try to use the taste of Quince in a more traditional beer. I'm looking to combine a sweet chocolaty porter with this Quince taste (since Quince and chocolate pair well), however, I'm not quite...
  2. M

    Smoked Porter recepie advice?

    Hey i wanted to make porter with medium smokyness. Not overpowering but clearly noticeable. What you guys think about my recepie? 70% Maris otter 10% Chateau smoked 7.5% Chocolate malt 2.5% Roasted Barley 10% Crystal malt Bitter with magnum for ~30IBU US-05 Is this good amount of smoked malt...
  3. A

    First porter here

    Fellow Fellow Friends, planning on making my first porter on Friday. 1 gallon since im readily new. Bestmalz Pilsner: 760 g Bestmalz Chocolate 100 g Nugget: 4 gr Cascade 3 gr Yeast Safale 04: 2,3 gr It was recommedended to use two hops (nugged and Cascade) so I do not know the optimum time to...
  4. T

    Anyone tried high sulfates to chloride in a stout or porter? -- General stout water profile discussion

    Hi guys, this is Mike in Bali Indonesia Has anyone tried to brew a porter or a stout with a high sulfite to chloride ratio? I'm wondering if there are any good iterations that could be done of it. I've done something like that with around a 3.0 sulfite to chloride as a black IPA. It was...
  5. BrewFinn

    Smoky dark beer recommendation?

    Hi. I want to make a porter or stout (or similar dark beer) with a heavy taste of smoke. A couple of years ago i tried a beer called Dunkle Macht by Landgang Brauerei in Hamburg, and I really enjoyed the combination of a dark porter and lots of smoke. (1000 Getraenke | Biertest - Landgang Dunkle...
  6. A

    Looking for information on how historical English Porters were aged.

    Recently I was researching Rodenbach and found some interesting information on English Porters. Quoted below: (Source: Brewery Rodenbach: Brewing Sour Ales) Since then, I've really been wondering what it is that would have been special about the old ale. Presumably with age would come...
  7. Gus_13

    English Porter Somewhat Brown Porter - Addkison Ales & Lagers

    So I'm brewing this tonight. I planned on last weekend but other things came up. I pieced this together reading Ron Pattinson's blog as well as other various sources. I'll keep the thread updated the best I can with the brew and the results. Feedback always welcomed as well. English/Brown...
  8. N

    Wild yeast pellicle on homebrew

    Hey y’all, I recently bought some extra lids for my ferm buckets with some holes pre-drilled in them for #7 bungs. I used one for the first time a couple weeks ago when I started fermentation on an imperial porter I brewed. I used a large starter of us-05, but after a couple days, I was still...
  9. C

    One mash, two beers - Steeping

    Hi. My question is: If I do a 10gal mash of say an English Bitter consisting of MO+C60+Amber. Would it be ok to split that mash in two and add some steeped grains in just one of the worts? Lets say I add some Chocolate + C120 to one batch making it into something like a Porter. That way with...
  10. TheMadKing

    American Porter Honeymoon Porter (2x gold medals + 2nd place BOS)

    I brewed this the first time right before my own wedding, and then tweaked the recipe a year later. I essentially made an American porter with English porter ingredients (stronger and hoppier). This took a gold medal and second place best-of-show in the 2019 Peach State Brew Off (the largest...
  11. OtisLamb

    Creating a Porter with Mull Spices

    Hello: One of the projects that the Home Brew Club I am a member of does is create Holiday or Winter Beers. This year I decided to create a brew for this presentation. My idea is to use a basic Porter recipe (and there are hundreds of them) and adopt it to include mulled spices. In this...
  12. Sbe2

    Coconut Porter w/ Sabro

    Thinking about doing a coconut porter and looking to use Sabro in the dry hop along with dried coconuts. Am I crazy? I have a half a pound of it left and would like to experiment with it a bit.
  13. M

    Coconut Brewing: sweetened or unsweetend, that is the question

    I have a chocolate porter in the primary right now, and decided to add coconut to it. All I can find is Bakers Sweetened coconut, and I didn't know if its flavor would turn my porter into a syrupy-tasting mess or not (the porter is already riding on the sweet side (1/2 lb. Special B and 1/2 lb...
  14. prah

    Robust Porter... maybe?

    Hi folks, i'm a farly new all grain brewer (currently on my 5 batch), I absolutely need your advice on this one: on my last batch i was ready to brew a Stout so i bought a good amount of Maris otter as base malt and some specialties... except roasted barley (LOL) so i decided not to go for the...
  15. CrimsonYellow

    Secondary Fermentation with Spice Infused Whisky?

    Hi guys, I tried to search the forum for secondary fermentation with whisky and somehow could only find whisky infusions using wood chips. :tinhat: My brew day, this weekend (my first recipe), is a Vanilla, Cinnamon, Nutmeg Porter. Hops - Williamette and WGV. Pre-mash volume - 18L Batch...
  16. A

    Recommend a Recipe Please - Raspberry +?

    I have a kilo of raspberry puree leftover from the Raspberry Wheat beer I brewed and I would like to do something with it. I'm not interested in lambic/sour beers I'm much more interested is a Stout or Porter in the 5 to 6% ABV range. I'd appreciate any recipes that you have brewed and can...
  17. B

    Coffee! How, When, Amounts?

    First time using coffee: Question at the bottom, but first here is the recipe: Fermentables: 70% Maris Otter 10% Brown Malt 10% Flaked Oats 5% Pale Chocolate 5% Roast Barley Hops: 60 min: 28 IBUS of Target 5 min: 4 IBUS of EKG Yeast: Imperial A09 Pub Target OG: 1.060 Target FG: 1.013-.015...
  18. M

    American Toasted Porter Recipe

    This is the best dark beer I've brewed thus far (been brewing for about 7 years). It doesn't really fit in any specific category, so it probably wouldn't win any competition, but it fits my taste (and maybe yours) to a T. Slightly bitter, rich chocolate, toasty as hell. The addition of sour...
  19. B

    Bourbon barrel porter recipe help

    I'm trying to make a bourbon barrel porter-type brew but I'm often wary of that style being too sweet, especially by the time I've gotten to the bottom of the glass. I like the bourbon and oak flavors but I want something more like a stout in terms of flavor profile. I've done a few things to...
  20. Infantryjared1

    Maple Porter-when to add the syrup

    Hello everyone. My very first brew is a maple porter. It's a kit I got for Christmas. Anyway, the directions say to add the syrup 5 days into fermentation and swirl the carboy. I'm brand new, but what I've read suggests that may be late to disturb the yeast causing off flavors. It calls for only...