The scourges of summer: heavy girls in bikinis and flip flops

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I see he's in ID, OU could mean Oklahoma or Oregon to him. Could be Ohio University though.

I was born and lived in Ohio for the majority of my life so far. A lot of my friends went to Ohio University in Athens, including my best friend who would throw many parties in my honor - including my bachelor party, where we ended up at "The Foxhole". I have NO friggin clue where it was! I actually think it might have been in WV - like I said before... memory very, very fuzzy that night. Anyways... if you have ever seen the movie "Porky's" it was EXACTLY like that from the outside. Long, bumpy, dirt roads through the deep woods opening up to a perverse, neon glow that beckoned like a siren on the shores of Anthemusa.

I am forever scarred.
I hate to wear anything but flip flops. but that could be my huge aversion to socks taking over my life.
At the beach or in a tourist-y area, I can tolerate flip flops. But when I see someone, especially a guy, wearing flip flops in an urban area, I want to smack them.

I will admit that I own a pair of sandles (sorry folks, hide behind the straps all you want - they're flip flops), but I only wear them when going to the beach or a pool.

As for the heavy set ladies and bikinis. There should be a law. Whatever happened to the one-piece? Christ.

I was at Outter Banks last week myself.

Sure wish I would have know you were there, I would have bought you & HWMBO a beer or 3.
At the beach or in a tourist-y area, I can tolerate flip flops. But when I see someone, especially a guy, wearing flip flops in an urban area, I want to smack them.

you really wouldn't like any coastal SoCal city if that's the case.
Are Tevas considered flip-flops?

I like my Tevas a lot, do not wear them all the time, but consider them a warm weather treat...

I have a pair of Tevas and whilst they are comfortable.. I wear them only when taking out the trash or when I step out the back door to bbq.

I don't consider them shoes and refuse to wear them outside.

My gf likes flipflops and I forbid her to wear them when we are out together. She is allowed to wear them to/from the gym and around the apartment. Thats it.

As for fat chicks in tiny bathing suites... thats just plain disgusting. I've got a nice little/big (depending on who's looking) belly... but I don't advertise that **** except at home.

I was at Outter Banks last week myself.

Sure wish I would have know you were there, I would have bought you & HWMBO a beer or 3.

D'oh! Bummer - I should have posted that we would be in the area! :(
Hope you had a good time while you were there..:)
My gf likes flipflops and I forbid her to wear them when we are out together. She is allowed to wear them to/from the gym and around the apartment. Thats it.

Oh, that sounds like a relationship made in heaven, right there. :rolleyes:

I can't even imagine El Hubbo attempting to "forbid" me wearing anything. I do what I want, he does what he wants. Sometimes he asks me for advice on dressy clothes and I oblige. Otherwise, I keep an eye on his wardrobe and buy him pieces here and there. It's what I do, and it's about respect.

As for fat girls and skimpy clothes, I think it's their choice. I don't have to agree when I see some horrible fashion faux pas, but I'm not going to ridicule them. If I don't like it, I look somewhere else. I don't feel that heavier women should wear burkkas and come out only at night. Again, I feel it is only their business.

My only real complaint is when teeny-boppers (ages 11-16) wear overtly revealing clothing. Their parents should be slapped. Who the hell wants some pedophile oogling their child who is dressed as a whore?
Oh, that sounds like a relationship made in heaven, right there. :rolleyes:

That is the ONLY thing I ask of my GF.. so is that too much too ask?

No trailer park flip flops unless to/from gym or around apt.

We don't live in a trailer, we don't get a TV spot on "Cops" on a regular basis and we can afford something more than 99c at the dollar store for a pair of shoes.

I don't think I'm out of line wanting my woman to look just a hair better than trailer trash.
My only real complaint is when teeny-boppers (ages 11-16) wear overtly revealing clothing. Their parents should be slapped. Who the hell wants some pedophile oogling their child who is dressed as a whore?

The worst is the girls that wear makeup and "sexy" clothes that actually do make them look older. They can look totally different one day to the next. The head-turner one day will turn into a little girl the next. Are they actively trying to get older guys to meet chris hansen? I had a friend almost get tricked once. He actually picked her up for a date and she was in the car before he realized how old she was. "OK, you're going back home..."

And yes, their parents should be slapped into slapping their kids.
The worst is the girls that wear makeup and "sexy" clothes that actually do make them look older. They can look totally different one day to the next. The head-turner one day will turn into a little girl the next. Are they actively trying to get older guys to meet chris hansen? I had a friend almost get tricked once. He actually picked her up for a date and she was in the car before he realized how old she was. "OK, you're going back home..."

And yes, their parents should be slapped into slapping their kids.

Yeah. And little girls aren't so "little" anymore either.

I am so glad to have spawned boys. But, I know that is not entirely a saving grace. Saddest bit is, my best bud has a girl so it'a high probability she'll be the experiment. Uggg.
The worst is the girls that wear makeup and "sexy" clothes that actually do make them look older. They can look totally different one day to the next. The head-turner one day will turn into a little girl the next. Are they actively trying to get older guys to meet chris hansen? I had a friend almost get tricked once. He actually picked her up for a date and she was in the car before he realized how old she was. "OK, you're going back home..."

And yes, their parents should be slapped into slapping their kids.

he he.. How long was she in the car??

Seriously, a friend and I have had this conversation before. Is it bra technology that has "advanced" the appearance, or is it the growth hormones they are putting in the milk nowadays?
Girls are definitely taller than they used to be, but I think it's mostly clothes that add curves and makeup that makes them look like street walkers.

He met her on his bike the day before. Then got her number. Then picked her up the next day. He got in the car and took off and then "noticed" and asked her age. I don't know if he noticed because of her attitude or what, but he said she looked completely different than the day before.

Once she told him her age (she said 17, so I'm guessing 15), he immediately drove her back. I thought it was pretty funny, as I have often seen similar girls in Oakland/Berkeley...usually mexican girls travelling in small groups. They're easier to spot in large groups, it's when they are by themselves that you have to get close and check it out.

If you think they are lying about their age, give them quizzes on early 90s music.
That is the ONLY thing I ask of my GF.. so is that too much too ask?

No trailer park flip flops unless to/from gym or around apt.

We don't live in a trailer, we don't get a TV spot on "Cops" on a regular basis and we can afford something more than 99c at the dollar store for a pair of shoes.

I don't think I'm out of line wanting my woman to look just a hair better than trailer trash.
Oh my lord ... women (and men) wearing too-tight, too-revealing, unflattering clothes is a MEGA pet peeve of mine.

After having two kids in less than two years, my figure is not what it used to be ... but I am fully aware of that, and I try to dress in ways that are flattering and play up the good, rather than exposing the bad. It astonishes me that so many young women apparently missed out on this lesson! (I guess they also skipped the class on how having your bra straps showing is mega-tacky ... another big pet peeve of mine.)

And as for little girls and some of the clothes they wear -- don't even get me started. I about had a heart attack the other day when I was driving down a major road and saw a bunch of middle-school age girls wearing skimpy swimsuits and holding signs for a car wash. I'm sure every pervert in the city was beside himself with delight. I only have boys (so far), but if we have a daughter, she'll be wearing a full-body wetsuit if she participates in something like that!
Middle school??? I mean, I can kind of understand high school car washes, cuz high school students actually drive and it wouldn't be JUST perverts, but middle school!?

Actually, I only approve of high school car washes when they are performed by women in their 20s. Like Eliza Dushku.

I'm guessin if he's that worried, they live across the street form the trailor park in the double wide "neighborhood".

I don't know where you make the connection with flip flops and trailor parks though. I would say more along the lines Very expensive basketball shoes and Brand new Camaros coupled with a welfare check and no dinner that night.
Middle school??? I mean, I can kind of understand high school car washes, cuz high school students actually drive and it wouldn't be JUST perverts, but middle school!?

Well, that was just a guess, but they certainly didn't look older than 11-12 to me.

And actually, my husband won't even go to car washes held by local high school girls, because he doesn't want to look like a "dirty old man" (at 32!). He went to that HS, and he wants to support it, but he said he also feels like it would be inappropriate to have, say, the HS cheerleaders washing his car. (I have no objections to that line of reasoning ... I'm just as happy to have him wash his car himself, LOL!)
Yep, apparently my Ph.D education is synonymous with living in a trailer park because of what I have on my feet. Man, I learn something new everyday. Now I gotta go home and pack up the stuff out of my nice apartment complex, 'cause I've been living in the wrong place all this time!
Meh. So he thinks his girl looks trashy when she wears flip flops...what's the big deal?

Any woman I dated would entirely object to me wearing flip flops with tube socks and shorts and would not want me to go out with her like that. Why is this different?
Well, that was just a guess, but they certainly didn't look older than 11-12 to me.

And actually, my husband won't even go to car washes held by local high school girls, because he doesn't want to look like a "dirty old man" (at 32!). He went to that HS, and he wants to support it, but he said he also feels like it would be inappropriate to have, say, the HS cheerleaders washing his car. (I have no objections to that line of reasoning ... I'm just as happy to have him wash his car himself, LOL!)

Or you could dress up in a swimsuit and wash his car FOR him...give him a special treat and he doesn't have to feel like a dirty old man.

Just saying. ;)
Well, that was just a guess, but they certainly didn't look older than 11-12 to me.

And actually, my husband won't even go to car washes held by local high school girls, because he doesn't want to look like a "dirty old man" (at 32!). He went to that HS, and he wants to support it, but he said he also feels like it would be inappropriate to have, say, the HS cheerleaders washing his car. (I have no objections to that line of reasoning ... I'm just as happy to have him wash his car himself, LOL!)

Not to mention if you would go to one of those, you'd just have to go home and wash your car again anyway. There more concerned with having fun and spraying each other (which is awesome if you're also in highschool) than actually washing your car decently for the money.
Yep, not even a decent car wash. They are selling their bodies as entertainment at that young age. Well, I guess if that's what we want to teach our young women about how to work in this world :rolleyes:
We don't live in a trailer, we don't get a TV spot on "Cops" on a regular basis and we can afford something more than 99c at the dollar store for a pair of shoes.

I don't think I'm out of line wanting my woman to look just a hair better than trailer trash.

My Flip flops cost 40 dollars. slightly more than 99c ;)
I have a pair of Tevas and whilst they are comfortable.. I wear them only when taking out the trash or when I step out the back door to bbq.

I don't consider them shoes and refuse to wear them outside.

I just wonder how many perfectly good pairs of Tevas are held in the dark, against their will, like that...:)
Fat girls in spaghetti string bikini's I can deal with.

Fat girls in flip-flops showing foot muffin tops is where I draw the line!
I've been puzzling about the females around here. What I think happens is around 17, two or three BFF merge like slime molds into one Plus-3. There is no other explanation for the total lack of women over 18 and under 300 lbs.
We had a BALL!!!

We stayed with a friend of mine part of the time right across frm the Wright Bros Museum, literally, across the street, then we camped for a few night on Ocracroke.

Drank too much much beer, Went to OBX brewing & the Weeping Raddish. Ate too much seafood. Got surnburned.

It was great, I love the OBX.
so this thread got me really wondering about the acceptability of flipflops in everyday life. Today I decided to undertake a very informal experiment and count how many people I saw wearing flipflops compared to people not wearing flipflops. now I'm a (older) college student so a lot of people I see are going to and from class. not to a job. unless you are jimmy buffett it's pretty hard to get away with wearing flipflops to work. but I see a LOT of people everyday in a non-work, casual, situation and the ratio of flipflops to shoes very very very easily exceeded 20:1 and that was before I got tired of counting! just thought i'd point that out.
some of the women here wear flip flops sometimes, but i am behind the double doors so none for. Not to mention I apparently work in the freezer that we call the Service Department so I'm pretty sure my toes would fall off anyway! But as soon as I get home, unless yard work or other outdoor activity is planned, Shoes and socks come off and venturing outside the rest of the day warrants flip flops. Weekends? Shoes not even thought about.
socks, flip-flops, capris, and a tank top. I'M READY FO SUMMA!!!!!!!! :D

Now without THESE your not!

Just in response to the flip-flops at work debate...

My wife's cousin, who works in financial services (on a trading desk) was asked to cease wearing his spurs to work after he visted Texas. He lives in Boston.

True story.