The scourges of summer: heavy girls in bikinis and flip flops

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Just an old guy
HBT Supporter
May 2, 2008
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Watertown, CT
OK, rant time. So I headed to the beach this past weekend. My wife and I were given to the usual summertime shakes of the head each time a heavy girl walked by in a tiny little bikini.

At what point did some women consider this a good look? Your belly should not protrude over the bottom of the bikini. Your boobs should not be looking as if they're about to make a run for it. Try a little modesty for cripes sake. It's more attractive.

Now this is not a rant against heavy women. My wife is not skinny, nor is she fat. She's a woman with meat on her bones who knows a bikini is not the best look for her.

Sometime in the past few years it became the 'in' thing for women, young girls mostly, to have some sort of spare tire going on. I don't get it. When I was in high school, that's the last thing girls wanted. Now it's like a goal to have such a thing. I don't get it.

And flip-flops, what's the deal with those damn things? For the beach, fine. But everywhere else, ugh. Fortunately for my sanity, podiatrists rail against them as quite possibly the worst thing for your feet this side of going barefoot. I have flip-flops (the kind that fasten over top of your foot; I hate having something between my toes) but I wear them for the beach and maybe around the house a bit. I don't wear them to the store, to church, to a social engagement.

Some things I just don't understand. :(
I dont think its that the girls want that spare tire look. They just think that they are hot no matter what. I am amazed at what some people will wear.

As far as the flip flops, I hate wearing them. I have a pair that I wear when I go to a pool and on the beach and that's really all they get used for. Damn near every single one of my friends on the other hand wears pretty much nothing else. My wife especially. I think she must have 20 different pairs and colors of them and will wear nothing else when she is not at work durring the summer.
Ick, I share your pain! I was just on the Outer Banks this past week, and EWWWWW. Saw waaaay too many women who didn't belong in bikinis wearing them. I'm all for people being comfortable with their bodies, but, seriously, I don't need to see skin/stomach flaps.

Granted, I'm not saved from seeing men with big bellies (or boobs for that matter)...:cross:... but yeah, it does seem like half the girls between 13 and 18 have their freshmen 15 beer gut already.

I recognize that I look best in a tankini/skirt thingy. I wish others could do the same. Of course, I'm also shocked when I see girls between the ages of 14 and 19 wearing tarty spaghetti strap dresses that plop their boobs out for half the world, and they wear these things around their families. Boo.
Thanks Ed....I'm gonna go throw up now..........

flip flops I wear anytime I wear shorts, which is basically anytime I'm not at work....but the big girl bikini thing I'm totally with you
So ya don't like to see the big girls in the teenie-weenie-polka-dot-bikini's huh?


Not too fond of the flip-flops? Ooooh You're gonna love these;


and I hate to break it to ya' but the only people who think walking barefoot is bad for the feet are the ones selling shoes. Now a days, science and medicin are taking a flip. Now there are whole communities of people who call themselves "Foot Nudists".

I think it all started in LA.
and I hate to break it to ya' but the only people who think walking barefoot is bad for the feet are the ones selling shoes. Now a days, science and medicin are taking a flip. Now there are whole communities of people who call themselves "Foot Nudists".

I think it all started in LA.

There is also some groups of people that believe they will be saved when they drink the magic punch.
Not just bikinis at the beach. Yesterday, I was stopping by my car's mechanic to pay for an oil change. In walks a girl, about 18, chunky, and wearing a teeny tiny top with boobs all plopping out in the front over her gut, and capri pants strained out in front like the stomach was going to burst through at any moment.

Um, yeah. Very sexy.
There is also some groups of people that believe they will be saved when they drink the magic punch.

True, but the argument can be made that footwear is inhibiting the bipedal transport system that we evolved over a few hundred thousand years.....
But the argument can also be made that we didn't evolve :D

Not that I actually believe that though
Who's to blame here? The heavier women for wearing the suits or the bathing suit companies for making them? I wonder if they charge more for bikinis that require 3x the material?

And why stop at just the swimwear? In Lewes, DE this weekend I couldn't get over the sheer amount of bellies popping out from the so called "belly shirts". You'd have thought the beach was a bakery with all of the muffin tops out there.
mmmmmm Flip flops! I was sent home from work a few years ago because I was wearing sandals at work. I can understand that! They said it was a safety issue, but I knew darned well that nobody wanted to see my damned ugly feet. No complaints there.......So I went home and took nearly an hour to "find" the appropriate footwear. By "find" I mean I sat on my ass for half an hour.

The whole point was, I was running the machine that day. All the part timers had to wait until I got back. They all earned a well appreciated extra hour that day because of my fookin ugly feet. ;)
I used to have a pair of Tevas when I was younger. I loved those things. I wouldn't consider the flip flops because they do have support in them.
I don't think Tevas are flip flops... flip flops are open backed sandals that "flip and flop" when you walk... tevas are sandals that are secured to your foot by a bunch of straps.
Meh, not really any of my business if they are happy with how they look. They can wear what they want, It's not like people's bodies are public property. Personally, I think 90% of what people wear in the name fashion is ridiculous but if it makes them happy, more power to them.
I wear flip flops or nothing as often as I can.

Not in the lab today, so I think I'll wear my flip flops to work.

For me, they're 10000 times more comfortable than wearing shoes. So, I don't care if you don't like it.
True, but the argument can be made that footwear is inhibiting the bipedal transport system that we evolved over a few hundred thousand years.....
Yes, and it could be argued that cell phones and the Internet have seriously put a crimp in the grunts and smoke signals once used to communicate. ;)

I'll agree that people don't walk nearly enough but I can't see footwear as a regression. Hell, I was told to wear supportive sneakers as much as possible because I had back surgery. Seems like a great idea.

For me, they're 10000 times more comfortable than wearing shoes. So, I don't care if you don't like it.
I don't care if you don't care that I don't like it. It was just a rant. :)

And another thing, why are the women in my office allowed to wear flip-flops to work but I get reamed if I deign to wear a golf shirt with my pants.
I feel your pain. I work at a grocery store and there is nothing worse than seeing the "heavy" women in tube tops, bikini tops, or spandex. I hear them every day bitching about how long the store is and oh my god my feet hurt these flip flops have no support.
But yet here they are getting 5 bags of Dorito's, cheese puffs and whatever other junk food. Dont forget tho....For every 2 bags of chips 1 case of Diet pop!!!

At any rate, Never figured out how the pop equaled out the chips or how these women think tight clothes or less clothes look better on them...... Eck...... :mad:
And another thing, why are the women in my office allowed to wear flip-flops to work but I get reamed if I deign to wear a golf shirt with my pants.

By all means, show up some day in a skirt and flip-flops. If your manager complains then sue for discrimination.

Doesn't bother me so much. However, my peave is ANYONE who wears enough perfume/cologne that you can smell them 2 doors down. On teh way in today a car passed me by, decent enough looking woman, windows up, but I could STILL smell her perfume. Geesh!

I like perfume on women, it's sexy when it's soft and intimate (meaning you'd have to be up close and personal to smell it). From 20 foot away it's repulsive!

Our office has a no shorts policy. Yet, most of the women still wear "Capri's" cause they are "technically" not shorts. BS I say. If I wore pants that stopped mid-calf theyd be shorts but put them on a chic and they are Capri's.

One of these days, when I am ready to move on, I plan on coming into office wearing capris and a vee neck shirt that cuts so low you can see my navel. that seems to be the trend here. Especially with the big girls. And this is a public office.
why are the women in my office allowed to wear flip-flops to work but I get reamed if I deign to wear a golf shirt with my pants.

They get paid less, so it's a wash :p

no, seriously I don't know....probably for the same reason women in the workplace can wear long hair and earrings without a word as to their appearance and a man with the same will be ridiculed......or maybe you just don't show enough cleavage
By all means, show up some day in a skirt and flip-flops. If your manager complains then sue for discrimination.

Doesn't bother me so much. However, my peave is ANYONE who wears enough perfume/cologne that you can smell them 2 doors down. On teh way in today a car passed me by, decent enough looking woman, windows up, but I could STILL smell her perfume. Geesh!

I like perfume on women, it's sexy when it's soft and intimate (meaning you'd have to be up close and personal to smell it). From 20 foot away it's repulsive!

Our office has a no shorts policy. Yet, most of the women still wear "Capri's" cause they are "technically" not shorts. BS I say. If I wore pants that stopped mid-calf theyd be shorts but put them on a chic and they are Capri's.

One of these days, when I am ready to move on, I plan on coming into office wearing capris and a vee neck shirt that cuts so low you can see my navel. that seems to be the trend here. Especially with the big girls. And this is a public office.

You sure you want to do that?
I'm in the navy. I love the summer whites on a woman. They are so see through that if they aren't wearing the grannies (as per regulation). You can see the beav with no effort. However, you guys need to watch Carlos Mencia "No Strings Attatched". He has a rant about all of this and it is hilarious.
I'm in the navy. I love the summer whites on a woman. They are so see through that if they aren't wearing the grannies (as per regulation). You can see the beav with no effort. However, you guys need to watch Carlos Mencia "No Strings Attatched". He has a rant about all of this and it is hilarious.

While I haven't heard this particular rant, I have heard a bunch of his material and I stand by my opinion that Carlos Mencia is not funny. He doesn't offend me, he's just really not funny. Just sayin'. ymmv :)
If I am not at work, mowing the grass, or playing a sport, I am barefoot inside or wearing flip flops outside.
I wore the same pair of flip flops for 3 years in college year 'round. Winter hell yes. I didn't care. I wasn't outside much walking from my car to class. Lived on OU's Campus and drove to Hocking.
If I am not at work, mowing the grass, or playing a sport, I am barefoot inside or wearing flip flops outside.
I wore the same pair of flip flops for 3 years in college year 'round. Winter hell yes. I didn't care. I wasn't outside much walking from my car to class. Lived on OU's Campus and drove to Hocking.
Cripes man! EVERYONE at OU wore flip flops 24/7/365! I remember (kinda) the partys there.... ahhhh those were the days. Have you ever heard of a place somewhere down there in BFE called the "Foxhole"?
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Travis Bickle. :p
And yes I had to Google Travis Bickle
I was -6 years old :)
Cripes man! EVERYONE at OU wore flip flops 24/7/365! I remember (kinda) the partys there.... ahhhh those were the days. Have you ever heard of a place somewhere down there in BFE called the "Foxhole"?
Never heard of the foxhole. Athens or Nelsonville?
Also, in full disclosure I am currently wearing flip-flops. Like 2" sole and reasonable arch support flip-flops, but flip-flops none the less. **ducks**

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