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TF2 is a great game. Fun with friends.

I just got B:TPS on sale from Steam with all DLCs. Typical Borderlands game. I did really like the 2 one. I agree, co-op makes the bosses better. I wouldn't say easier because they do get harder with more people but not as frustrating.

I do agree with Gila. The few things I don't like in B:TPS is the jumping, the need for O2 and the respawn rate. Most of the time the jumping isn't bad but those few missions where you need to get to a higher location and you can't find the jump spot gets annoying. The need for O2 isn't too bad but it is just stupid. The respawn rate might be my biggest dislike in this game. They just put too many enemies in the game. One example that comes to mind is a side mission where you need to donate 50 common weapons in a box. As you can imagine you have to go back often. Every time I got back it takes over 5 minutes to kill all the enemies again. The first time I don't mind because it is a shooter. After that, I just want to be able to do the mission. Minor issue, it is annoying but I don't think it takes anything away from the game.

So far I think I like B2s maps better.

It has been a while for me but, it seems that BL1 and BL2 at least gave you time to explore a section cleared. If you left and came back, sure the area re-populated. But so long as you stayed in the area either it stayed clear or very few respawns appeared. In TPS it seems you barely have any time to look around before the entire area respawns at the original rate. Gun geometery seems lacking in TPS too.
Just finished Far Cry 3 last night. Meh.

On to Far Cry: Blood Dragon.

Enjoyed FC3 quite a bit, Blood Dragon has been sitting on my hard drive for a long time now waiting to be played.

After @Opiates post I realized that I had finished the game before the Witches DLC release. So, I never played that. Decided to load the game back up and play through everything again.


Glad to be of service :D

Honestly loved the DLC story line. Real shame the other DLC wasn't story based.

It has been a while for me but, it seems that BL1 and BL2 at least gave you time to explore a section cleared. If you left and came back, sure the area re-populated. But so long as you stayed in the area either it stayed clear or very few respawns appeared. In TPS it seems you barely have any time to look around before the entire area respawns at the original rate. Gun geometery seems lacking in TPS too.

Haven't played that yet... on the "get eventually" list.

Tonight, time permitting, I'll be maybe diving back into Crysis 2. So far it's meh, but haven't gotten very far in it.
I'm in A5! I'm a level 42 Wiz0rd!

I shoot fireballs from the sky! I have drag0nz that shoot fireballz!

Still playing Destiny. That game is addictive. Stopped playing for a few months then the new expansion came out and had to play it. Its better but it needs to have matchmaking in all of it. I'm still not getting everything out of that game. Especially the strikes. Its annoying to track people down to play but I finally got to the level cap of 34 last night. It wasnt as hard as previous when you had to get them through strikes.
I've Crysis 3. Bored the hell out of me.

Feeling that way about #2 already :/ Not sure if I'll spend what little time I get on completing the trilogy. Finding a common theme among FPS' published EA, a lot of their games' campaigns are woefully tepid. (excluding Bad Company and Dead Space 1 & 2, those were fantastic)

Still playing Destiny. That game is addictive. Stopped playing for a few months then the new expansion came out and had to play it. Its better but it needs to have matchmaking in all of it. I'm still not getting everything out of that game. Especially the strikes. Its annoying to track people down to play but I finally got to the level cap of 34 last night. It wasnt as hard as previous when you had to get them through strikes.

Yep, addictive is putting it mildly. Haven't hit 34 yet, only get a few hours a week in and miss playing with my squad :(

Glad they added matchmaking to the weekly heroic, made it possible to get strange coins somehow other than by RNGesus.

Honestly looking forward to the new Taken King expansion coming out but not sure if I'll ever have time to dig in.:(
Fallout 4 E3 demo. Looks amazing, and the scrap and rebuild mechanic looks like it could be a lot of fun.

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Interesting. So, this go round you can build your own Megatown? Seems very Hearthfire influenced.

The new build mechanic is interesting tho. Definitely an homage to the hoarder. Wonder how many bent tin cans it takes to shingle a roof? Pretty sure I collected enough of them in Fallout 3 for that. Still not sure why. At times, I felt more like the janitor than the explorer. If it could be picked up I felt like I must. Just in case.
I wish I had thought of it first. I always have bottlecaps around the house though by the time I fill a Gallon ziplock bag someone comes by who has a project with them and takes them away.
Interesting. So, this go round you can build your own Megatown? Seems very Hearthfire influenced.

The new build mechanic is interesting tho. Definitely an homage to the hoarder. Wonder how many bent tin cans it takes to shingle a roof? Pretty sure I collected enough of them in Fallout 3 for that. Still not sure why. At times, I felt more like the janitor than the explorer. If it could be picked up I felt like I must. Just in case.

It is kind of nice that you can finally do something with all that assorted junk you find lying around.

Although, I think the mechanic would be more fun in a MMORPG setting. What's the fun of my forthcoming scrap metal dick-sculpture Stonehenge if I can't share it with the world?
Maybe he scrounges from bars. I know most bars pop off the caps into buckets. So I'm guessing that's a thing.

One of my friends was saving all his Miller Lite caps to put down with acrylic on the counter of his home bar. I wouldn't consider it out of the realm of possibility for him to have 2,000 caps. He drank a lot through most of his 20s.

And of course, some people are just hoarders.
One of my friends was saving all his Miller Lite caps to put down with acrylic on the counter of his home bar. I wouldn't consider it out of the realm of possibility for him to have 2,000 caps. He drank a lot through most of his 20s.

And of course, some people are just hoarders.

I have a crap ton of bottle caps. I don't know the exact number. I have about a 2 gallon bag full. And a milk Jug. By my math, I have enough to do a coffee table and an end table.
I wonder more about why 2000. Is there a correlation to an item worth in Fallout 3?

Last week we reported that a man had sent the folks at Bethesda over 2,000 bottle caps which he claim was for payment of Fallout 4. According to him, he believes that his bottle caps currency is valid given that the game was listed in “pre-war dollars”...

You can pick up the "pre-war dollars" throughout the game. They don't really do much, but like any other junk, they're assigned a value in caps. I guess he took the preorder value of the game, treated it as pre-war dollars and converted it to caps?

Although the pre-war dollars are worth so little in the game, I'd think he had the conversion rate the wrong way around.

God, I'm such a dork. :eek:

EDIT:Nevermind. Sounds like he just sent everything he had.
All this news about Fallout 4 has driven me to pick up Fallout 3. Because, even though all the talk about it leads me to believe it's my kind of game... I've never even sniffed it.

VATS is friggin' wicked!
Yeah, especially when you put on a pair of brass knuckles, sneak up behind a guy, use VATs with a punch.... and the guy explodes...


Yeah, I was a little confused when a single shot from my 10mm decapitated a Vault 101 security officer. I've heard the artistic license with science only expands with time... probably confirmed with report that I'm hearing from my geeked friends that I will experience something called a "nuclear catapult" for the first time.
I kind of hated VATS.

Bethesda couldn't be bothered to create decent FPS mechanics, so they just threw a 'click here and watch a movie' menu screen at it.
I kind of hated VATS.

Bethesda couldn't be bothered to create decent FPS mechanics, so they just threw a 'click here and watch a movie' menu screen at it.

I didn't mind it. Aside from people exploding after being punched, the play style I enjoyed was stealthy. I'd pick off who I could with the "movie" mode and then when I screwed up... the bigger gun would come out and it got real. There were moments that were exciting, especially from a distance when the headshot you are going for is below 50% chance, knowing that if you missed at least 5 raiders would be coming at you. Then when that bullet whizzed by his head, the oh **** moment was at hand.

I'll take that movie-like cut scene any day. It made Skyrim so much more enjoyable for me as well.
I kind of hated VATS.

Bethesda couldn't be bothered to create decent FPS mechanics, so they just threw a 'click here and watch a movie' menu screen at it.

I'm not sure about that-- it seems to be more a callback to the probablistic/RPG system of the previous games (which I have at least dabbled in). And honestly, I don't hit everything I point a gun at in real life. A 50% chance to hit something in the head actually seems a bit high for anything further than 30 yards. :p

If I want to play an RPG with good FPS mechanics, I have Mass Effect. Well, the parts of Mass Effect between Mako road trips.
IMO it just felt clunky as ****.

However, D3 is friggin' awesome.

Lvl 48 and 3rd time through Pandemonium fortress Lvl 1 because I keep quitting halfway through to do stupid parent stuff and what not. I'm seriously like an hour from beating it and just can't get it done.

I kind of hated VATS.

Bethesda couldn't be bothered to create decent FPS mechanics, so they just threw a 'click here and watch a movie' menu screen at it.

I get what you're saying, but I at least appreciate the fact that they made it optional to use. There is some reasonable strategy to using VATS, as @TheCADJockey mentioned. I employed the stealth technique as well, and it was pretty enjoyable. Plus, allowing both methods (VATS and FPS) without forcing either makes the game more accessible to a wider crowd.
You're welcome.

Hurry up and get your ass beat by Malthael. Then once you do and you hit max level, buy a six pack, send the girls away and I'll log on and we can get drunk and farm mad sick loot brah.

I'm sure he'll be stupid easy... bosses always were punks in Diablo. Elite packs were the worst. And barely even that in D2... I think the only people that ever got killed were barbs that would actually whirlwind in 2 dangerous areas of CS runs. Hit with the curse that caused all physical dmg that you inflicted to be applied to yourself.

1 shot.

Oh, and the occasional Quill Rat while PvPing, down to ~0 health, random quill rat shot KO. That was always hilarious, but I rarely didn't juv in PvP, so... I never died really.
It has been a while for me but, it seems that BL1 and BL2 at least gave you time to explore a section cleared. If you left and came back, sure the area re-populated. But so long as you stayed in the area either it stayed clear or very few respawns appeared. In TPS it seems you barely have any time to look around before the entire area respawns at the original rate. Gun geometery seems lacking in TPS too.

I feel the same way. I'm on TVHM right now about half way through. Just not overly impressed. I don't find the missions to be all that fun in this one. Thought the narration the second time through is funny. I hope the DLCs are good. What I liked about BL2 is farming bosses with a few buddies. TPS doesn't seem to have that as much.
I'm on the edge of my seat waiting on the Mad Max game. Haven't had an open-world auto combat game since... Interstate 76, which I desperately wish they'd do a re-make of.
(Warning: Super long post geeking out over ESO pvp fun time, nothing more)

Tired as hell today...

Stayed up much too late last night because I couldn't turn off Elder Scrolls. I went to Cyrodiil (pvp) to screw around on my nighblade archer/dual wield a little bit when I got tired of questing. Our alliance was dominating, which is quite rare, so I was able to fast travel further than normal. At one point, I found a dungeon I had never seen and decided to go in and investigate. Once I was in there, I killed a few spiders and realized they were respawning too fast for me to solo much further by myself, safely at least.

I found a safe spot in the corner of the cave and started inspecting my map for somewhere to go next, when I started hearing wolves howling. It was more than one and it was quite frequent and getting closer. I stealthed and tucked into a dark corner behind a mining cart and waited. Two enemy werewolves came barreling down the mine shaft smashing and eating spiders. They were both level 45 with pvp titles, I was level 35 and it was my first time really doing anything worthwhile.

Long story, not so short... I kept my distance and trailed them through the mine to the end. They attacked the champion (boss) at the end of the mine, I waited a few seconds, then launched a volley of arrows into the corner they were in then jump in with flailing swords. One dropped immediately and the other made a valiant attempt, but died soon after.

It was a dick move, sure.. but that is what pvp is about right? I hadn't had a beer all day, I was getting antsy.

That was just the tip of the iceberg for me last night. Immediately after my hasty escape from the mine, since I am sure waiting around would've welcomed a gruesome revenge... I headed to a quest I had in a nearby town I had never seen. When I got there, there was an enemy dragonknight (lvl 46) talking to the captain I needed to speak with. Funk that. Ambush, stab, stab, cut, nerding out, dead. My quest sucker. Pay attention next time. As I ran around this little town trying to complete quests, I came across a pair of other rogues hiding out, picking off enemy players. I ended up staying there with them until midnight, just abusing people trying to quest. We were even extremely out numbered at times and still came out on top. I finally found people that play as rude as I do to hang out with.

I recorded about half of the brutality of the night, and trimmed it down, removing the parts where we berated their corpses and sat around bs'ing until the next group came to try and move us along. I'll piece them together and upload them to youtube tonight if anyone here is interested in seeing some of the fun. However, I did miss the werewolf slaying in the mine. Unfortunately. I was quite proud of that moment.

I thought this was appropriate at least...

I was running through some Ayleid cave last night after having a few beers, just killing skeletons. As I was rifling through books on the shelves to see if any would give me an upgrade to a skill, just opening and closing them real quick... the ingredient hallertau hops caught my eye and I found this little gem.

For anyone interested, recorded a clip funking around killing people trying to quest in ESO. Still trying to figure out how to use the PS4 sharefactory so the video is not the greatest.
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