Outside of homebrewing, what do you guys do?

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I play bass. I like designing and developing websites (as long as I have control). I love to garden. I enjoy building things (built my bar, some built-ins, etc). I enjoy board games (Lords of Waterdeep, Smallworld, etc).

For work, I do stuff for a place and that's all I can tell you. ;)
there is only one hobby beyond brewing. I've caught about a dozen largemouth bass and a nice 'hand sized' bluegill in the past 3 days :)

Oh - and soccer - pick up match Friday
there is only one hobby beyond brewing. I've caught about a dozen largemouth bass and a nice 'hand sized' bluegill in the past 3 days :)

Oh - and soccer - pick up match Friday

Yes! I've been slamming smallies and crappies on lunch breaks about a mile from work the past couple days! Seems like lots of us homebrewers are fisherman! Tight lines!
I sell big ass metal buildings to pay the bills and I actually like my job.

It supports my shotgun sports, hunting, fishing, gardening, and my free spending red headed wife.

Just getting into this Grand Dad thing and think it is gonna be a blast.

Have no idea why I brew, I seldom drink...hard to explain the two beers and 12 gallons of wine that are fermenting in my office. Wife says it's better than strip clubs or red sports cars....and she does drink, so what does she know?!
I used to be a comic-book collector, but now I am more of a comic-book seller.

I design and build custom pcb's and sensors for industrial lines.

Apart from brewing, I have a decent size garden, play too many pc games and forage and fish, mostly for perch/northern pike.
Hoping to do a Lapland trip this year to get me some salmon.
I'm a metal fusion engineer.

I sit on a chair, stare at a screen, press buttons and push a plastic thingy around on my desk. They pay me to do that.

Besides that and brewing, I signed up for classes in order to get a hunting license. It's bit more involved in this country than in the US, so if I'm lucky, I'll get my license in about a year from now.
Early Bronco rock crawler, guns, fishing and my boat take most of my free time and $, but I have pretty severe hobby ADD and dabble in a ton of activities intermittently.
I seem to collect a lot of man toys.

At work I drive a cop car around all night while thinking about my hobbies.
I ride the So-cal party boats catching dinner or find a few dumb trout. otherwise just the honey do list and making envelopes!
For work I'm an estimator/apprentice/manager for a mechanical insulation company.
For fun I'm the Commissioner and Venture adviser for the 1st Westside Scouts. I like to drink my beer, cook, make sausage, jerky, real BBQ, grow veggies, play in the bush with and without guns.
I'm also a certified card carrying dirt spoon operator for my gold panning expeditions.
I design machines that make diapers....super exciting.

I love to tinker and build things. I enjoy woodworking and landscaping. I also like to cook and obviously I like to homebrew and built the equipment that goes along with homebrewing. I'm also recently married and the wife wants a baby, so that's a fun hobby of mine right now too. :)
For work, I am a product/process development engineer for a specialty technical company. And I have a small dairy farm (goats) which takes up most of the remaining time. I am also on the BOD of a non-profit organization.

Beyond that I read, play guitar, try to keep up with house repairs.

I used to fish (now I farm), I used to golf (now I farm), I used to have vacations (you get the point...)
I design machines that make diapers....super exciting.

I love to tinker and build things. I enjoy woodworking and landscaping. I also like to cook and obviously I like to homebrew and built the equipment that goes along with homebrewing. I'm also recently married and the wife wants a baby, so that's a fun hobby of mine right now too. :)

Making babies was one of my favorite hobbies too!

Actually Banana-man is doing it now. :ban:
I work in the Quality Control department of the sole global supplier or commercial airline door locks and seals, but the company really pissed me off a while back, so I've basically been signing all the defective parts off as "good to go" for years...

Just kidding. Most of my career I was a purification development scientist for a biotech company, then I realized I could "cross train" in the fermentation side of the business by getting into homebrewing. I now work on the business side of the business. Which means I get to sit in my office and post on HBT all day. It's pretty sweet.
Currently I'm a data analyst for a procurement company, but I just finished a master's degree in research psychology, so I'm trying to move my career in that direction.

For other hobbies I like to work on my bicycle, rock climb, play guitar, make bleach shirts, and as of a month ago plan my wedding.
On top of shooting people up with Radiation, I also am married with 2 lil girls who also like to fish with me. I'm into both Fresh and Saltwater fishing, most of my fishing is by freediving and spearfishing. When the surf is up, I surf with friends or my oldest brother. I love smoking fish and meats, hiking, mountain biking, or chillin' with my dog drinking my homebrews.
Mostly read HBT...
Plus I've got a 19 month old boy, and a girl due in July, so that takes up most of my free time (thankfully!).
I'm a Location Sound Mixer by day, which is freelance, which is great and not so great at the same time.
I play saxophones (Bari and Tenor) as well as Bass Guitar.
I race R/C cars (1/10 Onroad TC mostly).
I'm starting to get into Quadcopters (250/280 size).

I guess that's my work/hobby life in a nutshell...
Lawyer/CPA for money.

I camp (if you still call it camping when you have A/C, a full sized shower and a microwave in your rig...I tented before kids were born). I fish, but not seriously. Just bought a guitar in February, so I basically can play (very slowly) the intro to Take it Easy, over and over over again. I also really like cigars but have much to learn about them.
I'm mostly retired, but still work in healthcare at times. I have a new part of that- teaching classes on falling (specifically how not to) for elderly people for about 16 classes scheduled this year.

I hunt, fish, hike, kayak, camp, boat, make soap, garden a little, travel, and many other things. I brew and make wine a little, too. :D
I work in a veterinary hospital, but I do a lot of things including managing our social media, fix computer glitches, inventory, and try to make sure people are doing their jobs. Aside from that I like camping, fishing, mountain biking, cigars, and I play chess quite a lot.
I work in a veterinary hospital, but I do a lot of things including managing our social media, fix computer glitches, inventory, and try to make sure people are doing their jobs. Aside from that I like camping, fishing, mountain biking, cigars, and I play chess quite a lot.

I forgot chess. You and I could certainly hang out.
Im a chef and an inkeeper at my own B&B. But i love mountain biking and racing. Brewing making cheese, breads, cured meats, traveling and mountain sports of all sorts but every year I try to learn something new.
for money - Engineer; currently wasting my talent on construction scheduling.

for fun - Parenting, restorodding a car & shooting/archery/hunting are the big ones outside of brewing/winemaking, but I do a bunch of other stuff like making jerky, working on/playing guitars; I've been building a 12 string LP on/off for the past year.. hope to finish it by September, after that I'll be building some stratocaster triplets, that will probably take me a freaking decade at the pace I go. I like to build things, I don't care what they are, I want to get more into welding & coffee roasting now... you know because I don't have enough hobbies already.
I need to make an addition, I recently started playing guitar. It is a cheap Rogue, bit I did replace the strings with Martin custom hybrid lights. The guitar does not sound too bad, my playing on the other hand. My daughter is my biggest fan, she is 4 and could care less how I sound and I will take that all day long.
I need to make an addition, I recently started playing guitar. It is a cheap Rogue, bit I did replace the strings with Martin custom hybrid lights. The guitar does not sound too bad, my playing on the other hand. My daughter is my biggest fan, she is 4 and could care less how I sound and I will take that all day long.

Doesn't matter what you play as long as you play. My son is my biggest fan, he loves to hear me sing; he's 9 months old and already tone deaf.
Work in healthcare but non-clinical administrative helpful support jack of all semi-usefulness person. I dig helping those who help others and making their days easier, just don't ask me to help the patients directly, I suck at it.

Pickling things. Only been doing that for a little while so haven't tried too many different things yet. So far shallots, jalapenos and quail eggs are a big hit. So between pickling and brewing our tiny apartment kitchen is always a disaster. We're running out of space for my "experiments".

Rock climbing, mostly indoors but have done some outdoors in Vietnam and some ice climbing in Ontario. But fallen off the wagon, super busy and our favourite gym is an hour away. It's hard to get back into a regular routine but I miss it.

Used to play guitar and bass, but fell out of it, was never that good but enjoyed it for a while. That phase is over for me, gave most of my gear to my nephew.

Video games for relaxing when I don't feel like working on any other pet projects (SO says way too much but really only manage an hour a week right now at best :p)

3 cats. One of whom is always always always underfoot.
I work in civil engineering to pay for my hobbies. Besides that, I am into compeditiive shooting (mostly USPSA, but I also shoot trap occasionally and am probably going to get into 3gun in the near future), backpacking, hunting, and fishing. I'm also a no talent hack musician. Been playing bass for about 20 years, but I took the d string off my bass a few months ago to make a snare for the damn fox that was killing all my chickens... Haven't replaced it yet